Flotila Hamas şi Micul Satana

Notă: Articolul va fi actualizat periodic.

Inevitabilul s-a produs: flotila Hamas nu recunoaşte blocada israeliană şi îşi continuă drumul spre Hamastan, sperând la o confruntare cu comandourile Tsahalului. Aşa cum era de aşteptat, este interceptată de forţele de securitate israeliene şi mor oameni, ceea ce se şid dorea, doar misiunea ei principala era demonizarea Israelului şi transformarea statului evreu în agresor imoral.

Media internaţională stângistă este la datorie, aşa că pregătiţi-vă pentru un cocktail de ură, dezinformare şi prostie. Puteţi fii siguri că pseudo-jurnaliştii români îşi vor aduce propria contribuţie la această campanie de denaturare a realităţii.

Articolul va fi actualizat periodic.

Actualizare#1:Jerusalem Post: Gaza flotilla

Passengers tried to wrest weapons from soldiers, Army Radio reports; Turkish leadership call emergency meeting to discuss response to attack at sea, call in Israeli ambassador.

Passengers tried to grab weapons away from soldiers boarding the Gaza protest flotilla, starting the violence, Army Radio reported Tuesday morning, responding to accusations that Israeli commandos assaulted the ships guns blazing.

Activists aboard the ships repeatedly said they would not respond with violence to the navy’s interception of their flotilla.

At least two activists were killed and dozens more were wounded in clashes as hundreds of Israeli commandos boarded the ships, firing guns and employing gas, Turkish media and Al-Jazeera reported earlier Tuesday morning.

Al-Jazeera reported Turkish leaders called an emergency meeting to discuss responses to the attack at sea. The Israeli ambassador in Turkey was called in to offer explanations, according to a report.

Hamas Prime Minister Haniyeh came on Al-Jazeera to condemn the “brutal attack” and called on the UN to intervene on the activists’ behalf.

Apparently, IDF attempts to prevent broadcasting from the ships were unable to block the Turkish camera crew on board one of the ships.

The flotilla’s change of course earlier in the night to force the confrontation with the navy to occur in daylight seemed to have succeeded. The attack began still under cover of dark, but continued in daylight.

Earlier tonight, the IDF contacted the boats by radio, clarified that the Gaza Strip is a closed military zone and offered the sailors two options: to follow the navy to Ashdod Port or be commandeered by commandos, according to flotilla organizers.

The initial contact took place about 200 km. off the Gaza Coast. Flotilla organizers said they detected three Israel Navy ships on the radar.

Passengers on the ships were instructed to don life vests as organizers warned of potential Israeli violence.

Israel Radio quoted the flotilla’s organizers as saying they did not expect the navy to meet them so far out at sea.

International activists promised to send more aid ships to the besieged Gaza Strip late Sunday night, as the Israel Navy moved to intercept a flotilla of international vessels that were attempting to break the blockade of the Strip.

Israeli Navy ships set sail earlier Sunday night for what was expected to be a dramatic showdown out at sea as they try to prevent a flotilla of international aid ships from breaking the blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Actualizare#2: Barak: Flotilla organizers to blame for 15 dead activists

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in a press conference on Monday that while he was sorry for lives lost, the organizers of the Gaza-bound protest flotilla were solely responsible for the outcome of the fatal IDF raid earlier in the day. Fifteen activists were killed and dozens wounded in the violent clashes.

Barak said that the soldiers tried to disperse the activists aboard the ship peacefully but were forced to open fire to protect themselves.

He called the flotilla a provocation, specifically called the IHH, an Islamic aid organization, „extremist supporters of terror.”

The defense minister also called on Arab and Palestinian leaders not to let this „provocation by irresponsible people” ruin the progress made in proximity peace talks.

Actualizare#3: Ashkenazi: Soldiers acted in self defense

IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi said Monday that the violence aboard the Mavi Marmara, one of the ships of the Gaza-bound protest flotilla, was instigated by those aboard the ships and that soldiers who opened fire were defending themselves.

Ashkenazi noted that the Mavi Marmara, the only ship on which violence took place, was different than the other five ships of the flotilla. He said that five ships carried humanitarians and peace activists but the Mavi Marmara was sponsored by the extremist organization the IHH and those aboard acted in „extreme violence.”

Actualizare#4: Navy chief praises soldiers ‘bravery’

Israeli Navy commander Vice-Admiral Eliezer Marom said Monday that IDF soldiers that raided Mavi Marmara acted with „perseverance and bravery.”

Marom said that the soldiers lives were in danger and that they fired their weapons in self defense. He added that given the situation, many more than ten people could have been killed if the soldiers had not acted with the proper sensitivity.

Actualizare#5: Ayalon: Flotilla was ‘an armada of hate and violence’

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said that the flotilla of ships „was an armada of hate and violence.”

Speaking at a Jerusalem press conference on Monday morning. „It was a premeditated and outrageous provocation” and its organizers had ties to global Jihad, al Qaida and Hamas, said Ayalon.

„Their intent was violent, their methods were violent and their results were unfortunately violent,” Ayalon said.

„Israel regrets the loss of life and did everything it could to avoid this outcome,” Ayalon stressed, adding that Israel had offered to transport the humanitarian cargo on board the ship to Gaza.

„The organizers on the ship did not heed the calls of our forces this morning to peacefully follow them and bring a peaceful closure to this event,” said Ayalon, iterating that the successful arrival of the flotilla in Gaza would have created „a corridor of arms smuggling.”

The Foreign Ministry has convened a noon meeting of all ambassadors in the country. The Turkish ambassador was requested to arrive half-an-hour early for a private conversation.

Political echelons, security and police hurried to respond on Monday to deadly clashes that took place earlier in the day between Navy commandos and members of a Turkish flotilla bound for Gaza.

Actualizare #6: Istanbul – confruntări între poliţie şi o gloată pro-Hamas

Poliţia turcă a fost nevoită să intervină pentru a împiedica luarea cu asalt a consulatului israelian.

Actualizare#7: Marina israeliană se adresează unei nave din flotilă căreia îi propune să acosteze în portul Ashdod

Actualizare#8: Membrii comandourilor israeliene sunt atacaţi de „pasangerii paşnici” de pe nava Mavi Marmara

Nu o să vedeţi aşa ceva pe Al-Jazeera, CNN, BBC sau la televiziunile sindicaliste şi socialiste din România.

Actualizare#9: „Pacifiştii” turci atacă soldaţi israeliani, lovindu-i cu bare de metal

Actualizare#10: Cine se află în spatele flotilei „umanitare”

[…] The organizations and passengers behind the Gaza flotilla have been variously described as „peace activists” and „humanitarian organizations”. This could not be further from the truth. The primary objective of this flotilla was not to deliver aid packages to Gaza but to spread anti-Israel propaganda in cooperation with Gaza’s Hamas rulers.

Playing a central role in the flotilla is the Turkish IHH organization, which besides its legitimate philanthropic activities is also, according to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, a supporter of radical Islamic networks, including Hamas, and at least in the past, even global jihad elements.

Amongst the other organizations involved in the flotilla is the International Solidarity Movement. The ISM has a shameful record of placing foreign nationals in danger through encouraging ‘direct action’, which resulted in the death of American citizen Rachel Corrie. In 2003, ISM’s extreme ideology was underscored when terrorists, originating from the UK, used ISM as a cover to attack Mike’s Place bar in Tel Aviv, murdering three people. More recently, ISM has been a leading force in the violent protests against the security barrier at Ni’lin, while an ISM activist has been jailed in the US, charged with „giving about $20,000 to a group he knew supported Hamas.”

An Al-Jazeera report from May 28, translated by MEMRI, shows activists on board before departing for Gaza, chanting Intifada songs aimed at Jews and praising martyrdom. Chants include „Intifada, intifada, intifada! Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews! The army of Mohammed will return!” relating to a seventh century massacre of Jews in Khaybar by early Muslims. […]

Actualizare#11: Soldat israelian înjunghiat de „pacifişti”

Actualizare#12: Pasagerii de pe Mavi Marmara atacând soldaţi israelieni

Actualizare#13: Pasagerii de pe Mavi Marmara atacând soldaţi israelieni (cu sunet)

Actualizare#14: Demonstraţie stângistă în Tel Aviv

Several hundred left-wing activists held a demonstration outside the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv on Monday, protesting a raid by IDF troops on the Gaza flotilla that left at least nine foreign activists dead.

The protestors, many of whom were waving Palestinian flags, included members of groups from across the spectrum of left-wing Israel, including Peace Now and Hadash as well as a large group of anarchists and communists. In the wake of the deadly raid, activists sang chants calling Israel a fascist state, and held signs, including some that called for a boycott.

Jubr, an Israeli-Arab activist from Hadash, said that he had come to the demonstration in order to “protest the massacre carried out by IDF pirates. We came to say no to these crimes, these crimes that they carry out on a regular basis. Our message is that we will continue to protest these actions as long as they occur.”

Organizers also vowed to hold an additional “mass protest” in Tel Aviv on Saturday night entitled “No to the next war! Two Jerusalems – One peace!”

Actualizare#15: Demonstraţie violentă anti-israeliană la Paris. S-a încercat intrarea cu forţa în ambasada Israelului

During a violent anti-Israel demonstration in Paris on Monday, demonstrators tried to break into the Israeli embassy.

The demonstration was in protest at the killing of nine pro-Gaza activists during the storming of the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara early on Monday morning.

About 1200 people took part in the noisy demonstration against Israel, and threw stones at police who cordoned off the embassy.

Actualizare#16: Arsenal „pacifist” descoperit de IDF

Actualizare#17: Mărturia unui soldat

Actualizare #18: ONU – Consiliul de Securitate condamnă acţiunea israeliană

Security Council condemns Navy attack „in the strongest terms.”

The UN Security Council on Tuesday called for an impartial investigation of Israel’s commando raid on ships taking humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and condemning the „acts” that resulted in the loss of at least nine lives.

After an emergency meeting and marathon negotiations, the 15 council members agreed on a presidential statement that was weaker than that initially demanded by the Palestinians, Arabs and Turkey.

They had called for condemnation of the attack by Israeli forces „in the strongest terms” and „an independent international investigation.”

The UN statement followed a Chinese condemnation, in which Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said Beijing was „appalled, and condemns the Israeli navy’s attack on the Turkish fleet shipping humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.”

Actualizare#19: „activiştii” eţinuţi de autorităţile israeliene

Some 480 passengers from the Gaza-bound flotilla which was raided by Israeli forces were detained on Monday evening and Tuesday morning.

Forty-five detainees have already been deported from Ben Gurion International Airport, while an additional three are waiting for flights out of the country.

Approximately 130 activists are being transferred to the Ela Prison in Beersheba, where 480 detainees are currently being held.

The Israel Prison Service said that the prisoners will not be brought before court due to the special Interior Ministry orders they are being detained under. They also reported that the prisoners will be able to meet with attorneys or consuls from their home country.

Among the detainees is the Islamic Movement’s Northern branch leader, Sheikh Raed Salah, according to Israel Radio. Salah was said to have been injured in the Monday raid, but the reports turned out to be false.

Arab MK Haneen Zoabi had been detained, but was released after she was questioned by authorities.

Actualizare#20: Declaraţia lui Netanyahu

Actualizare#21: Umanismul pacifist în toată urâţenia sa – „pacifiştii” au l-au refuzat pe tatăl lui Gilad Shalit

Ipocrizia pacifismului a fost demonstrată de la bun început: „pacifiştii” au refuzat să îl ajute pe Noam Shalit să îi trimită fiului său, capturat de gruparea teroristă Hamas în vara lui 2006, un pachet şi o scrisoare.

Actualizare#22: Ajutoarele umanitare trimise de Israel

Israel continues to transfer basic food supplies and humanitarian goods into the Gaza Strip. Items such as medical supplies, meat, chicken, fish, grains, legumes, oil, flour, salt, sugar, fresh vegetables and dairy products as well as animal feed, hygiene products and clothes are all transferred through the Israel-Gaza goods crossings, Kerem Shalom and Karni. The total amount of aid transferred from Israel to Gaza in 2009 increased by 180 percent, compared to the amount transferred 2008.

A flotilla of nine vessels organized by pro-Palestinian activists is currently en route to Gaza carrying various goods. However, the total amount of supplies transported by the flotilla, 10,000 tons, is less than the weekly average amount of goods transferred by Israel into Gaza.

Humanitarian Aid Transferred from Israel to Gaza in 2010, as of May 8, 2010:
In 2010, 230,690 tons of humanitarian aid has been transferred from Israel into Gaza through the Israel-Gaza goods crossings
More than 6.5 million gallons (25 million liters) of heavy duty diesel fuel for Gaza’s power station has been transferred from Israel to Gaza
More than 12,000 tons of cooking oil has been transferred into Gaza
6,354 Gazans have entered Israel on medical grounds
86 truckloads of flowers and strawberries have been exported from Gaza into Israel

Humanitarian Aid Transferred from Israel to Gaza in 2009:
738,576 tons of humanitarian aid was transferred from Israel into Gaza through the Israel-Gaza goods crossings
More than 26 million gallons (100 million liters) of heavy duty diesel for the Gaza power station was transferred from Israel to Gaza
10,544 patients from Gaza, along with their escorts, passed into Israel for medical attention
4,883 tons of medical equipment and medicines entered Gaza
44,500 H1N1 vaccines sent from Israel to Gaza95 truckloads of equipment for water and sewage systems were transferred into Gaza from Israel

Humanitarian Aid Transferred from Israel to Gaza in 2008:
263,063 tons of humanitarian aid was transferred from Israel into Gaza through the Israel-Gaza goods crossings
More than 18 million gallons (70 million liters) of heavy duty diesel for the Gaza power station was transferred from Israel to Gaza

Actualizare#23: Ajutoarele aduse din Turcia sunt transferate în Gaza de către IDF

Alte informaţii pot fi găsite aici: IDF Online

Actualizare#24: Pasagerii de pe Mavi Marmara au deschis focul asupra comandoului israelian

Un schimb de replici intre soldatii israelieni, in timp ce in fundal se trage si se aud strigate de Allah Akhbar!, Allah e mare!.

Actualizare#25: A nu se uita – ce „arme” aveau în mână membrii comandoului israelian cotonogit de „pacifişti”

Soldaţii israelieni care au coborât pe Mavi Marmara erau „înarmaţi” cu paintball rifles.

Flotila bătăuşilor şi nătărăilor

Oficialii au estimat că militarii vor întâmpina o rezistenţă uşoară şi o posibilă violenţă minoră. De aceea, comandantul operaţiunii a decis ca elicopterul să survoleze direct puntea superioară a vasului. Prima frânghie folosită de comando pentru a coborî pe puntea superioară a vasului Marmara a fost prinsă de activişti, în marea lor majoritate turci, şi legată de o antenă în speranţa ca aceasta va doborî elicopterul. Cu toate acestea, luptătorii Flotilei 13 au decis să continue operaţiunea.

În timp ce membrii comandoului ajungeau pe punte unul câte unul, pasagerii ce îi aşteptau au început atacul cu ciomege, bare de metal şi praştii cu bile de sticlă. Militarii au fost înhăţaţi unul câte unul şi bătuţi rău, dar au încercat să riposteze.

Cu toate acestea, spre ghinionul lor, soldaţii erau dotaţi doar cu puşti cu bile de vopsea [paintball rifles], în genul celor folosite pentru a dispersa manifestaţii minore, precum cea de la Bilin. Cert este că aceste puşti nu i-au impresionat deloc pe activiştii ce au continuat să îi lovească şi au încercat chiar să le smulgă armele.

Un soldat care a venit în ajutorul unui camarad a fost capturat de revoltaţi şi a îndurat lovituri severe. Membrii comandoului erau echipaţi şi cu pistoale adevărate, însă au fost avertizaţi că le pot folosi numai în cazul în care viaţa le este pusă în primejdie. De îndată ce un membru al comandoului ajungea pe punte, era avertizat: ” nu trage! nu trage!” chiar şi în situaţia în care primea lovituri zdravene din partea pacifiştilor.

În loc de bătăuşi de stradă, comandoul se aştepta să găsească mai degrabă activişti politici ce doreau să ţină un protest. Soldaţilor li s-a spus să încerce să-i convingă verbal pe protestatari şi să folosească puştile cu bile de vopsea doar în cazul în care pacifiştii nu renunţau la rezistenţă. Ei au fost autorizaţi să folosească armele de foc numai în condiţii extreme.

Planul de a ajunge pe puntea de comandă părea imposibil, chiar şi cu sosirea celui de-al doilea elicopter cu trupe. ”Aruncaţi grenadele lacrimogene” a strigat comandantul comandoului ce monitoriza situaţia, acesta fiind foarte aproape, într-o barcă ce încerca să abordeze vasul Marmara prin spate.

Militarii au ascultat sfatul comandantului, însă manifestanţii, al căror număr ajunsese la 30 între timp, continuau să-i lovească pe militarii care ajungeau pe punte din elicopter. La un moment dat, pacifiştii au prins un militar, i-au luat arma şi l-au aruncat de pe puntea superioară. Acesta a căzut pe puntea inferioară, pierzându-şi cunoştinţa în urma unei lovituri la cap.

Abia după acest incident membrii comandoului au cerut permisiunea să folosească armele de foc. Comandantul le-a aprobat cererea, iar soldaţii au început să ţintească picioarele atacatorilor -€“ o mişcare ce a tăiat avântul pacifiştilor. Chiar şi aşa însă, aceştia au început să tragă la rândul lor în militari.

“Am văzut vîrful unei ţevi de puşcă ivindu-se de după scări”, a declarat un membru al comandoului. “A tras în noi şi noi am ripostat. Nu ne dăm seama dacă l-am atins. L-am căutat mai târziu şi nu l-am putut găsi.” Doi militari au fost răniţi de gloanţe la genunchi şi stomac de către pistoalele ce se pare că au fost furate de la militarii prinşi de activiştii pentru pace.

În timpul învălmăşelii de pe punte un alt soldat a fost înjunghiat, iar în urma anchetei ce a urmat s-au găsit bîte, cuţite şi prăştii folosite de activiştii pentru pace, înainte ca militarii să preia comanda vasului. Se pare că pacifiştii erau bine pregătiţi de luptă.

Unii dintre pasagerii vasului s-au strâns la pupa navei lovind peste mâini pe soldaţii ce încercau să abordeze. Abia după o jumătate de oră de lupte încleştate, militarii au reuşit preluarea conducerii vasului Marmara.

Actualizare#26: „Pacifiştii” îi atacă pe soldaţii israelieni care încearcă să urce la bord

Actualizare#27: Prim-ministrul islamist al Turciei: „azi începe o nouă eră”

ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called Tuesday for Israel to be punished for storming a Turkish aid ship and said „nothing would ever be the same” in relations between the two allies.

Turkey was infuriated by the killing of nine people, including four Turks, during the Israeli assault Monday to stop a convoy of six vessels delivering aid to the Gaza Strip, and 368 Turks were still being held in Israel.

„Israel’s behavior should definitely, definitely be punished,” a spirited Erdogan told a meeting of his parliamentary deputies broadcast on live television.

„No one should try to test Turkey’s patience,” he said.

„The time has come for the international community to say ‘enough’,” he said. „The United Nations must not stop at its resolution condemning Israel, but stand behind its resolution.”…

„Israel should lift the inhumane embargo on Gaza right away. Killing innocent people is a wicked recklessness,” he said.

Erdogan has become popular throughout the Islamic world for his trenchant criticism of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. With an election due by July next year, Erdogan could bolster support for his Islamist-leaning AK Party….

„Today is the beginning of a new age. Things will never be the same again,” he declared. „We will never turn our back on the Palestinians.”…

Actualizare#28: „Pacifiştii” violenţi aveau legături cu grupările teroriste

The ongoing interrogation of passengers who were aboard the Marmara – the Gaza aid flotilla’s flagship – revealed that the majority of those who attacked the Israeli Naval Commandos boarding the ship have direct and indirect Global Jihad ties. Israel’s investigation has revealed some 100 people infiltrated the peace and humanitarian aid activists making their way to Gaza, with the explicit design to attack Israeli soldiers using cold arms.

Some among that group are believed to have ties with World Jihad groups, mainly al-Qaeda.

The majority of suspects are Turks, but some are Yemenites and Indonesian. One Yemenite Islamist was photographed with a dagger in his belt prior to the raid.

The suspects are not cooperating with investigators. Most of them have no identification papers, and Israeli authorities are still trying to ascertain their identity.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the majority were recruited by the same IHH handler who organized the flotilla.

IHH is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation.

Some of the suspects were found to be carrying large sums of money. Others had Kevlar vests and gas masks; and all were found to be carrying weapons such as knives, metal clubs and slingshots….

Actualizare#29: „Pacifiştii” se pregătesc de luptă

Actualizare#30: Un pasager de pe Mavi Marmara vroia să devină martir pentru cauza Islamului

Actualizare#31: Arsenalul pacifist. Trăiască lupta pentru pace!

Trăiască lupta pentru pace!

Actualizare#32: Procuratura militară israeliană a publicat concluziile legale ale interceptării flotilei Gaza

The Naval blockade on Gaza

According to the Laws of Armed Conflict, a state party to an armed conflict has the right to establish a naval blockade on its enemy’s coast for security reasons. A naval blockade means preventing the passage (entry or exit) of all vessels to or from the ports and coastal areas of the enemy, irrespective of the kind of cargo carried by these vessels.

The power to impose a naval blockade is well established under customary international law. It is a common practice, and even the Charter of the United Nations, when enumerating the different actions which can be taken by the Security Council in order to maintain or restore international peace and security, explicitly mentions the naval blockade among these measures (Article 42 of the Charter).

Similarly, Article 7.7.1 of the „Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations”, published by the U.S Navy on July 2007 (hereinafter: The US Navy Handbook), explains that:

„Blockade is a belligerent operation to prevent vessels and/or aircraft of all nations, enemy as well as neutral, from entering or exiting specified ports, airfields, or coastal areas belonging to, occupied by, or under the control of enemy nation. While the belligerent right of visit and search is designed to interdict the flow of contraband goods, the belligernt right of blockade is intended to prevent vessels and aircraft, regardless of their cargo, from crossing an established and published and publicized cordon seperationg the enemy from international waters and/or airspace”

International law sets several conditions for a legal naval blockade (these conditions are reflected, for example, in the „San Remo Manual on International Law applicable to Armed Conflict at Sea” from 1994: hereinafter The San Remo Manual):

Public declaration – a blockade shall be publicly declared and notified to all States that might be affected by its establishment, in particular those states whose vessels are sailing or suppose to be sailing near the relevant area. The declaration shall specify, among other things, the commencement, duration (as far as it is known when the blockade is established) and geographical boundries of the blockade.

Effectiveness – no fictitious blockade shall be established. A State that declares a naval blockade must enforce it in practice. An ineffective blockade whould expire.

Impatiality – a blockade must be applied impartially to vessels of all States (including of those carrying the flag of the State which imposed it).

Access to neutral States – a naval blockade must not bar access to the ports and coasts of neutral States.

Passage of humanitarian assistance – a naval blockade is imposed for security reasons. Thus, the blockading party must provide for passage of humanitarian assistance for the civilian population of the blockaded area. This obligation is subject to the right of the blockading party to prescribe the technical arrangements, including search, under which the passage is permitted, in order to make sure that no means are transferred to the benefit of the enemy, rather than to the civilian population, and that the humanitarian assistance is distributed under the supervision of a neutral party which prevents the abuse of humanitarian assistance by the enemy.

The legality of the blockade imposed on the Gaza strip

The naval blockade imposed by the State of Israel on the Gaza strip, which was violated by the vessels participating in the current flotilla, is in conformity with the aforementioned rules of international law:

Public declaraion – on 03.01.2009, during operation „Cast Lead”, the State of Israel declared a naval blockade on the Gaza strip, in the distance of 20 miles from the coast. The naval blockade was established for a clear military necessity – to prevent the military strengthening of Hamas by stopping the entry of terrorist elements and the smuggling of weapons into the Gaza strip, an aim supported also by the Security Council Resolution 1860. The establishment of the Naval blockade was published by the ordinary international channels. These publications detailed the geographical boundries of the blockaded area (by coordinates) and emphasized that the naval blockade shall be in force until a further notice. Before the current flotilla had begun, the State of Israel approached the States involved, by diplomatic channels, and the organizers of the flotilla were well aware of the blockade.

Effectiveness – the naval blockade on the Gaza strip has been effectively enforced by the State of Israel since its commencement. Indeed, before it was established, Israel allowed the entry of a vessel carrying humanitarian assistance into Gaza, but since the naval blockade was declared, no vessel was allowed in.

Impartiality – the naval blockade has been enforced on the vessels of all states, with no discrimination.

Access to neutral States – the naval blockade on Gaza has not affected, in any manner, the access of vessels to the ports or coasts of neutral States.

Passage of humanitarian assistance – the State of Israel allowed the passage of humanitarian assistance into the Gaza strip long before the naval blockade had been imposed. This assistance has entered Gaza through the crossing points between Israel and Gaza, subject to security check and in coordination with international organizations working in Gaza. The State of Israel openly declared that it will allow the enty of the humanitarian goods carried by the current flotilla into Gaza, after it is unloaded in Israel, in the port of Ashdod.

In conclusion, the naval blockade imposed by the State of Israel on the Gaza strip is in accordance with international law.

Breach or Attempt of Breach of a naval blockade

Passage of a vessel through a blockaded area or entrance into it without special entry or exit authorization from the State imposing the blockade is considered a breach of the blockade. According to the Law of Armed Conflict at Sea, if there are reasonable grounds to believe it has breached a naval blockade, the State imposing the blockade is authorized to capture the vessel, and if it resists capture and refuses to stop, after prior warning, it may be attacked.

For instance, rule 1710.4 of the ICRC Model Manual of the Law of Armed Conflict for Armed Forces, published in 1999, indicates that:

„Merchant vessels believed on reasonable ground to be breaching a blockade may be captured and those which, after prior warning, clearly resist capture may be attacked”.

Moreover, the State imposing the blockade may capture a vessel even prior to its entering to the blockaded area, if it is attempting to breach the Naval Blockade, i.e. is on its way to the blockaded area and there are reasonable grounds to believe it intendes to breach the Naval Blockade. Capture of a vessel attempting to breach a Naval Blockade can be done in international waters, before entrance to the blockaded area, but not in the territorial waters of neutral States.

In other words, the legal authority to capture a vessel is independent of whether at the time of capture the vessel had already entered the blockaded area or was in international waters on its way to breach the blockade.

Actualizare#33: „taci din gură, întoarce-te la Auschwitz”

Conversaţii pacifiste cu flotila păcii.

Actualizare#34: Televiziune germana despre IHH şi „pacifiştii” de pe Marmara

The three German leftist activists interviewed claimed all participants were from humanitarian organizations and talked about all the fun they’d had. They had no interest in knowing that they were being used.

The show then contrasts this with material about the extremism of the IHH, which organized the trip. Those about to depart on the ship—who shortly thereafter would be attacking the arriving Israeli soldiers—chanted, “Oh, you Jews.…the army of the prophet Muhamad will return–just like in Kaibar [where Jewish men were massacred and women and children forcibly converted and sold into slavery]….Intifada until victory!”

For the militants, this was a revolutionary act, a raid, not a humanitarian mission. Of course, the vast majority of those on the ships were just trying to do a good deed, but they were not the ones who determined that the outcome would be a violent confrontation.

Mete Cubukcu, editor-in-chief of NTV, one of Turkey’s largest television networks, explains how the IHH, which organized and led the flotilla, is linked to radical groups and Jihad fighters, including those who murdered a beloved Armenian journalist.

Then there’s the interview with IHH and flotilla leader Yildrim on board the Mavi Marmara (3:40). He says they know Israel will stop the ship and that when this happens, there will be huge demonstrations throughout the world.

The show then interviews Michael Kiefer, a left-wing expert on Islam from Erfurt University. He says that the Turks on board were not peace activists as this term is understood in the West, but people advocating violence and revolutionary activity.

What’s most ironic is that many of the Turks on the ship were from the IHH and an extremist nationalist group, the BBP. Three years ago, the left-wing party to which the three German participants belonged applied to the German government to label these groups as “racist” with a “propensity for violence and totalitarian structures based on the führer principle” equivalent to a German neo-Nazi movement.

When asked by a German television reporter: “You seem not to have bothered from the outset about who would travel with you,” Annette Groth, the left-wing member of parliament who was on the ship angrily ended the conversation. She and her colleagues didn’t want to know how they’d served as human shields for violent groups acting in support of a terrorist, racist group, Hamas.

Those in the media who continue to cover up or ignore these facts should be asked why, to paraphrase the German reporter’s question to Groth, „You seem not to have bothered by the nature of the extremists, terrorists, and antisemitic groups for whom you’re making propaganda.

elder of ziyon

Actualizare#35 – Secvenţa completă a incidentului Folotilei Gaza

From this video we learn:

* Even though the Australian reporter said that the IDF timed the raid for Muslim prayers, the Muslims on board prayed well beforehand
* The „bloodstains” that were mentioned on the ladder were from paintballs
* The helicopter caught on the video is almost certainly the third one
* Even though the top deck had the hardcore IHH jihadists, the „humanitarians” on the lower deck still were prepared with slingshots and at least a few with metal poles
* At 50:30 we see people still waiting to ambush soldiers with metal bars and chains, in full view of all the „peace activists.” No one says a word against this. One person opens up a package or something (pepper spray?) with a fairly large knife.
* There is an intriguing edit at about the 1:00:40 mark where someone starts saying what sounds like „Stupid Jews, stupid Zionists, to try to (unitelligible) soldiers” – then he gets edited out.
elder of zion

Actualizare#36 – 17 iunie 2010 – Iranul si Hezbollah in spatele flotilei de weekendul viitor

Ya Libnan reports on the women’s „aid” ship that is supposed to sail from Lebanon to Gaza this weekend:
An aid ship transporting medical supplies to Gaza will leave Lebanon in the coming days with dozens of women activists on board, one of the organisers told AFP on Tuesday.

“We are all independent women who believe in breaking the siege on Gaza and are committed to the enmity of the Zionist entity,” said Samar Hajj, who is coordinating the trip.

She stressed the women were not affiliated with the militant group Hezbollah, or any other political organisation.

“This has nothing to do with Hezbollah even though it is an honour for us to be supporters of the resistance,” said Hajj, whose husband Ali Hajj was one of four generals detained for nearly four years in connection with the 2005 car bombing that killed then Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri and 22 others.

Hezbollah, Iran behind this weekend’s „aid” ships. Is a bloodbath planned?

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Vlad M.

Vlad M.


  1. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    apropos de actualizarea numarul 7:…..3/20096860

    au dat numai secventa in care ofiterul spune ( 0:25) ” The Gaza area and Gaza harbour are closed”.

    de ce nu au lasat mesajul intreg ce spunea ca israelienii i’au invitat in portul Ashdod?

    ce manipulare!

  2. XYZ
    31 May 2010

    Baga mare, mananca rahaturile servite de pupatorii in cur ai evreilor, inclusiv BBC-ul.

  3. Corneliu
    31 May 2010

    Cam aşa manipulează cei interesaţi toate ştirile legate de Israel.
    Rămâne totuşi întrebarea: de ce primesc aceste ştiri manipulate atâta credibilitate, când există şi prezentarea reală din partea Israelului, care este pur şi simplu ignorată?
    Din păcate răspunsul e extrem de simplu, aş zice banal: terenul este foarte prielnic acceptării oricărui lucru negativ despre evrei sau Israel.
    Terenul a fost „cultivat” în acest fel timp de multe, multe secole, a devenit parte din consens şi a fost reactivat de propaganda arabă şi neonazistă.
    Uneori explicaţiile simple şi evidente sunt deconcertante, nu?

  4. bugsy
    31 May 2010

    Ce nu veti citi in mass media: cine este in spatele flotilei umnaitare?

    (sursa Honest Reporting)

  5. Corneliu
    31 May 2010

    Nici nu mai conteaza cine e in spatele prea smeritei flote umanitare. Conteaza scopul, conteaza ca uneste pe toata lumea, dupa chemarea multiseculara: „Antisemiti din toate tarile, uniti-va!”
    Daca scopul e atins, mare bucurie-n tara.

  6. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    ???? bugsy,

    „Peace” Activists Used Deadly Violence

    bineinteles ca acest incident va fi bifat de romano-evreul liviu.

    unde armata israeliana a atacat un convoi pasnic ce ducea ajutoare catre lagarul gaza.

    si numai el? daca privesti stirile, toti zic acelasi lucru.
    pe ici pe colo se mai aminteste ca la blocada participa si egiptul iar dovezile aduse de israelieni ( primii doi soldati ce au coborat pe punte din elicopter au fost atacati cu bate, cutite si bombe incendiare – soldati ce nu au ripostat!) sunt trecute sub tacere.
    o lume intreaga s’a unit in a interzice israelului dreptul de a se autoapara.
    ce manipulari grosolane si ce minciuni sfruntate…

  7. bugsy
    31 May 2010

    dr. pepper, asa este! Caruselul antiIsrael din mass media s-a pornit! ma astept zilele acestea sa intre pe siteul patrupezilor o multime de „liviu” care sa zica: „vedeti ba, ce fac stapanii vostri, „jidanii/ nazistii de la tel aviv/imputiti aia de evrei/etc…./”

  8. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    A aparut deja un trist.

  9. George
    31 May 2010

    Cred ca Erdogan avea comunicatul pregatit de cateva zile :))
    Din pacate, Turcia se afla in situatia asta din cauza Uniunii Europene. Birocratii de la Bruxelles n-au inteles ca Armata turca este garantul democratiei. Acum sa se spele pe cap cu islamistii. Noua politica turca de apropiere de fratii musulmani ii obliga la o retorica anti-Israel, deci e posibil sa urmeze si alte evenimente.
    Eu inca astept o reactie de la Obama, in functie de ce va declara e posibil sa vedem o escaladare a conflictului. Daca condamna Israelul, Turcia s-ar putea sa incerce sa-si unfle muschii si am putea asista chiar la mici conflicte militare, dupa modelul celor doua Corei. Asta ar fi varianta pesimista, sper ca negrul sa se abtina.
    In plus, e posibil ca anumite ordine ale guvernului turc sa nu fie respectate de generali ????
    Implicatiile evenimentului de azi pot fi majore atat la nivel regional cat si la nivelul status-quo-ului din Turcia. Armata s-ar putea folosi de eventuale tembelisme ale guvernului turc pentru a-si reinstaura influenta. Asta ar fi partea buna.

  10. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    ynet, prezinta filmul actiunii:

    A brutal ambush at sea

    Our Navy commandoes fell right into the hands of the Gaza mission members. A few minutes before the takeover attempt aboard the Marmara got underway, the operation commander was told that 20 people were waiting on the deck where a helicopter was to deploy the first team of the elite Flotilla 13 unit. The original plan was to disembark on the top deck, and from there rush to the vessel’s bridge and order the Marmara’s captain to stop.

    Comando-ul a cazut direct in mainile activistilor gaza. Cu cateva minute inainte de tentativa de abordare comandantul operatiunii a fost instiintat ca 20 de persoane asteptau pe puntea unde prima echipa de comando trebuia sa aterizeze.
    Planul initial era ca odata ce comando-ul sa ajunga pe punte – sa preia comanda vasului ordonand capitanului acesta sa opreasca

    ( de mentionat ca militarii din comando erau inarmati cu pusti de paint ball! – Paintball rifles inefficient Photo: AP –…..sh_credits)

    Officials estimated that passengers will show slight resistance, and possibly minor violence; for that reason, the operation’s commander decided to bring the helicopter directly above the top deck. The first rope that soldiers used in order to descend down to the ship was wrested away by activists, most of them Turks, and tied to an antenna with the hopes of bringing the chopper down. However, Flotilla 13 fighters decided to carry on.

    Oficialii au estimat ca militarii vor intampina o rezistenta usoara si o posibila violenta minora, de aceea comandantul operatiunii a decis ca elicopterul sa survoleze direct puntea superioara a vasului. Prima franghie folosita de comando pentru a cobori pe puntea superioara a vasului Marmara a fost prinsa de activisti in marea lor majoritate turci si legata de o antena in speranta ca aceasta va dobori elicopterul. Cu toate acestea, luptatorii flotilei 13 au decis sa continue operatiunea.

    ( fac copy/paste ca mi’e mai usor sa traduc cu textul in fata)

    Navy commandoes slid down to the vessel one by one, yet then the unexpected occurred: The passengers that awaited them on the deck pulled out bats, clubs, and slingshots with glass marbles, assaulting each soldier as he disembarked. The fighters were nabbed one by one and were beaten up badly, yet they attempted to fight back.

    In timp ce membrii comando-ului ajungeau pe punte, unul cate unul, pasagerii ce asteptau pe punte au inceput atacul cu ciomage, bare de metal si prastii cu bile de sticla asupra fiecarui militar ce ajungea pe punte. Ei au fost prinsi unul cate unul si batuti rau si cu toate acestea nu au ripostat.

    However, to their misfortune, they were only equipped with paintball rifles used to disperse minor protests, such as the ones held in Bilin. The paintballs obviously made no impression on the activists, who kept on beating the troops up and even attempted to wrest away their weapons.

    Chiar si asa, spre ghinionul lor, acestia erau dotati cu pusti ( paintball rifles cred ca toata lumea a auzit de ele) folosite de obicei in a dispersa manifestatii minore precum cea de la Bilin.
    Cert este ca aceste pusti nu au impresionat deloc activistii ce continuau sa ii loveasca si chiar sa le ia armele.

    One soldier who came to the aid of a comrade was captured by the rioters and sustained severe blows. The commandoes were equipped with handguns but were told they should only use them in the face of life-threatening situations. When they came down from the chopper, they kept on shouting to each other “don’t shoot, don’t shoot,” even though they sustained numerous blows

    Un soldat ce a incercat sa vina in ajutorul unui camarad a fost capturat de activistii pentru pace si a primit lovituri puternice. Membrii comando-ului erau echipati si cu pistoale adevarate insa au fost avertizati ca le pot folosi numai in cazul in care viata le este pusa in primejdie. De indata ce un membru al comando-ului ajungea pe punte era avertizat: ” nu trage! nu trage!” chiar in situatia in care priimeau serioase lovituri din partea pacifistilor.

    ‘I saw the tip of a rifle’

    The Navy commandoes were prepared to mostly encounter political activists seeking to hold a protest, rather than trained street fighters. The soldiers were told they were to verbally convince activists who offer resistance to give up, and only then use paintballs. They were permitted to use their handguns only under extreme circumstances.

    Comando-ul se astepta sa gaseasca mai mult activisti politici ce doreau sa tina un protest decat batausi de strada. Soldatilor li s’a spus sa incerce sa convinga verbal protestatarii si sa foloseasca pustile de joaca ( iar paintball guns care nu cred ca au un corespondent in romana – sunt pusti de joaca cu bile de plastic umplute cu vopsea) doar in cazul in care pacifistii nu renunta la rezistenta. Le era permisa folosirea armelor de foc doar in situatii limita.

    The planned rush towards the vessel’s bridge became impossible, even when a second chopper was brought in with another crew of soldiers. “Throw stun grenades,” shouted Flotilla 13’s commander who monitored the operation. The Navy chief was not too far, on board a speedboat belonging to Flotilla 13, along with forces who attempted to climb into the back of the ship.

    Planul de a ajunge pe puntea de comanda parea imposibil, chiar si cu sosirea unui al doilea elicopter cu trupe. ” Aruncati grenadele lacrimogene” a strigat comandantul comando-ului ce monitoriza situatia, acesta fiind foarte aproape de situatie intr’o barca ce incerca sa abordeze vasul Marmara prin spate.

    The forces hurled stun grenades, yet the rioters on the top deck, whose number swelled up to 30 by that time, kept on beating up about 30 commandoes who kept gliding their way one by one from the helicopter. At one point, the attackers nabbed one commando, wrested away his handgun, and threw him down from the top deck to the lower deck, 30 feet below. The soldier sustained a serious head wound and lost his consciousness.

    Militarii au ascultat sfatul comandantului insa manifestantii al caror numar ajunsese la 30 intre timp continuau sa loveasca militarii in timp ce acestia ajungeau pe punte din elicopter. La un moment dat pacifistii au prins un militar, i’au luat arma aruncandu-l apoi de pe punte superioara. Acesta a cazut pe puntea inferioara pierzabdu-si constiinta in urma unei lovituri la cap

    fac o pauza de cafea ????

  11. chriscross
    31 May 2010

    in ultimul filmulet idf de pe youtube se vede clar cum acesti „pasnici activisti” ii zvantura (destul de bine) pe soldatii idf… iar intr-un frame se poate vedea un soldat cu un pistol cu vopsea (hilar as zice). abia dupa aceea idf a recurs la „live fire”…

  12. euNuke
    31 May 2010

    In mod normal statutul Turciei de aliat US si membru NATO ar trebui revizuit imediat in urma actului de agresiune la adresa Israelului, efectuat atît prin intermediul instituţiilor ce au facilitat pătrunderea neautorizată intr-un spaţiu protejat şi aflat sub incidenţa normelor de război a unei nave aflate sub pavilion turcesc, cît si prin cetăţenii săi turci, aşa-zişii activişti, in realitate o forţă invazionistă, un corp de armată pan-islamic ce urma probabil să facă joncţiunea cu forţele terestre hamas printr-o debarcare forţată. Încălcarea violentă a embargoului impus de Israel şi securizat de IDF organizaţiei fasciste Hamas demonstrează o legătură subterană intre mişcarea islamistă palestiniană şi partidul de guvernămînt din Turcia, precum şi faptul că cel puţin din acest moment Turcia nu mai respectă suveranitatea Israelului şi refuză să recunoască dreptul acestui stat de a se proteja de agresiunile externe şi interne prin impunerea de măsuri restrictive circulaţiei agresorilor arabi învinşi sau respinşi in repetate rînduri, agresori ce se apropie de ţărmurile evreieşti ca o maree acidă şi pestilenţială.

  13. costin
    31 May 2010

    si un „activist pentru pace” intr-o imagine de azi de la Haaretz via elderofzion. „religia pacii” lupta pentru „pace”.

  14. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    See how we attacked them as soon as they landed on deck!!!! Look closely, we decked one of them with a crowbar!!!

    Descriere la acest clip de pe YT. Userul? Letsfreegaza. Da’ probabil e un membru Mossad care incearca sa dezinformeze. :mrgreen:

  15. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    Only after this injury did Flotilla 13 troops ask for permission to use live fire. The commander approved it: You can go ahead and fire. The soldiers pulled out their handguns and started shooting at the rioters’ legs, a move that ultimately neutralized them. Meanwhile, the rioters started to fire back at the commandoes.

    Abia dupa acest incident membrii comando-ului au cerut permisiunea sa foloseasca armele de foc. Comandantul le’a aprobat cererea iar soldatii au inceput sa traga ” la picioare” – o miscare ce a taiat avantul pacifistilor. Si cu toate acestea – acestia au inceput sa traga la randul lor in militari.

    “I saw the tip of a rifle sticking out of the stairwell,” one commando said. “He fired at us and we fired back. We didn’t see if we hit him. We looked for him later but couldn’t find him.” Two soldiers sustained gunshot wounds to their knee and stomach after rioters apparently fired at them using guns wrested away from troops.

    ” Am vazut teava unei pusti incercand sa se ascunda dupa scari” a transmis un membru al comando-ului. ” A tras in noi si noi am ripostat. Nu ne dam seama daca l’am atins. L’am cautat mai tarziu si nu l’am putut gasi. Doi militari au fost raniti de gloante la genunchi si stomac de catre armele ce aparent au fost furate de la militarii prinsi de activistii pentru pace.

    2 errors

    During the commotion, another commando was stabbed with a knife. In a later search aboard the Marmara, soldiers found caches of bats, clubs, knives, and slingshots used by the rioters ahead of the IDF takeover. It appeared the activists were well prepared for a fight.

    Doua erori

    In timpul invalmaselii de pe punte, un alt soldat a fost injunghiat iar in urma cercetarii ce a urmat – s’au gasit bate, cutite si prastii folosite de activistii pentru pace inainte ca IDF sa preia comanda vasului. Se pare ca pacifistii erau bine pregatiti de lupta.

    Some passengers on the ship stood at the back and pounded the soldiers’ hands as they attempted to climb on board. Only after a 30-minute shootout and brutal assaults using clubs and knifes did commandoes manage to reach the bridge and take over the Marmara.

    Unii dintre pasagerii vasului s’au strans la pupa navei lovind peste maini membrii comandoului ce incerca sa abordeze. Abia dupa o jumatate de ora de lupte inclestate, comando-ul a reusit preluarea conducerii vasului Marmara.

    It appears that the error in planning the operation was the estimate that passengers were indeed political activists and members of humanitarian groups who seek a political provocation, but would not resort to brutal violence. The soldiers thought they will encounter Bilin-style violence; instead, they got Bangkok. The forces that disembarked from the helicopters were few; just dozens of troops – not enough to contend with the large group awaiting them.

    Dupa cate se pare greseala din planul operatiunii a fost estimarea eronata despre pasagerii vasului crezandu-se despre acestia ca sunt membrii al organizatiilor umanitare ce cauta o provocare politica si nu violenta. Soldatii au crezut ca vor intampina o violenta in genul celei de la Bilin cand defapt au intampinat una precum la Bangkok. Trupele parasutate din elicopter au fost putine mult inferioare pacifistilor ce ii asteptau la bord.

    The second error was that commanders did not address seriously enough the fact that a group of men were expecting the soldiers on the top deck. Had they addressed this more seriously, they may have hurled tear-gas grenades and smoke grenades from the helicopter to create a screen that would have enabled them to carry out their mission, without the fighters falling right into the hands of the rioters, who severely assaulted them.

    A doua greseala a fost aceea ca cei de la comanda nu au luat indeajuns in serios informatia ca un grup de persoane asteapta soldatii pe puntea superioara. Daca ar fi anticipat corect situatia si ar fi aruncat din elicopter grenade de fum si lacrimogene, ar fi reusit sa creeze o perdea de fum ce ar fi ajutat membrii comandoului sa aterizeze in siguranta in loc sa cada direct in mainile pacifistilor care i’au batut cu brutalitate.

  16. costin
    31 May 2010

    France24 despre conflict. Israelienii iar face genocid impotriva activistilor pacifisti neinarmati. multe citate din abbas „crimes againsts humanity”.. etc, etc.

    Palestinian Leader Calls Israeli Raid a “Massacre”; Turkey Warns of “Irreparable Consequences for Israel” – Video

  17. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    mie unuia ceea ce fac pacifistii mi se pare delirant.
    chiar daca le pui dovada filmata in fata, ei continua sa nege!…..o=20099902

    e absurd! cum sa atace civilii militarii inarmati cu mitraliere?

    baaaaah! sunteti pe youtube!
    se vede clar cum ati atacat, cum puteti fi atat de tampiti?

  18. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    bineinteles ca isi permit din moment ce sunt sustinuti de media:…..o=20099613

    media titreaza astazi cu majuscule: Israel a omorat 10 pacifisti, apoi prezinta imagini de manifestanti din lumea’ntreaga cum demonstreaza impotriva micului satan!
    hai sa vedem daca puteti scapa cu minciuna asta.

  19. Riddick
    31 May 2010

    Cei din elicoptere trebuiau să asigure acoperirea celor care coborau pe punte.

    Nişte salve de alice din shotgun făceau minuni.

  20. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    Apucaturi stangiste, doctore. Astia mint din reflex.

  21. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    Sa va uitati la ultimul clip. Orice pacifist trebuie sa aiba asa ceva in dotare.

  22. panseluta
    31 May 2010

    „Activistii” pro-palestinieni au reusit exact ce-si propusesera de la bun inceput: o atitare politica si o isterie mediatica impotriva Israelului.
    Nici o lacrima pentru „martirii Islamului” cazuti in timpul operatiei. Stiau exact ce fac.
    Sorry, islamisti de toate natiile si culorile, nici o simpatie din partea mea.

  23. Zergu
    31 May 2010

    Ia uitați la ăstă, cică statele lumii au obligația să trimită arme palestinienilor, zice el. Și se pare că următoarele „ajutoare” vor ajunge via hoovercraft.

  24. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    este de nedescris pozitia inchizitionala a presei.
    a gasit deja vinovatul principal si e gata sa il arda pe rug.
    presarii s’au transformat in judecatori.

  25. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    cred ca singurii care au avut interviuri in care a fost prezentata versiunea israeliana – au fost canadienii:…..o=20097097

    si chiar si asa, urmariti cu atentie intrebarile reporteritei si raspunsurile logice ale lui Mark Regev.

  26. toro
    31 May 2010

    „Activistii” au refuzat sa-i duca un packet shi o scrisoare soldatului israelian capturat in 2006. La rugamintea tatalui. Sa fie din cauza ca e evreu!?…..t-1.292541

    Pe de alta parte, sunt pur shi simplu consternat de gramada de comentarii retarde acumulate pe hotnews (site pe care cred ca majoritatea il cititi regulat). Se pare ca anti-semitismul irational chiar este o problema reala in Romania, dar probabil nu este asha socant tinand cont de boala romanilor de a da vina pe altii pentru problemele lor inchipuite. E ciudat tinand cont ca avem o istorie in care sute de ani ne-am luptat cu turcii.

  27. Francesco
    31 May 2010

    Toro, ai dreptate sa te miri si le vom acorda atentia necesara retardatilor de pe orice platforma, inclusiv Hotnews.

  28. euNuke
    31 May 2010

    Eu nu m-aş impacienta prea tare de comentatori. Numărul lor real este infim. Ori îs ţînci ce judecă cu inimioarele şi fac ţîşti-bîşti la răzbel fiind ei în mare lipsă de confruntări şi dezbateri la şcoală ş-acasă unde au totul pe masă, ori îs clone la treabă. Clonele le identifici uşor că-s agramate [in general trupeţii pacifişti îs recrutaţi dintre turcaleţi şi harapi stabiliţi recent in Romania, precum şi dintre socialiştii de birt ai lui vanghelie]. Nu le daţi atenţie că atît le trebuie ca să se împăuneze şi mai dihai şi să se strîngă-n haită pentru concertul de lătrături şi lături.

  29. costin
    31 May 2010

    mda… si intr-o oarecare masura, mai mult mare decit mica, asta este perspectiva din care priveste si occidentul cele intimplate.

  30. Zergu
    31 May 2010

    Apropo, știți ce s-a întâmplat cu saitul Era acolo o fatwa de toată frumusețea din care citez:

    Poate că ignoranţa îi va face pe unii musulmani să spună că acest articol are idei fundamentaliste şi că musulmanii din Romania sunt musulmani moderaţi. Aceştia se înşeală amarnic! În Islam nu există musulman fundamentalist sau moderat ci există doar musulman. Musulmanul este cel care urmează orânduiala lui Allah Preaînaltul. Fără îndoială că este unul dintre cele mai mari păcate să-l numeşti pe un frate de-al tău fundamentalist sau extremist. Oare de când împlinirea obligaţiilor Islamului înseamnă că eşti fundamentalist sau extremist !?

    Mă întreb dacă i-a rezolvat vreu serviciu de informații sau au dispărut „benevol” ca să se dea pe burtă?

  31. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    Multumesc, Toro, o sa adaug in lista de actualizari. Nu stiam ca au fost intr-atat de ticalosi, dar nu ma mira, cei mai multi pacifisti sunt doar niste ipocriti.

  32. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    Am adaugat date statistice despre ajutoarele trimise de Israel in Gaza in 2008, 2009 si 2010. Flotila lu’ peste aducea mai putin decat trimite saptamanal statul evreu.

  33. Francesco
    31 May 2010

    George Friedman analizeaza sub titlul Flotillas and the Wars of Public Opinion (Stratfor – Global Intelligence) posibilele implicatii ale conflictului generat in largul coastelor Gazei…

    „It is vital that the Israelis succeed in portraying the flotilla as an extremist plot. Whether extremist or not, the plot has generated an image of Israel quite damaging to Israeli political interests. Israel is increasingly isolated internationally, with heavy pressure on its relationship with Europe and the United States.”

  34. Francesco
    31 May 2010

    O noua provocare: nava Rachel Corrie se indreapta catre Gaza, iar alte doua nave ii urmeaza.

    Marina israeliana este gata sa ii primeasca.

    Consiliul de Securitate al Natiunile Unite a condamnat pierderile de vieti omenesti dar, asa cum scrie Allahpundit, nu a condamnat Coreea de Nord pentru scufundarea vasului sud-coreean.

  35. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    Am adaugat un nou videoclip. Nu se poate vedea mare lucru, dar se pot auzi destule… Un schimb de replici intre soldatii israelieni, in timp ce in fundal se trage si se aud strigate de Allah Akhbar!, Allah e mare!.

  36. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    Gata, doctore, noi actualizari. ????

  37. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    Noi actualizari.
    1. Imagini filmate de cei de pe Mavi Marmara cu un pasager care marturiseste ca a incercat deja de doua ori sa devina martir, nu a reusit, dar spera ca de data asta ii va iesi.
    2. „Uneltele” folosite de „pacifisti”.

  38. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    acum vreo trei zile ziceam:

    baaaaah! sunteti pe youtube!
    se vede clar cum ati atacat, cum puteti fi atat de…

    cred ca s’au prins:

    Israel’s use of captured video draws criticism

    JERUSALEM – Israel’s army has been using confiscated videos to justify its deadly raid against a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and the Foreign Press Association wants it to stop.

    The organization, which represents hundreds of journalists in Israel and the Palestinian territories, says the military seized video and equipment from dozens of reporters on board the main ship.

    The FPA demanded Thursday that the military stop using the captured material without permission and identify the source of the video already released. The material appeared Wednesday on the army’s YouTube site labeled as „captured.”

    The FPA says the military is now selectively using footage to bolster its claims that commandos opened fire only after being attacked.

    nu ar fi mai bine asa?
    sa nu aibe voie sa se apere in nci un fel?

  39. Francesco
    31 May 2010

    O persoana care a tinut sa-si pastreze anonimatul (Anchorman), s-a plans de modul in care a fost prezentat incidentul de la bordul navei Mavi marmara de catre trustul media (probabil CNN) la care lucreaza. Edward Peck, fost ambasador american la ONU, este din nou pus in discutie pentru prezenta sa in Flotila Hamas…

    Textul integral al emailului lui Anchorman:

    Dear XXXX,

    I’m writing for some clarification about how we are supposed to cover the Gaza flotilla story. If we, as a news organization, are supposed to be acting as a public relations arm of Hamas, or Hezbollah, both internationally recognized terrorist organizations, or if we are supposed to be jumping on the bandwagon of 1930’s style anti-Semitism that’s presently sweeping much of the world, then we are doing a fine job. If we are supposed to be acting as a news organization that covers the story objectively, then our coverage is a travesty and an embarrassment.

    I just finished watching XXXX’s piece on yesterday’s 5pm newscast, so I could better understand the grotesquely distorted and biased voice-over that ran on this morning’s show. XXXX interviewed former diplomat Edward Peck, who was onboard the “Gaza Flotilla,” without describing his views on the Middle East. Some perspective would have helped. Among other things, Peck spoke these words, later famously used by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright:”We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye…and now we are indignant, because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own front yards.”

    Peck is deeply controversial in other ways. But no mention was made in XXXX’s story of anything that might cast the slightest doubt on Pecks political motivations.

    In addition, remarkably, her piece made no mention – absolutely none — of the Israeli perspective in this story. For example:

    The widely aired (though not here) video that clearly shows an IDF soldier being tossed over a railing, and others being beaten with sticks, was omitted.

    The fact that bullet proof vests and night vision goggles were found among the “humanitarian aid” on the ship was omitted.

    IDF video of confiscated knives and metal bars that were apparently used as weapons was omitted.

    Information that Israeli soldiers were also wounded and injured was omitted.

    Moreover, her piece included no background whatsoever on why Israel’s interception (“attack” as we called it ) of the flotilla would likely have passed muster in any court outside the thug-ridden United Nations.

    Nor did viewers get any background about the three-year-old blockade of Gaza, facts such as:

    It’s purpose, which is to prevent the shipment of longer-range, more powerful missiles that only ships can carry. Thousands of Hamas rockets are presently pointed at various Israeli cities, towns and schoolyards; the Israeli government estimates that Hamas continues to smuggle tons of explosives per month into Gaza, mostly through tunnels. In the last few years, more than 2,700 rockets have rained down from Gaza on the civilian population of southern Israel.

    In 2005, Israel ordered about 8,500 Jewish settlers to evacuate 21 settlements in Gaza, land occupied since the Six-Day War of 1967. Reluctant and emotionally-torn IDF soldiers had to literally pry people from their family homes. That same land in the year 2010, is now occupied by Hamas training camps.

    Gaza is a strategically located port, control of which would complete the encirclement of Israel by it’s sworn enemies, including Hamas and Hezbollah – the latter, of course, being a client of Iran, which is close to acquiring nuclear capability and has threatened repeatedly to wipe Israel off the map.

    These are among the perspectives that were left out of our story.

    With all due respect XXXX, I find our coverage of this an abomination. I feel like I want to wash the slime off me when I get off work. I’m embarrassed by our coverage. I take this job and my reputation seriously. But that’s nearly impossible with coverage like this. I hope you’ll respond.

    Emailul – scris de Anchorman pentru seful sau – a fost trimis la Daily Caller si este prezentat pe newsbusters.

  40. vlad
    31 May 2010

    Darfur Starvation…..vation.jpg

    Not Arab enough? There are no starving Muslims in Gaza,
    but there are plenty in Darfur. So, where’s their ‘aid flotilla’?

  41. vlad
    31 May 2010


  42. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    youtube despre „we con the world”:

    This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner/ Chappell Music, Inc. .

    caroline flick:

    YouTube’s decision to pull Latma’s hit song We Con the World after 3 million viewers shows that Israel’s enemies are afraid of us. Since they cannot refute our points, they are trying to silence us. First they threw ridiculous accusations at Latma that our parody of We are the World was racist. When that didn’t stick and more and more people continued to watch our song, they decided to silence us.
    Obviously this means that we need to redouble our efforts. It also means we’ll have to diversify our posting options to make sure that a call to YouTube won’t suffice to silence us.
    Latma is not a business. We’re a public service, educational initiative funded from tax exempt donations through the Center for Security Policy in Washington where I serve as senior fellow for Middle East affairs.

    ce arma redutabila, rasismul asta.

  43. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    sanctiunile impotriva Iran-ului sunt prea „dure”:

    Report: Obama seeks to soften U.S. Congress sanctions on Iran

    In its negotiations with congressional leaders, the Obama administration is seeking the authority to waive U.S. punishment against companies that have cooperated on efforts against Iran’s nuclear program.

    daca mai are cineva dubii despre ce se intampla.

  44. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    si in timp ce noua administratie pune umarul la construirea bombei atomice de catre iran,

    Report: Saudi Arabia gives Israel air corridor to bomb Iran

  45. ramanujan
    31 May 2010

    Salutare la toata lumea. Nu vreau sa ma bag in discutia voastra dar am o observatie cu privire la expresia „Micul Satana” din titlu.

    Musulmanii (o parte din ei) numesc SUA „Marele Satana” („The Great Satan”). Expresia a fost inventata de niste clerici si politicieni iranieni.

    Romanii (o parte din ei) numesc SUA „Marele Licurici” („The Great Glow Worm”). La originea expresiei se afla o vorba spusa de manelistul care e presedintele Romaniei acum 5 ani la restaurantul „Golden Blitz”. Niste ziaristi l-au intrebat pe Base de ce insista asupra unei axe Washington-Londra-Bucuresti si ignora apropierea de Franta si Germania. La care acesta a raspuns „Decat sa sug p… la mai multi licurici mai mici, mai bine sug p… la un licurici mai mare”!

    Si uite asa, de la o vorba spusa de Basescu la betie, s-a nascut o noua porecla pt. SUA.

  46. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    :), ranahujan, merci de informatie.
    nu am inteles niciodata de unde vine toata treaba cu marele, micul sau mijlociul licurici.

  47. dr pepper
    31 May 2010

    In anii ’70 leftangii nemti se antrenau cot la cot cu teroristii arabi.
    Acum au ajuns in Bundestag.
    List of assaults attributed to the RAF

  48. Ramona
    31 May 2010

    Imi este absolut imposibil sa tin pasul cu toate comentariile voastre, dar am sa arunc si ei aici cei doi shekeli ai mei…Nu pot si nu vreau sa ma gindesc ce se va intimpla daca vom avea parte de alte ajutoare „umanitare” din Liban si Iran…Israelul a luat legatura cu guvernul Libanului in legatura cu „flotila prietenoasa”, insa acesta a spus ca (evident) nu poate opri vasul sa iasa, din momet ce nu este o initiativa coordonata de statul libanez…
    Este interesant sa comentezi, sa te certi si sa arunci fel de fel de epitete (am fost pur si simplu ingrozita de cuvintele murdare folosite in comentarii) cind traiesti la mii de kilometri si habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti, bazindu-te pe…ce? o ura milenara? Biblie? nestiinta? Va invit sa veniti sa traiti aici, sa incercati sa cresteti copii cind va cad bombe in cap si teroristi se arunca in aer la intrarea in mall-uri, sa cautati adapost, fugind cu copilul infricosat in brate, cind sna alrma de atac aerian…Hai sa nu le mai plingem de mila palestinienilor, va rog. Bineinteles ca sint printre ei si suflete nevinovate, exista si arabi crestini care ii acuza pe musulmani de extramism, insa, luat la un loc, EI AU ALES SA TRAIESCA ASA! In momentul in care Israelul opreste blocada, primul lucru pe care il fac palestinienii nu este sa dea fuga dupa medicamente si mincare…nu! Primul lucru este sa se inarmeze…
    Incercati sa priviti ambele parti ale medaliei, daca sinteti atit de indirjiti (ma refer aici la cei care se preteaza la judecati majore vorbind total pe linga subiect). Faceti oratorie celor patru copii a caror mama a murit omorita de o racheta Kassam iarna trecuta (femeia mi-a fost colega de serviciu) sau celor care locuiesc in orasul Sderot linga granita cu Gaza, unde le cad Kassamurile ca mustele…
    Eu traiesc aici de 10 ani si am masti de gaze in dulapul din bucatarie si fetita mea de 4 ani tipa cind aude sirena „Mami, alarma, hai sa ne ascundem!”. Si inca ceva…sint crestina.

  49. gamada
    31 May 2010

    d-na are dreptate incercati sa mergeti sa vedeti cu ochii vostri adevarul nu mai comentati airea ceea ce vedeti la televizor sau pe tot ceea ce vedeti e adevarat.
    Apoi israelul ca si stat de unde a aparut ma rog frumos,bunicul meu nu a auzi de el.daca ii zic de israel ice ca nu stie dar daca ii zic palestina stie perfect despre ce vorbesc.verificati bine caritle de istorie si informati-va inainte sa va dati cu parerea despre ceea ce nu stiti.o zi buna

  50. costin
    31 May 2010

    gamda, despre ce vorbesti? parcurge toata postarea. esti pe linga sb, imi pare rau sa o spun.

  51. bugsy
    31 May 2010

    Gamada: e posibil ca bunicul dvs. sa nu fi auzit despre Israel, dar cu siguranta stia ce inseamna balarie si bineinteles ca v-a explicat si dvs ce inseasmna a fi in balarii. adica, pe dinfara! acolo sunteti si dvs!

  52. gamada
    31 May 2010

    de ce draga zici ca sunt pe dinafara am citit postarile si subiectul vostru e ff clar
    si sa stiti ca in balarii traim tara asta reprezinta cel mai elocvent exemplu

  53. gamada
    31 May 2010

    ceea ce incercati voi sa faceti sau ma rog din discutia voastra reiese ca israelul este o victima a musulmanilor din gaza si ca flotila era de fapt o fatada a ceea ce de fapt se transporta acolo si saracii de israeliti sunt de fapt niste victime in mainile teroristilor hamas.cred ca voi nu stiti despre ce vorbiti,
    ceea ce vad pe aici imi provoaca dezgust
    oameni buni sunteti departe de realitate
    iesiti in lume,in lumea reala

  54. Corneliu
    31 May 2010

    Reiau aici o postare semnificativa, in perspectiva unor viitoare flotile „umanitare”.

    Vom vedea de data aceasta un autentic mesaj de pace…
    Ştiu, tema este deja atât de dezbătută, dar ce putem face dacă realitatea de pe teren începe să arate ca un serial, poate şi cu surprize.
    Deci, se pun la cale noi “flotile ale pacii”.
    Una din ele urmează să fie cu totul specială: cu 70 de femei la bord, creştine şi musulmane din toată lumea, o parte evident “idioate utile” va pleca din Liban, via Cipru, cu desigur aceeaşi destinaţie şi acelaşi scop provocativ de care nu mai vorbesc.
    Partea interesantă urmează. Finanţatorul acţiunii, unul Iaser Kashlak, om de afaceri sirian de origine palestiniană, dă un interviu la radioul “El Manar” al Hizbala şi zice printre altele (câteva citate):
    “Eu sunt din ce in ce optimist de fiecare dată când israelienii, această bandă de piraţi şi criminali, confiscă câte o navă, pentrucă va veni o zi şi aceste nave vor purta resturile deşeurilor europene care au ajuns în patria mea şi le vor întoarce înapoi în patria lor. Ghilad Shalit să se întoarcă la Paris iar (ceilalti) asasini să se intoarcă în Polonia. Apoi îi vom urmări până la capătul lumii spre a-i aduce in faţa judecăţii pentru masacrele ce le-au comis la Deir Iassin şi până azi.”
    “Israelul este un câine vagabond care a fost trimis în zonă pentru a înspăimânta pe arabi”
    “Am un mesaj pentru poporul Israelului: urcaţi pe bordul vaselor pe care vi le trimitem şi întoarceţi-va în ţările voastre. Nu vă lăsaţi înşelaţi de către conducătorii moderaţi ai ţărilor arabe. Nu veţi putea face pace cu noi.
    Copiii noştri se vor întoarce în Palestina. Nu există niciun motiv pentru convieţuire. Chiar dacă conducătorii noştri au semnat acorduri de pace, noi nu le vom semna.”

    Materialul este preluat din ziarul “Yediot Ahoronot” din 20 iunie 2010, din articolul ziariştilor Itamar Eichler si Yosi Yoshua.

    Acesta e adevărul gol goluţ despre aspiratiile arabe de pace.
    Să nu-şi facă nimeni iluzii.

  55. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    ceea ce incercati voi sa faceti sau ma rog din discutia voastra reiese ca israelul este o victima a musulmanilor din gaza si ca flotila era de fapt o fatada a ceea ce de fapt se transporta acolo si saracii de israeliti sunt de fapt niste victime in mainile teroristilor hamas.cred ca voi nu stiti despre ce vorbiti,
    ceea ce vad pe aici imi provoaca dezgust
    oameni buni sunteti departe de realitate
    iesiti in lume,in lumea reala

    Tu imi provoci dezgust, hamasistule. Pleaca din „balariile” romane si du-te la iubitii tai musulmani. Poate li s-o face mila de tine si te iau in solda ca mameluc – ca sclav, sclavule.

  56. Corneliu
    31 May 2010

    Domnu’ Gamada
    Am crezut la început că eşti pur şi simplu ignorant pe tema asta (probabil şi pe altele), că colegii mei de forum te-au luat prea repede şi mă pregătisem să-ţi aduc nişte explicaţii elementare ca să înţelegi despre ce e vorba.
    Dar postarea d-tale #58 m-a lămurit pe deplin. Concluzia mea e că pe lânga ignoranţa crasă în temă arăţi şi o solidă rea credinţă. Poate că pe ambele le-ai moştenit de la bunicul pe care-l citezi.
    Nu ştiu dacă mai merită să-mi bat capul cu şcolirea d-tale, că dacă nu cunoşti datele elementare ale problemei şi mergi pe mentalitatea bunicului nu văd cum s-ar prinde ceva de d-ta.
    Cred că nu ţi-ar produce dezgust să participi la forumul vreunui sait nazist şi acolo te-ai simţi în apele tale.
    Dacă-mi vei cere, îţi pot indica unul bun, de să-ti lingi degetele. Îi cunosc pe cei de acolo şi te pot recomanda personal…

  57. vlad
    31 May 2010


    pe lângă ignoranța crasă (se vede limpede că nu ai parcurs subiectul), ești și de-o infatuare dezgustătoare. dacă bunicul tău nu a auzit de Israel, l-o fi ajuns senilitatea. altfel, nu-mi explic. până și păgânii și ateii au auzit de Israel. pune mâna pe istorie. ignoranța face victime.

  58. gamada
    31 May 2010

    nu vrea sa jignesc pe nimeni dar ar fi bine sa parcurgeti istoria,sa cititi atat despre hamas cat si despre israel,sa va puneti intrebari sa le cautati raspunsurile si apoi abia apoi sa va dati cu parerea,pt ca sunt oameni care in necunostinta de cauza pot intra pe un site ca cel de aici si in baza a ceea ce voi spuneti isi vor face o parere despre ceea ce se intampla acolo.tot ce va cer este sa va informati mult mai bine si sa fiti siguri ca sursele pe care le cititi sunt corecte si nu sunt …..cum sa ma exprim…’prelucrate’ in interesul uneia din parti.fiti impartiali cand va dati cu parerea deaorece nu sunteti in mijlocul acestui razboi.voi sunteti ceea ce suntem cu totii niste simpli deasemenea nu ati fost pe acel vas ca sa vedeti daca ceea ce declar israelul e adevarat sau nu .sa aveti o seara frumoasa in continuare si sper doar ca postarile mele sa nu va fi incomodat prea mult si sa va dea de gandit.

  59. vlad
    31 May 2010

    dispari în anonimatul din care ai apărut, cu taqiyya ta cu tot

  60. gamada
    31 May 2010

    nu mi se pare ca am facut pe vreunul din domniile voaste rasisti si nici nu v-am adus vreun astfel de atribut .iar scoala stati linistiti am destula,dar nu asta e nu sunt nici membru si nici sustinator al miscarii hamas stati linistiti eu doar am studiat ceva mai mult decat se pare ca faceti voi,si am ascultat parerile ambelor tabere inainte de a trage o concluzie

  61. gamada
    31 May 2010

    nu atiam ca acesta e un loc exclusivist ma scuzati.credeam ca discutati pe acest site.greseala mea se pare ca cu voi nu se poate purta o discutie
    mergeti pe premisa cine nu e de aceeasi parere cu voi e impotriva voastra si trebe eliminat
    imi e mila de voi
    Dumnezeu sa va ierte!
    stai linistit draga domnule vlad nu intentionez sa mai raman pe acest site,nici nu am gasit ceva interesant de citit si nici nu am oameni dispusi sa poarte o conversatie fie si ea in contradictoriu

  62. gamada
    31 May 2010

    si draga domnule vlad daca tot folosesti cuvinte ca taqyya imi poti si explica te rog frumos ce inseamna?asa pt cultura mea generala

  63. Corneliu
    31 May 2010

    Domnu’ Gamada,
    văd că nu-mi accepţi recomandaţia. A fost valabila numai o singură dată.
    Cât despre istorie, ai de a face aici cu oameni care o cunosc mai bine decât îti închipui, iar în ce priveşte prezentul, sunt perfect informaţi, ceeace le şi determină poziţia.
    Nu cred că ai incomodat pe cineva, ci doar ai amuzat prin ignoranţă şi siguranţa de sine proprie ignorantului.
    Ai face deci bine să încerci a te informa cu adevărat. E o treaba dificilă, căci cere răbdare şi pricepere. Nimeni nu se naşte învăţat.
    Şi încă ceva: încearcă să redactezi fraze clare, închegate, cu literă mare unde trebuie, etc. aşa cum se învaţă în clasele primare.
    O sară bună.

  64. gamada
    31 May 2010

    Oau cu scuzele de rigoare.
    O SEARA BUNA dragii mei si fiecare cu parerea lui.
    Iar recomandare domniei voastre suna a amenintare.
    Ma asteptam sa ma convingeti domniile voastre,dar tot ceea ce ati facut a fost sa ma convingeti si mai mult ca am dreptate.
    Pt asta va multumesc din suflet.
    Si stati foarte linistiti ca astesta este ultimul mesaj pe care il las pe acest site.

  65. Imperialistu'
    31 May 2010

    Nu stricam orzul pe gaste. Nu simt nevoia de a-mi sacrifica din timp pentru a lamuri pe un individ care afirma ca il „dezgust”. Prefer sa ascult in reluare vuvuzelele.

  66. costin
    31 May 2010

    islamul azi:

    Assalamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. Iată cum privesc unii români, ca să nu fiu acuzată că generalizez, atacurile Israelului asupra navelor. SubhanaAllah…Astaghfirullah!

    din părerile românilor

    Eu zic ca din asemenea păreri se vede câți evrei a adăpostit România în vremurile lor grele….

  67. bugsy
    31 May 2010

    Nu stiu daca a fost postat aici, dar mi e pare un text foarte interesant:

    If Israel goes down, we all go down
    Anger over Gaza is a distraction. We cannot forget that Israel is the West’s best ally in a turbulent region
    By José María Aznar

    The Times, 17 June 2010

    For far too long now it has been unfashionable in Europe to speak up for Israel. In the wake of the recent incident on board a ship full of anti-Israeli activists in the Mediterranean, it is hard to think of a more unpopular cause to champion.
    In an ideal world, the assault by Israeli commandos on the Mavi Marmara would not have ended up with nine dead and a score wounded. In an ideal world, the soldiers would have been peacefully welcomed on to the ship. In an ideal world, no state, let alone a recent ally of Israel such as Turkey, would have sponsored and organised a flotilla whose sole purpose was to create an impossible situation for Israel: making it choose between giving up its security policy and the naval blockade, or risking the wrath of the world.
    In our dealings with Israel, we must blow away the red mists of anger that too often cloud our judgment. A reasonable and balanced approach should encapsulate the following realities: first, the state of Israel was created by a decision of the UN. Its legitimacy, therefore, should not be in question. Israel is a nation with deeply rooted democratic institutions. It is a dynamic and open society that has repeatedly excelled in culture, science and technology.
    Second, owing to its roots, history, and values, Israel is a fully fledged Western nation. Indeed, it is a normal Western nation, but one confronted by abnormal circumstances.
    Uniquely in the West, it is the only democracy whose very existence has been questioned since its inception. In the first instance, it was attacked by its neighbours using the conventional weapons of war. Then it faced terrorism culminating in wave after wave of suicide attacks. Now, at the behest of radical Islamists and their sympathisers, it faces a campaign of delegitimisation through international law and diplomacy.
    Sixty-two years after its creation, Israel is still fighting for its very survival. Punished with missiles raining from north and south, threatened with destruction by an Iran aiming to acquire nuclear weapons and pressed upon by friend and foe, Israel, it seems, is never to have a moment’s peace.
    For years, the focus of Western attention has understandably been on the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. But if Israel is in danger today and the whole region is slipping towards a worryingly problematic future, it is not due to the lack of understanding between the parties on how to solve this conflict. The parameters of any prospective peace agreement are clear, however difficult it may seem for the two sides to make the final push for a settlement.
    The real threats to regional stability, however, are to be found in the rise of a radical Islamism which sees Israel’s destruction as the fulfilment of its religious destiny and, simultaneously in the case of Iran, as an expression of its ambitions for regional hegemony. Both phenomena are threats that affect not only Israel, but also the wider West and the world at large.
    The core of the problem lies in the ambiguous and often erroneous manner in which too many Western countries are now reacting to this situation. It is easy to blame Israel for all the evils in the Middle East. Some even act and talk as if a new understanding with the Muslim world could be achieved if only we were prepared to sacrifice the Jewish state on the altar. This would be folly.
    Israel is our first line of defence in a turbulent region that is constantly at risk of descending into chaos; a region vital to our energy security owing to our overdependence on Middle Eastern oil; a region that forms the front line in the fight against extremism. If Israel goes down, we all go down. To defend Israel’s right to exist in peace, within secure borders, requires a degree of moral and strategic clarity that too often seems to have disappeared in Europe. The United States shows worrying signs of heading in the same direction.
    The West is going through a period of confusion over the shape of the world’s future. To a great extent, this confusion is caused by a kind of masochistic self-doubt over our own identity; by the rule of political correctness; by a multiculturalism that forces us to our knees before others; and by a secularism which, irony of ironies, blinds us even when we are confronted by jihadis promoting the most fanatical incarnation of their faith. To abandon Israel to its fate, at this moment of all moments, would merely serve to illustrate how far we have sunk and how inexorable our decline now appears.
    This cannot be allowed to happen. Motivated by the need to rebuild our own Western values, expressing deep concern about the wave of aggression against Israel, and mindful that Israel’s strength is our strength and Israel’s weakness is our weakness, I have decided to promote a new Friends of Israel initiative with the help of some prominent people, including David Trimble, Andrew Roberts, John Bolton, Alejandro Toledo (the former President of Peru), Marcello Pera (philosopher and former President of the Italian Senate), Fiamma Nirenstein (the Italian author and politician), the financier Robert Agostinelli and the Catholic intellectual George Weigel.
    It is not our intention to defend any specific policy or any particular Israeli government. The sponsors of this initiative are certain to disagree at times with decisions taken by Jerusalem. We are democrats, and we believe in diversity.
    What binds us, however, is our unyielding support for Israel’s right to exist and to defend itself. For Western countries to side with those who question Israel’s legitimacy, for them to play games in international bodies with Israel’s vital security issues, for them to appease those who oppose Western values rather than robustly to stand up in defence of those values, is not only a grave moral mistake, but a strategic error of the first magnitude.
    Israel is a fundamental part of the West. The West is what it is thanks to its Judeo-Christian roots. If the Jewish element of those roots is upturned and Israel is lost, then we are lost too. Whether we like it or not, our fate is inextricably intertwined.

  68. vlad
    31 May 2010

    Creștinismul le-a dat o țară (în special prin voievozii, care s-au opus acestor păgâni), iar ei îl preaînalță acum pe Allah. Românii musulmani sunt una dintre cele mai groaznice struțo-cămile. Cum ar spune Țuțea: ”ce i-ar mai gâdila Țepeș la cur cu o țepușă”. Ăștia se predau păgânilor de bună-voie, îi preaînalță și-i roagă să le spele creierii.

  69. euNuke
    31 May 2010

    e efectiv scabros tembelismul acestor descoperitori ai lui halah.

  70. Corneliu
    31 May 2010

    Costine #71,
    m-ai facut curios cu „Islamul Azi”, asa ca am cautat si iata ce am gasit.
    La urma urmei e logic. Dar si tragic.

  71. euNuke
    31 May 2010

    teatru absurd, de vară:
    iconomissed islamic, cica
    musulmanca de limba romana…..5941908700
    guru ismanlîu…..activitati
    studintele muslim…..3163655287
    contabelu mişcării…..3265623015

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