La zi despre Turcia, în cinci lecturi

Pentru acest weekend al săptămînii pe cale să se încheie, în care Israel i-a scos din amorţeală pe leftangiii şi agiamiii de pe toate meridianele antisemitismului ştiinţific şi dialectic, o necesară documentare despre principalul sforar al flotilei păcii şi libertăţii: Turcia.

Dintr-o democraţie seculară aliată cu Occidentul şi Israel, Turcia s-a transformat pe parcursul ultimului deceniu într-o putere islamistă. Partidul cu nostalgii otomane al primului ministru Erdogan a şubrezit cei trei piloni ai Turciei kemaliste – armata, justiţia, presa – pînă la punctul de imposibilă întoarcere: prin orchestrarea agresiunii „umanitare” împotriva Israelului, Turcia a anunţat lumii parteneriatul strategic cu Hamas. Deocamdată, în cooperare cu Iran. Flancul nordic al islamului s-a întors la matca istorică, iar imperialismul islamic este pe cale să renască sub cele mai bune auspicii: cele două secte majore ale islamului, sunni şi shi’a, au acum actori statali redutabili şi legitimi capabili să revitalizeze tradiţia milenară întreruptă de secolul 20.

What’s Really Behind Turkey’s Coup Arrests?

Fethullah Gülen’s Grand Ambition

How Turkey Manufactured a Coup Plot

Erdogan and the Decline of the Turks

It’s Not About the Flotilla: Turkey Changed Sides Years Ago

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. costin
    4 June 2010

    Report: Turkish PM Considering Making Trip to Gaza to Break Blockade, Order Navy to Escort Flotilla…

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is considering a trip to Gaza in order to break the siege imposed on the Strip by Israel, Lebanese newspaper al-Mustaqbal reported Saturday, quoting “knowledgeable sources”.

    The newspaper said that “as part of the open conflict between Turkey and Israel following the massacre against the ‘freedom sail’ to Gaza and the protest sparked in the world, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is considering going to Gaza himself in order to break the blockade imposed on the Strip.”

    The sources noted that the Turkish leader had raised the option in a conversation with his associates.

    According to the report, Erdogan told the American administration he was planning to ask his navy to escort another aid flotilla, but that American officials asked him to delay the plan in order to look into the matter.

    The newspaper reported that the Erdogan government was under a lot of pressure from “political and popular groups” to annul all military agreements with Israel, but that the military establishment was strongly opposed to this demand.

  2. Francesco
    4 June 2010

    As I wrote in Tuesday’s paper, we’re witnessing the greatest transformation in the Middle East in at least three decades, but our nervous leaders are bearing false testimony.

    On Monday, Turkey turned its back on the West. History changed. Only the closed minds in Washington have not.

    Citatul este din articolul lui Ralph Peters.

  3. costin
    4 June 2010

    The Guardian: Turkey is calling for a jihad against Israel

    Support for Turkey is at an all-time high in the Arab world. The last time Turkish flags were carried through the streets of Middle Eastern capitals was during the first world war, as people took to the streets in continued support for the Ottoman sultan-caliph against the western entente powers. The sultan-caliph had proclaimed a jihad. Thanks to Turkish government support of a blockade-running mission led by a group of Hamas sympathisers, they are flying once again. No ruling Arab leader is as popular as the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose discourse amounts to calls for a jihad against Israel.

  4. costin
    4 June 2010

    NY Times, THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN: Letter From Istanbul

    Turkey is a country that had me at hello. I like the people, the culture, the food and, most of all, the idea of modern Turkey — the idea of a country at the hinge of Europe and the Middle East that manages to be at once modern, secular, Muslim, democratic, and has good relations with the Arabs, Israel and the West. After 9/11, I was among those hailing the Turkish model as the antidote to “Bin Ladenism.” Indeed, the last time I visited Turkey in 2005, my discussions with officials were all about Turkey’s efforts to join the European Union. That is why it is quite shocking to come back today and find Turkey’s Islamist government seemingly focused not on joining the European Union but the Arab League — no, scratch that, on joining the Hamas-Hezbollah-Iran resistance front against Israel.

    Now how did that happen?

    Wait one minute, Friedman. That is a gross exaggeration, say Turkish officials.

    You’re right. I exaggerate, but not that much. A series of vacuums that emerged in and around Turkey in the last few years have drawn Turkey’s Islamist government — led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party — away from its balance point between East and West. This could have enormous implications. Turkey’s balancing role has been one of the most important, quiet, stabilizers in world politics. You only notice it when it is gone. Being in Istanbul convinces me that we could be on our way to losing it if all these vacuums get filled in the wrong ways.

    The first vacuum comes courtesy of the European Union. After a decade of telling the Turks that if they wanted E.U. membership they had to reform their laws, economy, minority rights and civilian-military relations — which the Erdogan government systematically did — the E.U. leadership has now said to Turkey: “Oh, you mean nobody told you? We’re a Christian club. No Muslims allowed.” The E.U.’s rejection of Turkey, a hugely bad move, has been a key factor prompting Turkey to move closer to Iran and the Arab world.

    But as Turkey started looking more South, it found another vacuum — no leadership in the Arab-Muslim world. Egypt is adrift. Saudi Arabia is asleep. Syria is too small. And Iraq is too fragile. Erdogan discovered that by taking a very hard line against Israel’s partial blockade of Hamas-led Gaza — and quietly supporting the Turkish-led flotilla to break that blockade, during which eight Turks were killed by Israel — Turkey could vastly increase its influence on the Arab street and in the Arab markets.

    Indeed, Erdogan today is the most popular leader in the Arab world. Unfortunately, it is not because he is promoting a synthesis of democracy, modernity and Islam, but because he is loudly bashing Israel over its occupation and praising Hamas instead of the more responsible Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, which is actually building the foundations of a Palestinian state.

    There is nothing wrong with criticizing Israel’s human rights abuses in the territories. Israel’s failure to apply its creativity to solving the Palestinian problem is another dangerous vacuum. But it is very troubling when Erdogan decries Israelis as killers and, at the same time, warmly receives in Ankara Sudan’s president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who has been indicted by the International Criminal Court on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his role in the bloodshed in Darfur, and while politely hosting Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose government killed and jailed thousands of Iranians demanding that their votes be counted. Erdogan defended his reception of Bashir by saying: “It’s not possible for a Muslim to commit genocide.”

    As one Turkish foreign policy analyst said to me: “We are not mediating between East and West anymore. We’ve become spokesmen for the most regressive elements in the East.”

    Finally, there is a vacuum inside Turkey. The secular opposition parties have been in disarray most of the decade, the army has been cowed by wiretaps and the press has been increasingly intimidated into self-censorship because of government pressures. In September, the Erdogan government levied a tax fine of $2.5 billion on the largest, most influential — and most critical — media conglomerate, Dogan Holdings, to bring it to heel. At the same time, Erdogan lately has spoken with increasing vitriol about Israel in his public speeches — describing Israelis as killers — to build up his domestic support. He regularly labels his critics as “Israel’s contractors” and “Tel Aviv’s lawyers.”

    Sad. Erdogan is smart, charismatic and can be very pragmatic. He’s no dictator. I’d love to see him be the most popular leader on the Arab street, but not by being more radical than the Arab radicals and by catering to Hamas, but by being more of a democracy advocate than the undemocratic Arab leaders and mediating in a balanced way between all Palestinians and Israel. That is not where Erdogan is at, though, and it’s troubling. Maybe President Obama should invite him for a weekend at Camp David to clear the air before U.S.-Turkey relations get where they’re going — over a cliff.

  5. costin
    4 June 2010

    Turkish jets kill Kurds again; Kurds need „Peace Flotilla”

    ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish warplanes launched air raids at suspected Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq Saturday after a rebel attack on a military outpost in Turkey touched off clashes in which nine soldiers and 12 rebel fighters died, Turkey’s military and reports said.

    Two other soldiers were killed in a land mine explosion while chasing the rebels, the state-run Anatolia new agency reported, raising the overall death toll in Saturday’s violence to 23.

    Special forces were immediately sent to reinforce the border area where the clashes occurred and Turkish warplanes bombed detected Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq the military said, without providing any further details.

    At least 14 other soldiers were wounded in the fighting.

    Kurdish rebels have dramatically stepped up attacks in Turkey in recent months, threatening a government attempt to end one of the world’s longest guerrilla wars. The military said Friday more than 40 soldiers had been killed since March — including six who died in a rocket attack on a vehicle near a naval base in southern Turkey — and warned it anticipated more attacks.

    Turkey’s military has responded by sending warplanes across the border for raids on suspected rebel bases while elite commandos crossed the border in pursuit of the rebels in a daylong incursion earlier this week.

    The rebels belonging to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, have used northern Iraq as a springboard to stage hit-and-run attacks on Turkish targets in their decades-long campaign for autonomy in Turkey’s Kurdish-dominated southeast. The Turkish military says around 4,000 rebels are based just across the border in Iraq and that about 2,500 operate inside Turkey.

    The group declared it was increasing attacks on June 1, a day after imprisoned Kurdish rebel chief Abdullah Ocalan said in a statement relayed by his lawyers that his calls for dialogue with Turkey had been ignored and that he was giving his consent to the rebel command in northern Iraq to determine which course of action to take.

    The military said Saturday’s attack occurred at 2 a.m. (2300 GMT Friday) on an outpost near the town of Semdinli — a mountainous region where the borders of Turkey, Iraq and Iran meet. The military said eight soldiers were killed but the Anatolia later reported that one missing soldier was found dead, raising the number of troops killed in the attack to nine.

    Private NTV television, citing unnamed military sources, said a large group of PKK rebels infiltrated the area from hideouts across the Iraqi border to attack the military unit.

    Clashes in the region were continuing sporadically, NTV said.

    The United States, which along with the European Union, has declared the PKK to be a terrorist group, has provided intelligence to Turkey in support of its fight against the rebels. Turkey also uses drones it recently purchased from Israel.

    Armagan Kuloglu, a retired general and military analyst, said, however, there appeared to be a deficiency in the intelligence and that the advance of the rebels should have been detected.

    Saturday’s attack was met with outrage among politicians in Turkey.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey was determined to press ahead with the fight „until the terrorist organization is eradicated.”

    A nationalist opposition party, the Nationalist Action Party, called for a wide-ranging ground offensive in northern Iraq, including the establishment of a security zone along the border inside Iraqi territory and operations against PKK commanders believed to be based on Mount Qandil, which sits on the Iranian-Iraqi border.

    On Friday, the military said it had killed as many as 120 Kurdish rebels in an air raid on rebel positions in northern Iraq last month and in this week’s incursion by elite commandos who crossed the border to hunt down a group of PKK rebels who escaped after a failed attack near the border town of Uludere.

    Turkey has launched several air and ground incursions into northern Iraq over the 26 years of the insurgency, with mixed results. The rebels have returned to positions along the border soon after the troops have withdrawn.

    The Marxist group has been labeled a terrorist organization by the West for killing civilians in urban bombings and arson attacks and slaying government teachers, engineers and clergymen.

    The government has extended greater cultural rights to the Kurds such as broadcasts in the Kurdish language on television, in an effort to win their hearts and reduce support for the rebels.

    Turkey, however, rejects calls from the Kurdish rebels and politicians to allow education in schools in Kurdish. The language is also barred in parliament and other official settings on the grounds that its use would divide the country along ethnic lines.

    The conflict has killed as many as 40,000 people since 1984.

  6. euNuke
    4 June 2010

    un material foarte bun ce demonteaza piesa cu piesa relatiile ue/islam/turcia

  7. euNuke
    4 June 2010

    un episod abominabil din istoria modernă a Turciei mai puţin cunoscut, pogromul asupra etniei elene din istanbul:

  8. euNuke
    4 June 2010

    Avîntul prăbuşirea Europei se întoarce la masa tratativelor doar pentru a urca pe cele mai înalte culmi ale absurdului, de data asta cu ajutorul alpenştocului de eurosceptic al tăuraşului camerunez, o bovină sinistră scopită de nebunul satului global pe linia vechii tradiţii veterinar-sexuale a cămilarilor in care noul stăpîn recompensează dobitocul fidel şi trădător de turmă…cu o bătrîneţe liniştită şi lipsită de griji, precum şi un deces confortabil, cum ar veni o moarte bună, nu de satîrul măcelarului, ci, in staulul personal, cu botu-n ieslea plină de spumele altora.

    Spumele altora a rumegat şi apoi regurgitat pacostea de dobitoc, cameron pe numele lui mărunt, cînd, mergînd cu limba-ntinsă la lins papucii de sultan a dat de microfoanele presei pregătite din timp. viţelul cu veleităţi de conservă-taurină rîvneşte pesemne la o kăpiţă cu fîn de aur de a uitat şi de diplomaţie [s-a băligat in direct pe capetele partenerilor de turmă ieuropeană ce au îndrăznit să-i critice stăpînii semilunatici şi stîna lor de vară] şi de misiunea lui de bovină infiltrată de văcar pe islazul european, şi poftim de vezi ce dandana a rostogolit boul de viţik -l-a luat gura pe dinainte şi a mugit pe limba caprelor din Gaza fix mesajul lor de pace obişnuit, anume acela cu sărmană palestină, hopşaşa, ăsta era textul de cerşeală-n obor al deilimilogilor britanici independenţi, independenţi de englezi şi opiniile lor rasiste, dar murind de grija luptătorilor şi eroiilor pentru pace, dragii şi bravii semilunatici, lua-i-ar gaia-n codru.

    Şi dacă tot era călare pe tunul cu declaraţii, ce se cugetă pe dînsul, viţelul, că hai să facă şi niţică apologie a doctrinei de pacificare a grajdului global, ş-apoi să dea niţel din coadă gudurîndu-se pe lîngă sultan cum a văzut pe la javrele predecesoare, ălea din partidul muncitorimii de lux, e drept că ăia nu s-au coborît in halul ăsta, de obicei o făceau pe furiş, cînd nu erau şi partenerii de coaliţii, nato, ue şi alte bazaconii in preajma lor. da’…te pui cu dobitocu ajuns in copac cu tresă şi insignă de prim-ministru?..era chitit să-şi demonstreze slugărnicia şi utilitatea in schemele samsarilor săi.

    Şi bietul animal nu se putu abţine să dea şi cu botu-n balta logicii, cică Europa fiind stat secular nu poate respinge Turcia şi islamul care sînt de fapt foarte compatibile cu civilizaţia lui de smîrc şi pîclă pe creieri, adică europa lui, a viţelului. halal. ????

    Mai e nevoie să speculăm asupra efectului de imagine asupra partidului conservator care se vede tîrît in mocirla islamică fără drept de apel de un personaj infam ce a deziluzinat dintr-o singură lovitură toţi acei alegători ai săi păcăliţi de trompeta sa pro-naţională preelectorală?

    mai bine să zicem de ai noştri bravi propagandişti islamici:

    aţi observat ora la care au publicat presarii materialul cu Cameronul mămichii care era musai să fie la rîndul lui periat? ei bine, băieţii responsabili cu trendul de la hotniuz aveau deja pregătit un material ajutător pentru eventualii cititori debusolaţi de schimbarea de ton, material care meştereşte cu onctuozitate la o aşa-zisă nevoie de ţară islamică in Europa, ba chiar îndrăneşte să justifice propensiunea fascistă a Turciei Erdoganiste cu o presupusă tînjală europeană la negocierile de aderare. La cît de informat pare băietu nu pot lua in calcul o eroare de judecată, deci avem un caz de premeditare in colportarea unor zvonuri antieuropene şi pro-islamice, nu numai pro-turcia, ca atare cel a comis flotarea sofistică injectată cu veninul pacificator este un dedicat cauzei, demn de a fi înscris in tabloul cu propagandişti de seamă, mercenari in presa virtuală şi nu numai:

  9. euNuke
    4 June 2010

    in loc de
    cum ar veni o moarte bună, nu de satîrul măcelaruluici, ci in staulul personal
    a se citi
    cum ar veni, răpus de moarte bună, nu de iataganul măcelarului, ci in staulul personal,

  10. euNuke
    4 June 2010

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