Caravana jihadului politic oferă cursuri şi în Leeds – gratuit!

Un „curs” oferit în Anglia de Muslim Public Affairs Committee.

Are you tired of Politicians rushing to attack you? How the Media is making people fear and hate you? How the Government backs states like Israel? Is there any way you can defend yourself against such powerful forces?
The answer is yes!
Groundbreaking courses with modules on Strategy, Political Affairs, the Media, Islamophobia and Political Jihad will teach you how. MPACUK Training is based on practical results. You will gain an understanding of some of the most important challenges facing Muslims in Britain and the world. It will deliver successfully proven and innovative solutions to these challenges and teach you how to counter an increasingly dangerous and threatening environment.
You will return to your communities with practical, proven and effective methods of initiating positive change in all walks of life. It won’t cost you anything, except your time and your sense of civic responsibility inherent to Islam. The programme is free though expected to be heavily over subscribed – thus booking early is imperative.

New English Review

Vrei să ştii ce se află în spatele jargonului de marketing? Citeste cele 5 extrase din „Islamistul”, cartea lui Ed Husain. Vei înţelege în detaliu care sînt acele successfully proven and innovative solutions şi proven and effective methods of initiating positive change in all walks of life. Nu numai că e gratis, nici măcar nu e nevoie să te deplasezi pînă la Leeds.

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean

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