Olavo de Carvalho: Joseph McCarthy a greșit doar prin exces de prudență

În anii ’50 a existat acel episod al senatorului Joseph McCarthy, care a fost transformat într-un fel de monstru deși niciodată nu a arestat pe nimeni. Chiar și acei puțini comuniști care au fost închiși pentru lipsă de respect față de tribunal și care au avut pedepse minime, nici unul dintre ei nu a fost băgat la închisoare de Comisia McCarthy, ci de o cu totul altă comisie ce ținea ce Camera Reprezentanților, nu de Senat.
Joseph McCarthy a spus că existau, în cele mai înalte cercuri ale guvernului american, cîteva zeci de agenți comuniști infiltrați. El a fost demonizat pentru că a spus asta. Astăzi, după deschiderea arhivelor de la Moscova și după ce istoricii au avut acces la documentele din epocă, știm că nu erau cîteva zeci, erau cel puțin 3000. Deci Joseph McCarthy a greșit doar prin exces de prudență. Dacă citiți cartea lui Stanton Evans, Blacklisted by History, un studiu spectaculos care arată că McCarthy avea dreptate, practic, în tot ce a spus, vedeți că acesta greșit doar pentru că nu a spus mai mult. Episodul Joseph McCarthy a fost atît de bine exploatat de propaganda comunistă, încît avem și acum impresia că McCarthy, care nu a băgat pe nimeni la închisoare și nu a făcut rău nici unei muște, era un tip mai periculos ca Iosef Stalin. Persoanele de formație universitară capabile să creadă o asemenea prostie sînt infirme din punct de vedere intelectual pentru tot restul vieții lor. Simpla folosire a cuvîntului „mccarthism” ca sinonim al pesecuției politice, după ce în perioada Comisiei McCarthy 3 milioane de oameni au fost executați pentru delicte politice în URSS și China, în timp nici unul nu a suferit nici cel mai mic deranj din partea lui Joseph McCarthy, arată că vocabularul politic contemporan este bazat pe o falsificare aproape psihotică a realității.
Traducere: Anca Cernea, editare video/ text: Costin A.

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Olavo de Carvalho

Olavo de Carvalho


    2 July 2011

    Felicitari pentru deschiderea discutiei!
    Mccarthism-ul e un subiect atit de vast incit s-ar putea face sute de teze de doctorat pe tema asta. Nu le va face nimeni insa, sau cei care le vor face vor fi ignorati. Asta e lumea in care traim. Un mare erou senatorul. Si un destin ingrozitor de trist. Refugiul lui in alcool (in cazul in care nu e vorba de o alta minciuna care sa il discrediteze definitiv) il inteleg foarte bine, ca barbat, fiindca am avut si eu astfel de caderi in vremea ticalosului Ceausescu, cind adevarul nu facea doua parale:
    On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to censure Senator McCarthy by a vote of 67 to 22, making him one of the few senators ever to be disciplined in this fashion. McCarthy died in Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. The official cause of death was acute hepatitis; it is widely accepted that this was exacerbated by alcoholism.

    Pentru cei care vor sa inteleaga: cititi despre Venona Project. Dar e enorm de citit, e multa informatie si, in ziua de azi, nimeni nu mai are timp de asa ceva.

    The VENONA Project files, declassified in 1995, provided indisputable evidence that nearly all of those McCarthy accused were traitors to America. Not surprisingly, the media ignored these documents completely, instead choosing to run yet another round of anti-McCarthy propaganda. As if that wasn’t enough, in 2005 Hollywood released the greatest propaganda film since „Triumph of the Will”, an anti-McCarthy slander picture known as „Good Night and Good Luck”. Dead for fifty years, McCarthy’s body has now been tarred, feathered, crucified, cremated, and his ashes shot into space by a leftist media who cannot handle the truth of their own miserable existence. The anti-McCarthy media claims the Senator wrongly implicated many. Despite their accusations, no critic has ever brought forth a single documented case of someone being wrongly accused by McCarthy.

    List of Americans in the Venona papers

    Eu gasesc absolut scandalos ca in Romania asa-zisa elita (Plesu, stiti voi…) se complace in frivolitati, mondenitati si batalii pentru cauze meschine in loc sa preia teme de anvergura si greutatea mccarthismului sustinut de documentele Venona desecretizate acum 15 ani. Un an de zile trebuia sa scrie DILEMA VECHE numai despre asta. E o rusine nationala indolenta pretinsei elite avind in vedere prin ce am trecut si ce am indurat.

    2 July 2011

    Da, e mai corect mccarthy-ism decit cum am scris eu.

  3. calehari
    2 July 2011

    YOYOMA@1.Interventii rare, din pacate, dar foarte vizibile ! De acord cu tine!

  4. Ionut
    2 July 2011

    Foarte bun articolul, bine ca ati adus chestia asta in discutie! Ticalosii controleaza si astazi mass media asa ca versiunea lor oficiala si falsificata continua sa fie cea acceptata de aproape toata lumea. In scolile americane, la istorie se invata aceste minciuni despre McCarthy.

    Este o carte, se cheama „Blacklisted by History – The untold story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his fight against America’s enemies” de Stanton Evans.

    E una din putinele carti care spun adevarul.

    Din pacate, multi conservatori se complac si tac, nu prea incearca sa faca cunoscut adevarul cu privire la subiectul acesta. Poate ca multi din ei nici nu-l stiu, adevarul.

  5. mercenar
    2 July 2011

    Bine ca incep unii sa publice istoria adevarata despre americanii care au spus adevarul despre comunism in timpul razboiului rece, ma bucur de asta.

    Chiar si in ziua de azi, comunistii si idiotii utili care tin cu ei, mint cu nerusinare ca au fost persecutati de McCarthy si „mcCarthistyi”, cei care erau de partea lui.

    E foarte potrivit si citatul din Wikipedia, cu minciunile monstruoase care le sustine.

    „…pentru a exercita presiuni asupra unei persoane pentru ca aceasta sa adere la politicile conformiste ale momentului”. Nu zau! exact asta fac criminalii de Stanga cu corectitudinea lor politica, fac presiuni asupra tuturor oamenilor ca sa adere la politica lor conformista a momentului, prin amenintari, procese, arestari, amenzi, atacuri in presa si discreditarea celor care nu se conformeaza. Ar trebui sa incercati sa le trimiteti un email la idiotii mioritici de la wiki sa-i provocati sa dea o lista cu „numele victimelor inocente” ale „vanatoarei” din timpul acela.

    Inca o data, felicitari pentru articol si keep up the good work!

  6. Costin A.
    2 July 2011

    ‘This is the most recent installment
    of exclusive interviews with Dr.
    Paul Kengor, professor of political
    science at Grove City College in
    Grove City, Pennsylvania, as he
    continues to share snippets from
    his latest book revealing how
    communists, from Moscow to New
    York to Chicago, have long
    manipulated America’s liberals/
    progressives. Dupes: How
    America’s Adversaries Have
    Manipulated Progressives for a
    Century is a veritable buffet of
    never-before-published morsels on
    the American left. Fred Barnes calls
    Dupes “an enormously important
    book.” Big Peace’s own Peter
    Schweizer calls it the “21st century
    equivalent” to Whittaker Chambers’
    classic Witness.’

  7. Costin Andrieş
    2 July 2011

    Joe McCarthy was right all along
    Published 01/24/2013
    Diana West

    WASHINGTON, D.C. Most Europeans are unlikely to be familiar with the facts behind the American term “McCarthyism.” They probably know it describes something very bad in American politics – the “Communist witch hunts” of more than half a century ago. They may also know that simply uttering the term, like casting a spell, stops all debate cold by associating someone with the eponymous Joseph McCarthy. As the story goes, he was himself very bad. After all, he conducted those long ago “Communist witch hunts,“ ruining his name in perpetuity. This probably exhausts general knowledge.
    But here’s a secret: Most Americans know little more than this same familiar but completely false narrative. In recent years, stunning revelations from archives in Washington and Moscow have confirmed that McCarthy’s investigations – and those conducted by other officials before and after – netted not innocent and imaginary “witches,” but secret cadres of hardened Communist agents determined to bring down the American republic. Surely, this makes Joe McCarthy a great patriot and deserving “the plaudits of a grateful nation.”
    So wrote M. Stanton Evans, the consensus-smashing, revisionist biographer of McCarthy in Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies (2007). Evans was attempting to convey the significance of just one particular Soviet intelligence operation, circa 1945, that McCarthy was instrumental in bringing to light, circa 1950.

    Even a few details about this operation, named initially as the Amerasia affair after a pro-Communist journal of the day, will add a little needed context to modern-day perspective on the so-called McCarthy era.
    Amerasia’s editor, Phillip Jaffe, came under FBI surveillance in 1944 after the contents of a confidential OSS memo appeared in his magazine. (The OSS was the precursor to the CIA.) The FBI soon learned Jaffe was in possession of hundreds of stolen, secret US government documents, plus a photographic set-up. The magazine ran no photographs, so the FBI plausibly believed it had come across an active espionage operation. Further surveillance, including wire-taps, determined that Jaffe was in frequent contact with US Communist Party leader Earl Browder, Soviet “diplomats” in New York, a top Chinese Communist envoy of Mao and US diplomat John Stewart Service (home from Chiang Kai-Shek’s China, where, it later emerged, Service roomed with two leading Communist agents, Solomon Adler and Chi Chao-ting).
    On June 6, 1945, FBI agents arrested six people, including Jaffe and Service, and seized hundreds of top secret documents, many concerning military matters. An open-and-shut espionage case, it would seem.

    An open and quickly shut-down case is more like it. What followed was cover-up, perjury and grand-jury rigging by, among others, high-ranking Washington officials. Some were eager to prevent a national security scandal from engulfing the Truman White House. Others were acting to shield a far wider Communist-led conspiracy mounted by confederates inside the State Department, Treasury, White House and elsewhere in the US government, working not merely to filch secret documents but to ensure, through influence and subversion, the Communist takeover of China. These powerful forces of suppression proved overwhelming. The Amerasia case was scuttled, the scandal was buried, and, within a few years, China was Red.
    Five years later, McCarthy’s laser-beam focus on the still-festering case would be instrumental in follow-up investigations launched by both the Senate and the FBI. These massive probes yielded, as Evans notes, some 5,000 pages of Senate hearings, plus 1,000 pages of exhibits and, from the FBI, 24,000 pages of now-declassified records.
    They reveal the workings of a vast, complex influence operation, Evans writes, that “assiduously worked to guide official and public thinking, and hence the course of U.S. policy,” in this case regarding the Far East. Other such intricate influence operations, of course, targeted the West. And who was doing this dirty work of Communist-directed subversion from within? Many officials and public figures highlighted by Joseph McCarthy (among others), who, we have since learned from US and Soviet archives, were secret agents and fellow-traveling supporters of Stalin.

    McCarthy, as Evans has pointed out, threatened the blow the lid off the official cover-ups and other acts of treason. Thus, he had to be isolated, demonized and destroyed, and so he was. History would be written by the isolators, the demonizers and the destroyers, and repeated by rote for the next half century.
    Then along came the declassification of FBI records and releases of intelligence documents, and scholars such as M. Stanton Evans to sift through them. But the far-reaching implications of such research – that anti-Communist “witch-hunters” were right all along – have done shockingly little to change the way Americans regard their history. Such hidebound attitudes extend also to American conservatives, who, it would seem, are the modern-day heirs of the anti-Communist legacy. What Evans calls “court history” is that deeply entrenched as national lore.

    Will this ever change? “There’s no concise answer to that,” Evans replied in a recent interview with Dispatch International. “There is a mindset, a narrative, a template that has been out there for a long time.” The reflex reaction, to date, is to preserve that template rather than assess the new evidence. Thus, it is minimized or denied. Evans mimics the usual reaction to the specter of historical Communist penetration: “ `Well, this thing was overblown, there wasn’t a big problem, these people were persecuted.’ The new evidence, he continues, “challenges this so they dismiss it. We’re dealing with an establishment mindset that is impervious to refutation – to fact. It’s like throwing popcorn at a battleship.”
    This hasn’t stopped Evans, 78 – once the youngest metropolitan newspaper editor in the USA (Indianapolis News), a columnist for the Los Angeles Times and commentator for CBS News and Voice of America – from reloading and firing again. In fact, following his McCarthy book, which corroborates many McCarthy cases and documents the Washington Establishment’s craven efforts to destroy the maverick senator rather than address subversion and cover-up, Evans embarked on a new project. With so much evidence now available attesting to the presence of Soviet agents watching over wartime Washington, Evans set out to write a concise history of what it was these agents of the Kremlin actually accomplished.

    The new book, published in November 2012, is Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government, co-written with Herbert Romerstein, a leading Cold War expert and longtime congressional investigator. Assessing the achievements of agents of influence, is very different, Evans emphasizes, from standard histories of spying as defined by stealing secrets.
    The series of history-changing events Evans and Romerstein identify as having been subverted by Soviet agents is itself history-changing, demanding a rewrite of much of the history of World War II. Despite the familiarity with which we regard the era, in many ways, Evans and Romerstein are pioneering a new field of study. The best way to approach it with what Evans himself calls his Law of Inadequate Paranoia: “No matter how bad you think something is,” he says, “when you look into it, it’s always worse.”

  8. Serban Serban
    2 July 2011

    In materie de dezinformare comunistii au fost si sunt de departe campioni absoluti. Sistemul în întregul lui a fost si este bazat pe minciuna. Dezinformarea functiona pe toate planurile, în presa, televiziune, falsificarea istoriei, fotografii trucate, eroi inexistenti, marturii mincinoase, spalarea creierului se facea de la gradinita. Cominternul, ulterior înlocuit cu Cominformul, ziare si agenti de influienta si înca alte numeroase organizatii „democrate” din Occident erau motoare de dezinformare controlate de Moscova si aliatii ei. In mare parte mentalul occidentalilor s-a modificat în favoarea socialismului si a comunismului. Teme ca „McCarthys-mul”, nevinovatia sotilor Rosenberg, razboiul din Vietnam, sunt valabile si în ziua de astazi. Nu-i mai putin adevarat ca studiourile de la Hollywood de dragul „political correctness” au devenit mai antiamericane decât KGB si progeniturile lui. Desi nu exista nici un exemplu de o tara comunista prospera, ci invers toate tarile foste comuniste au iesit complect ruinate din aceasta experienta criminala, propaganda mincinoasa este prezenta. De exemplu la noi nu lipsesc de pe ecranele tv si din paginile ziarelor, apologetii „iepocii de aur”, nu ar fi de mirare ca BOR-ul sa-i canonizeze pe Ceasca si sotia, aoleu, pai sa vedeti atunci coada la moaste.

  9. Sakya
    2 July 2011

    Cred că înțelegerea întregului context al conversației ar fi mai bine subtitrate, pentru că atunci raționamentul nu este fragmentat.

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