Peter Robinson, moderatorul emisiunii Uncommon Knowledge, realizată de National Review, a fost unul dintre autorii discursurilor lui Ronald Reagan. Acesta discută cu Mark Steyn si Rob Long despre omul care a fost Ronal Reagan şi despre discursul lui încă extrem de actual pentru prezentul Statelor Unite:
Mark Steyn, Rob Long şi de ce este Ronald Reagan încă foarte actual
23 June 2010
,Autor Costin Andrieş
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Costin Andrieş
Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD
23 June 2010costin:
Mi-a atras atentia refuzul lui Reagan de a vorbi despre americani ca o „massa” ale carei nevoi materiale trebuie satisfacute de un conducator luminat, asa cum ar fi vrut senatorii Fulbright si Clarke:
„Well I for one resent it when a representative of the people refers to you and me, the free people of this country, as the ‘masses’”.
Ce e cumva trist sunt referintele constante ale interlocutorilor la experienta fascista si monarhica (vezi ce numeste Steyn „the monarchical urge”) in Europa de Vest, fara a mentiona masina totalitara comunista din restul lumii.
Mi se pare ca Steyn o cam ia pe aratura. „Dorinta/instinctul monarhic” nu prea tine daca te gindesti la zone/culturi in care „monarhismul” e necunoscut. Instinctul totalitar nu cunoaste regim politic, fie el tribal, monarhic, teocratic, comunist, etc.
In plus, un regim monarhic nu e incompatibil cu o democratie reprezentativa, cu toate bubele sale.
In fine, sa vorbesti despre un „instinct monarhic” in SUA e o gafa intelectuala de proportii.
23 June 2010Doar doua segmente? Cind apar si restul sa le pui si pe ele.
Panseluta, dar nu am auzit nicio referinta la monarhism. Exista si restul episoadelor si te refereai cumva la ele? (acum e tirziu, dar revad si miine partile 1 & 2)
23 June 2010emil:
Imi cer scuze. Eu am vazut episoadele de pina acum pe situl NRO.
Referinta e la segmentul al 3-lea, cam la 3:10, cind Steyn vorbeste despre „the persistence of the monarchichal urge” ca explicatie a ascensiunii lui Obama.
23 June 2010costin:
Ce Ronald Reagan visezi??
Uite ce i-a bubuit mintea lui Richard Branson, pe care si-a pus stampila comunistul Nelson Mandela: un „sfat al batrinilor” international care vor salva lumea:
Nelson Mandela launches Elders to save world
Published: 12:01AM BST 19 Jul 2007
A frail yet still magnetic figure, Mr Mandela was greeted in Johannesburg at South Africa’s Constitutional Court – where he was once held prisoner – by a choir that sang his praises before he outlined the Elders’ objectives.
„The Elders can become a fiercely independent and robust force for good, tackling conflicts and intractable issues, especially those that are not popular,” said Mr Mandela.
The group will „speak freely and boldly, working both publicly and behind the scenes, working wherever our help is needed”.
He added: „This group derives its strength not from military, political or economic power, but from the independence and integrity of those who are here.”
The club’s members will comprise former presidents, elder statesmen, leaders and activists and probably five Nobel laureates.
There will eventually be 12 Global Elders – but the exact make-up of the group was in flux right up until yesterday’s announcement.
As well as Mr Mandela and his wife, Graca Machel, the group comprises Desmond Tutu, the Anglican Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town; Jimmy Carter, the former American president; Mary Robinson, the former Irish president; Kofi Annan, the former secretary general of the United Nations; and Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel laureate economist and founder of the Green Bank in Bangladesh, where he is known as „banker to the poor”. All were at the launch in Johannesburg yesterday.
Li Zhaoxing, until two months ago the foreign minister of China, has also been invited to join, along with Ela Bhatt, the Indian activist and founder of a women’s association. Gro Harlen Bruntland, formerly prime minister of Norway and director of the World Health Organisation, may also become a member.
An empty chair was set on stage yesterday and will be reserved at all Elders meetings for the Burmese opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, who is now the prisoner of the military junta despite her victory in a democratic election in 1990.
The initiative was the brainchild of Sir Richard Branson and the musician Peter Gabriel. As long ago as 2001, they approached Mr Mandela to ask if he and his wife would lead the project.
Sir Richard, Gabriel, the United Nations Foundation and a number of private benefactors are funding the initiative. The Elders should meet twice a year and maintain regular contact via video conferencing.
Archbishop Tutu emphasised that much of their work is likely to take place behind closed doors. „There may be things we can accomplish because people have been able to use their persuasive abilities in confidence. One of the ways to be effective is that no one gets to know precisely what we have done,” he said.
But if their work is in private, it will be hard to gauge the Elders’ success or failure.
Sceptics ask whether a group of 12 ageing and largely retired figures can possibly exert real influence over the world’s most intractable conflicts. Mr Mandela himself rarely leaves Johannesburg and has ceased giving regular speeches.
Instead, much will rest on his moral authority, as well as his ability to generate enthusiasm for tackling injustice and hardship.
„Together we will work to support courage where there is fear, foster agreement where there is conflict and inspire hope where there is despair,” he said.
Mr Mandela also emphasised that he is now „trying to take my retirement seriously”, and his role is likely to be symbolic and inspirational rather than practical.
Certainly there was little doubt yesterday just how inspiring a figure he remains. His colleagues among the Global Elders paid a series of warm, if sentimental, tributes to him.
Muhammad Yunus spoke of how being on the same platform as Mr Mandela was „the proudest day of my life”, while Li Zhaoxing demonstrated a surprisingly poetic sensibility by turning to Mr Mandela and reciting the first verse of Shakespeare’s 18th sonnet: „Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day…”
But the last word went to Archbishop Tutu who, visibly moved as the frail figure of Mr Mandela was helped offstage, murmured rapturously into the microphone: „Isn’t goodness beautiful?”
Ca sunt asa de multi imbecili in „Sfatul” asta nu ma mira. Astfel de „organisme” perfect inutile sunt create in special pentru ei, ca sa le satisfaca mania grandorii.
Ma intristeaza, cumva, dar nu ma socheaza participarea lui Peter Gabriel la schema asta oneroasa. A fost un muzician extraordinar, cu Genesis-ul original. Gabriel isi confirma, doar, decesul muzical.
23 June 2010Ma mir ca ai pretentii de la niste amarati de muzicieni. ????
23 June 2010Si Bono, Bono unde este ?
El nu a fost invitat?
23 June 2010Bono, unde sa fie Bono? Isi aduce si el contributia la salvarea lumii alaturi de Sting si Brad Pitt. Lasa-i Panseluta sa faca comitete si comitii, sedinte si brainstorminguri, sint la a doua tinerete doar, au nevoie sa se simta utili ducind lumea spre noi culmi ale progresului si victoria socialismului or smth.
niste mosuleti simpatici si senili, ce ai cu ei? ????
P.S. am adaugat segementele 3 si 4
23 June 2010pepper, o sa iti placa asta:
California welfare cards can be used in many casino ATMs
dr pepper
23 June 2010???? ma bucur tare pentru californieni.
in schimb daca mergi pe autostrada 10 din L.A. – zici ca mergi cu calu’.
23 June 2010Actualizare: În listă sînt acum 4 segmente.
Al cincilea îl puteţi urmări aici.
dr pepper
23 June 2010„scanteia” ne trezeste amintiri:
For US and Russia, it’s now a walk in the park
vizita de lucru a tovarasului zah uan, cel mai iubit fiu al patriei s’a incheiat intr’o buna atmosfera tovaraseasca.
au fost incheiate noi contracte bilaterale si de pace cu poporul frate rus ( care inarmeaza venezuela)…
e pace si armonie.
Transsylvania Phoenix
23 June 2010As vrea eu un cal, poate ca as ajunge mai repede acasa decit conducing pick-up truck-ul meu pe 10 in trafic bara la bara de la Eastern pina la Robertson.