Preşedintele Uniunii Europene ca lider studenţesc comunist

Imaginile arată un interviu din 1976 cu Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, acum preşedinte al Comisiei Europene, în care se poate vedeea un pasionat tînăr lider studenţesc Maoist din Portugalia.

Wikipedia spune că Barroso a fost liderul partidului maoist Mişcarea de Reorganizare a Partidului Proletariatului (MRPP), cunoscut mai tîrziu ca Partidul Comunist al Muncitorilor Portughezi/Mişcarea Revoluţionară a Proletariatului Protughez.
Pe wikipedia se mai promeneste de un interviu în care Barroso şi-ar fi motivat intrarea in partidul comunist printr-un argument de genul Iliescu „am vrut sa distrug sistemul din interior” spunînd că a intrat in MRPP pentru a lupta împotriva celeilalte mişcari studenţeşt de atunci (erau doar două), care era controlată de Partidul Comunist. Apoi Barroso a intrat in partidul de centru dreapta(!), Partidul Social Democrat. Centru dreapta, monşer!

BBC ne spune că în tinereţe ar fi îmbrăţişat politica de stînga iar în 1980 intrat în partidul de „centru-dreapta”, Partidul Social Democrat. Iar „centru dreapta”. Sînt socialiştii consideraţi mai nou de centru dreapta? Atunci logic, un tînăr care se consideră de stînga nu poate fi decît comunist? Iar dacă Social Democraţii sînt de centru dreapta, partidele liberale clasice ce vor fi? De extrema dreaptă?

Conform BBC, Barroso a fost implicat în timpul studenţiei în politică radicală după ce profesorul lui preferat a fost bătut în timpul regimului Marcello Caetano, succesorul lui Antonio Salazar.

El s-a deplasat de-a lungul spectrului politic în timpul carierei sale politice de la a fi un militant maoist de extrema stîngă la a ajunge apoi primul-ministru de centru dreapta urmînd ortodoxismul pieţei libere.

Pe situl Uniunii Europene nici nu se pomeneşte de trecutul comunist al lui Barroso. Acolo se spune că acesta şi-ar fi început cariera politică odată cu intrarea în Partidul Social Democrat. Lucru care este pur şi simplu neadevărat.

Îmi pun astfel cîteva întrebări: cîte din părerile lui din tinereţe au rămas neschimbate? Sînt social democraţii de centru dreapta? De ce pe situl UE nu se pomeneşte de trecutul comunist al lui Barroso? Este acest trecut complet irelevant dacă dorim să ne facem o idee despre ce fel de om este Barroso în prezent? Cine este Jose Manuel Durao Barroso?

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actualizare: TOM GALLAGHER – Onoruri discutabile pentru administratorul blocului european

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. costin
    1 June 2009

    Un articol foarte interesant despre ascensiunea lui Geert Wilders si alegerile Europene:
    The Dutch (and EU) Establishment Protects Itself. Wilders Not to Join Group in EP

    Our American readers will find this hard to believe, but the electoral system in the Netherlands has been devised to ensure that new or small parties will not be able to win more than 20% of the seats in the Dutch Parliament. Indeed, Dutch law forbids new parties and parties which currently hold less than 16 of the 150 seats in Parliament to put forward more than 30 candidates for parliament.

    This law is causing concern for the popular politician Geert Wilders, the founder and leader of the Freedom Party, PVV, which at present holds 9 seats. The latest poll predicts that the PVV will win 32 seats in the general elections next year. If Mr. Wilders does as well or even better than the poll predicts, the additional seats above 30 which his party wins will be evenly divided among the other parties.
    If the law is not changed and the PVV does as well in the voting booth as in the present polls, Mr. Wilders will be denied all his seats above 30 and be forced to give one seat to Labour and one to the Christian-Democrats. This will allow the CDA to remain the largest party with 31 seats.
    In an article in the Dutch newspaper Trouw today, the leftist journalist Rinke van den Brink, a self-declared expert of the “far-right” and the author of a number of biased books, such as the “Internationale de la haine” (The International of Hatred), writes about “Wilders’ European family.” Mr. van den Brink talked to Filip Dewinter (VB), Mogens Camre and Morten Messerschmidt (DF), Mario Borghezio (LN), Andreas Mölzer (FPÖ), and Gerard Batten (UKIP). Mr. Batten says he personally favors cooperation with Mr. Wilders but is not sure whether his party leadership is keen to address the issues (read: the fight against Islamisation) which have made the PVV so successful.

    Mr. van den Brink’s article is part of a concerted project. Tonight, Dutch television broadcasts a documentary with the same title, in the hope of persuading the Dutch voters to abstain from voting for Mr. Wilders tomorrow. Part of the documentary is an interview with the Dutch academic André Krouwel who warns that Mr. Wilders is an extremist. Mr. Krouwel says Mr. Wilders is dangerous because he, and the other parties who would like to team up with him, emphasize the importance of national sovereignty over European cooperation. “Giving a central role to the national states will lead to many serious problems: to economic decline and to tensions between the states. It endangers prosperity and peace in Europe,” he says.

    On Dutch television this evening (June 3), Geert Wilders announced that he will not team up to form a group with other parties in the European Parliament. He said that joining a group would „lead to confusion”.

    He said he realizes that not joining a group has consequences such as less speaking time and less influence, but he is willing to accept these. Opponents of Wilders in Brussels say that as he will not belong to a group, his influence in the European Parliament will be limited.

    Despre Parlamentul European:

    The EP has “privileged” and “underprivileged” MEPs. Members who do not belong to a formally recognised group receive less money, fewer staff, can only speak for one (sic) minute during debates, may not table amendments in the plenary session, cannot chair parliamentary committees, etc.

    For a Group to be formally recognised in the European Parliament, it must consist of 25 MEPs from 7 of the 27 EU member states. This used to be only 20 members from 6 countries, but the rules have been tightened with the specific aim of making it harder for non-establishment parties to form a group. Following this week’s European elections a realignment of the groups is expected. The British Conservatives have announced that they will leave the Christian-Democrat group, the so-called “European People’s Party” EPP, to become the nucleus of a group of Conservative parties, while two of the existing smaller groups are expected to dissolve.
    Two parties formerly belonging to the UEN, the Danish People’s Party (DF) and the Italian Lega Nord (LN), have already announced that they are leaving the UEN. Both parties are eurosceptic and oppose the Islamization of Europe. They are willing to form a new group with the Belgian Vlaams Belang and have also been talking to the Austrian Freedom Party FPÖ. They would also like to form a group with UKIP and, if he is willing to team up with them, with Mr. Wilders’ PVV.

  2. costin
    1 June 2009

    Reportaj BBC, in still BBC(„Sir, are you a racist?”), despre ascensiunea lui Geert Wilders:

  3. Riddick
    1 June 2009

    A furat mobilierul din biroul decanului, l-a încărcat într-un camion, apoi s-a prezentat cu „prada” la sediul partidului” (era „rivuluţie”). Preşedintele i-a spus să ducă imediat înapoi lucrurile de furat:

    One of the more memorable episodes of Barroso’s period of Maoist MRPP activism was his theft of several items of furniture from the dean’s office of the Lisbon University Faculty of Law. The several items of furniture, including chairs and a desk, were transported by Barroso in a truck from Lisbon University to MRPP headquarters where the party’s then leader, Arnaldo Matos, ordered Barroso to return the stolen property immediately. In December 1980, Barroso joined the right-of-centre PPD (Democratic Popular Party, later PPD/PSD-Social Democratic Party), where he remains to the present day.​ge_id=505

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