Ce au în comun livra, uncia, piciorul şi cincinalul?
Toate sînt unităţi de măsură imperiale. Adică nu sînt metrice, bazate pe sistemul zecimal.
Livra are exact 16 uncii, sau ceva mai puţin de o jumătate de kil.
Uncia cîntăreşte echivalentul a 27 de grăunţe, deci cam tot atîtea grame.
Piciorul are 12 inci şi trei picioare încap într-un iard. Rigla banală de 30 de centimetri are un picior.
Cincinalul are oficial trei ani şi jumătate însă devenea flexibil cu minus în acte şi cu plus în realitate.
Primele trei le moştenim de la imperiul britanic şi ultima e azi la fel de perimată ca imperiul care a inventat-o.
Îmi cer scuze pentru introducerea de abia tangentă la ce urmează. Am citit azi ceva ce mi-a adus aminte că pe vremea cînd plopul făcea mere şi cincinalul era încă în uz, ziarul Scînteia obişnuia să publice scrisori ale românilor din străinătate sau care se întorceau din străinătate cu coada între picioare. Nu orice scrisori. Doar acelea compuse pe o foaie transparentă aşezată peste formularul tip vai-ce-greşeală-am-făcut-că-am-fugit-din-ţară. Se pare că acest formular a ajuns în Orientul Mijlociu, poate cu ocazia unui schimb iepocal de esperenţă şi bubături dintre Ceauşescu şi Arafat, Gadafi, Komeini. Cine să mai ştie… Cert este că docomentul a fost reactivat de saudiţi, cu oarece actualizări care il promovează în categoria vai-ce-bine-am-făcut-că-m-am-întors-în-ţară.
Ziarul Jerusalem Post a publicat recent o scrisoare răspuns a unei tinere din Arabia Saudită adresată jurnalistei israeliene Caroline Glick, în urma remarcilor deloc complimentare ale acesteia referitoare la regimul şi societatea din acea ţară. O reproduc integral, cu anotările comentatorilor.
h. a.
Hello Caroline Glick, I am a 20 year old female living in Saudi Arabia. My family and I used to live the United States for 13 years, until we decided to move back to be closer to our relatives. The other day, I was searching for articles on Google and I came across your op-ed on Laura Bush’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia.
I am sorry to say but I was very disappointed with your article. You said things that are not true about my country. For instance, you mentioned that women in Saudi have no choice on who they marry, and that men can marry up to four women and divorce them just in a matter of words.
We do have a choice on who to marry. You do realize we live in the 21st century?! Both my sisters and brother knew their spouses before they were married, and I come from a relatively religiously committed family. My mother and father met through family outings in Saudi Arabia in the 50’s. While it is true that men can marry up to four women, there are still consequences that comes with it.
First, this is a part of our religion which gives no one the right to mock us about it. Second, no sheikh (the equivalent to a priest) will allow a man to marry a second or third wife without conducting an interview with him to see what his reasons are. For instance, my uncle recently married a second wife. This second wife was a woman who’s husband died and was in financial debt. My uncle did what he thought was right, after asking for his wife’s blessing. If he had not received this blessing he would not have done it. Nor would he have done it if he had not realized how bad the situation this woman was in.
Oops, why didn`t you tell us about the saudi lady condemned to be lashed after she dared complain about rape? Not from your tribe? Fear for your cute hidden head? I would not expect free people like Caroline Glick to visit the harem soon.
andre guimont – canada
You also mention how no other religions can be practiced in Saudi Arabia. I want to point out this is the land that Islam was introduced in; the land the prophet was born in, the same land that contains Mecca and Medina, two of the holiest sites in Islam.
#3 most sacred place to Muslims: Jerusalem
And another good reason why Jerusalem must stay undivided and fully part of Israel.
Nechama – Australia
According to the writer’s logic, I could argue that … „You also mention how no other religions can be practiced in Israel. I want to point out this is the land that Judaism was introduced for; the same land that contains Jerusalem and Hebron, two of the holiest sites in Judaism. It makes sense not to allow another religion to be practiced in such a sacred place.”
LNI – Israel
Mecca as a cradle of Islam… Yes and Yes and Yes after muhammad murdered the two tribes of Israel in Mecca….
ed israel – australia
Just a little note regarding the „Prophet Mohammed” and the Jews who lived in Medina. Well there were Jews in Medina until nine hundred men from the Qurayzah (Jewish Tribe) were beheaded while Muhammad watched. Hmmm…guess he made sure there would be little religious tolerance for the next 1,300 years and counting.
Tana – US
It makes sense not to allow another religion to be practiced in such a sacred place. As far as I know there is no mosque in Vatican City. I respect the fact that it is a sacred place for a religion, and I would expect to receive the same respect from others about my country.
How nice! It’s „understandable” that Saudi Arabia is restricted to Muslems due to its „sacred nature”, but Jerusalem, which is as, if not more sacred to the Jews, is expected not only to allow other religions, but to cooperate with Muslem demands to keep Jews from their holiest place? Puleese!!!
I. Stone – USA
The author argues that as Saudi Arabia is the Holy Land for Muslims it is right that religions other than Wahabi Islam are not allowed there. Israel, on the other hand, allows all kinds of Muslims, Christians and others to pray in their own way in the Jewish Holy Land. One day maybe Arabia will „rise and shine” like Israel to let people choose for themselves.
It makes sense not to allow another religion to be practiced in such a sacred place.
Yeah!!! And what about Jerusalem, Hebron, etc. ??? Can we jews say the same ??? LOL!Andre – Brazil
Is this writer joking? The Vatican is not the most sacred site for Christians, it’s just where the pope is based. Jesus was never even close. The churches most holy were only a few years ago hijacked by islamic terrorists and used as a hideout. Also Judaisms holiest site has a massive islamic site smacked in the middled of it. Her comparison about mecca and medina are completely ignorant and foolish. NOT TO MENTION that Saudi arabia is much bigger. Why not allow it in places 50 miles or more out? Her points make no sense.
Gilad – UK
What this young lady is saying is that the land is more sacred than the message her faith espouses and that is the reason that no other religion can have a place to worship. Comparing the Vatican to the entire area of Saudia Arabia is riduclous-there are Mosques in Italy but no churches or synagogues allowed in Saudi Arabia-she should learn that there were Jewish Tribes in S.A. at the time of the founding of her relgion. There are also Mosques in Israel and the U.S. along with other faiths places of worship-land does not make the religion, people do.
Howard at Baltimore, Maryland
AS FOR OUR education, it is well on its way to becoming one of the best in the world. We have a wide range of opportunities. The college I attend has marketing, accounting, media, nursing, special education, electrical engineering, architecture, management, finance, and psychology. Another college here offers law, graphic design, interior design, banking, Management information system and fashion design. Our public universities offer all departments of medicine, physical therapy, economics, media, sociology, religion, literature, translation and so on.
Saudi Arabia, education and religious tolerance?
Their education? 19 of the terrorists in the 9/11 attacks were saudis, trained, financed and fully supported by Saudi Arabia. Religious tolerance, respect for others? That’s a joke in itself. They have one of the most appaling human rights record in the world. This supposed reply to CG is phoney and transparent dis-information. They have an agenda. Beware.Yuri – Slovenia
As far as I can see we are well-off, it is just a matter of what interests people. And no, contrary to what people assume, we are allowed to leave the house. Even without our brothers or fathers. It is a cultural choice whether a mother of father permit their daughters out without male supervision. Perhaps one in 15 families take a stringent position. I go to the beach, restaurants, parks, cafes, bowling…with my friends – males and females. Yes I do wear an abaya, but we do not necessarily have to cover our hair or faces; again this is a personal and cultural choice.
Saudi Arabia sounds so beautiful. All western liberal minded women should move there!
Jack – USA
To be frank, abayas are not a big deal to us, we actually embrace it and design lovely abayas that portray our personalities. And yes, it was ridiculous for the French government to try and ban women from wearing scarves. Where is the freedom of choice there? Was this to protect the country from terrorists? Anyway, how did it transpire that head coverings came to be seen as symbols of oppression? I wish the world would stop judging us.
I appreciate your trying to reach out and defend your country, but, as I worked and lived in SA for over 6 years. My daughters were terrified of the religious police as they chased them through the souks for not buttoning the abaya up completely. We were not allowed to visit Mecca or Medina, but, Saudis can visit any place they want. We were not allowed to bring in a Bible to study our religion, but, was promptly given a Koran. Saudi should open up and let people of the world see the country. An open society is the best.
Gene – Germany
America is not perfect, Europe is not perfect, Israel is not perfect and yes even I admit the Arab Middle East is not perfect. We all have our flaws! What is the use of learning about the world if we all had the same way of living.
There are no misperceptions about Saudi Wahabism here. Most all Jews and Christians are well informed and knowledgeable about this vile ideology that claims to be holy. I resent the fact that my USA allows these human impersonators to build their mosques here and spread their hateful influence to the gullible.
Not Jewish – USA
Our way is our choice. Nothing is forced upon us.
In Mecca in 2002 a fire broke out in a school for girls. When the girls tried to escape the flames the religious police prevented them from exiting the building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress and 15 of the girls died. And you say that nothing is forced on you. What about these girls?
RickD – USA
My advice to you, Caroline, is to befriend a Saudi. This is the best way to get to understand our culture. Or better yet, visit Saudi Arabia.
Your advice to Caroline may be well taken but what Saudi Arabian would want to befriend a Jew?
Jacob – Canada
Visit Saudi Arabia!
Sure! Let’s all book the next flight, eh? Except for a few minor details, like it is ilegal for Jews to enter Saudi Arabia, and Islam calls for the Muslims to kill every Jew, especially the ones hiding behind rocks. After all, aren’t the Jews descendents of Apes and Pigs?Neil
I did not write this to offend you or the Jerusalem Post, but to set the record straight. I live in Saudi Arabia. I laugh in Saudi. I am happy in Saudi. My life is not any different that it was in the United States.
I thought the post was interesting until I read, „My life is not any different that it was in the United States”. There are almost no similarities between Saudi Arabia and the US or between Saudi Arabia and any western democracy. And Saudi Arabia is extreme even by Muslim standards. So thanks for the info H.A. but no cigar. Meaning we don’t buy or believe what you are saying! Mike
redmike – Israel
One day my country will rise and shine above all, and I am sure when that happens the world will suddenly want to befriend us. Until then, I will do my part to correct misperceptions about our image. Thank you.
„One day my country will rise and shine above all, and I am sure when that happens the world will suddenly want to befriend us. ” Do I smell Jihad armageddon? or is that just the oil burning? and I’m not sure anyone besides Bush is willing to befriend the Saudis.
datizioni48 – USA
Editors note: The writer asked that her full name be kept in confidence.
Why is her name „Kept in Confidence” if she is so free to express herself?
marc – usa
What a beautiful article about how great the people, customs, and beliefs of Saudi Arabia are. What a great place to live and raise a family. It was all Utopian until one read the bottom explanation. The author’s name can not be published! No other retort is necessary in reply to the honesty of the information within the article.

So what I gather from this letter is that Muslims are allowed to have multiple Islamic states, including Saudi Arabia, and the Jews are not even allowed to have one simply because Islam dictates it? It is clear that nothing can convince this writer of how distorted her thinking is because she believes in the truth of her religion, and the best interests of her people. I wonder when Israel and the Jews will do the same thing, and look after their own interests instead of trying to appease everyone in this world.
Etoile – Canada
H.A, get rid of your absolutist monarchy that hearkens back to the European Middle Ages, and then write to Ms. Glick. Islam had its chance 1,000 years ago and your people blew it. I don’t buy your arguments, several months ago a girl was going to be judged in your country after she was raped, yet your authorities insisted that she was guilty. Come on! International pressure saved the poor girl from an unfair sentence in your courts. And if your country was so great what is wrong with publishing your name? Do you fear any kind of reprisal for addressing a Jewess in Israel?
Roberto Gonzalez Zamarripa – Mexico
The „modern” kingdom of Saudi Arabia is by universal consent among the world’s most cloistered and repressive societies. The author of this letter was afraid to even sign her name. Jews are infidels who are not allowed to set foot in Saudi Arabia. Christians and other non-Muslims can’t practice their religion there. The only reason anybody pays any attention to Saudi Arabia is because by an accident of geography the Saudis are sitting on most of the world’s oil reserves. Otherwise, they’re pretty much useless.
Steve David
From her well-educated and well-traveled background, I can only assume that Ms. HA gets some tangible benefits from the trillions of dollars in oil revenue her country gets (for doing nothing whatsoever constructive, by the way). She exemplifies the aristocratic upper-class mentality very well. Don’t rock the boat — everything is good — everything is just the way it should be. Even oppressive social customs are wonderful, if only you look at them from the standpoint of being wealthy.
Y. Kreminsky – Israel
2 February 2008O caraghioasa. Orice om care stie cat de cat pe ce lume traieste poate desfiinta o asemenea scrisoare.
2 February 2008Oare scrisoarea asta chiar e scrisa de o tanara dintr-o tara in care se aplica atat de riguros principiile wahhabismului? Tare mi-e teama ca aceasta tanara e un vajnic reprezentant cu barba si mustati al temutei Comisii pentru Apararea Virtutii si Prevenirea Viciului.
2 February 2008Se poate. In mod cert, scrisoarea este un exercitiu de public relations. Dar e destul de probabil sa fie intr-adevar scrisa de o tinara de 20 de ani. Inclin sa cred asta pentru ca vad in Toronto unele tinere musulmane de liceu sau facultate care folosesc un discurs similar. Cel putin H. A. e consecventa: s-a stabilit in Arabia Saudita. Cele de aici sar ca arse cind sint intrebate de ce nu se muta in sublima monarhie, daca tot o lauda atita.
2 February 2008Nu cred ca aceasta scrisoare a fost scrisa de o femeie, pare sa fie scrisa de un grup de persoane de la Ministerul Saudit al Propagandei.
Daca este asa fericita in Saudi Arabia, de ce nu-si da numele, sau asa-zisele libertati pe care le proclama acolo (plimbatul cu prietenii, invatamantul saudit, imbracamintea muslim facuta cu gust, este inimaginabil pentru mine cum poate cineva sa laude abaya) sunt doar variante ale unui scenariu demn de Orwell, 1984 mai exact?