Stuck Mojo & CAIR

audiție și aplazie ????
să mai și audiem ca să nu ni se atrofieze bunul-simț, percepția realității. băieților de la Stuck Mojo se pare că le-a cam ajuns Religia Păcii. sper să mai auzim de astfel de mesaje sonore. prind la adolescenți mai bine ca orice teoretizare. dacă mai și google-esc una, alta… the job is almost done
Islam pe ritm de mărșăluire, exact cum le place. doar că de data asta este o replică…


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Vlad P.

Vlad P.


  1. Transsylvania Phoenix
    3 February 2010

    Am cumparat CD-ul lor (Southern Born Killers) la lansare, cu autografele membrilor formatiei. Merita baietii!

  2. emil
    3 February 2010

    Excelent montajul video. Adevarul cu forta de ciocan pneumatic.

  3. Transsylvania Phoenix
    3 February 2010

    Si daca tot sintem la capitolul conservative rock bands:

    Stuck Mojo – „I’m An American”

    Lynyrd Skynyrd – „That Ain’t My America”

    Sometimes I wanna light up underneath the no-smoking sign
    Sometimes I wish they’d tell me, how justice got so blind
    I wish they’d just leave me alone ‘cause I’m doing alright
    You can take your change on down the road and leave me here with mine

    ‘Cause that ain’t my America
    That aint this country’s roots
    You wanna slam old Uncle Sam
    But I ain’t letting you
    I’m mad as hell and you know I still bleed Red, White, and Blue
    That ain’t us
    That Ain’t My America

    I was standing there in Dallas
    Waitin on a plane
    I overheard an old man
    Tell a young soldier „thanks”
    The young soldier hung his head and said „it’s hard to believe
    You’re the only one who took the time to say a word to me”
    And the old man said…

    That ain’t my America
    That aint this country’s roots
    You wanna slam old Uncle Sam
    But I ain’t letting you
    I’m mad as hell and you know I still bleed Red, White, and Blue
    That ain’t us
    That Ain’t My America

    It’s to the women and men who in their hands hold a Bible and a gun
    And they ain’t afraid of nothing, when when they’re holding either one

    Now there’s kids who can’t pray in school
    $100 dollar tanks of gas
    I can tell you right now this country ain’t


    ‘Cause that ain’t my America
    That aint this country’s roots
    You wanna slam old Uncle Sam
    But I ain’t letting you
    I’m mad as hell and you know I still bleed Red, White, and Blue
    That ain’t us
    That Ain’t My
    That Ain’t My America

    Lynyrd Skynyrd – „God And Guns”

    Last night I heard this politician
    Talking ‘bout his brand new mission
    I Liked his plans, but they came undone when he got around to God and Guns

    I don’t know how he grew up
    But it sure wasn’t down at the hunting club
    Cause if it was he’d understand a little bit more about the working man

    God and guns
    Keep us strong
    That’s what this country
    Was founded on
    Well we might aswell give up and run
    If we let them take our God and guns

    I’m here in my back of the woods
    Where God is great and guns are good
    You really can’t know that much about ‘em
    If you think we’re better off without ‘em

    Well there was a time we ain’t forgot
    You could rest all night with the doors unlocked
    But there ain’t nobody safe no more
    So you say your prayers and you thank the lord

    For that peace maker
    In the dresser drawer

    God and Guns (God and Guns)
    Keep us strong
    That’s what this country, lord
    Was founded on
    Well we might aswell give up and run,
    If we let ‘em take our God and guns.
    Yea we might aswell give up and run,
    If we let ‘em take our God and guns!

    Don’t let ‘m take
    Don’t you let ‘m take
    Don’t let ‘m take
    Our God and Guns

    Oh God and Guns
    Ye keep us strong
    That’s what this country, lord
    Was founded on
    Well we might aswell give up and run,
    If we let ‘em take our God and guns!

  4. vlad
    3 February 2010


    wow, thx for reminding Lynyrd Skynyrd

    frontman/guitarist L.S., Rickey Medlocke

    Nationalized Health Care: Obama’s Policy Is To Tell You When And How You Can Die !!!

    Obama Won’t Apologize To Police Officers !!

  5. vlad
    3 February 2010

    si pentru ca Rickey Medlocke facea referire la libertatea de a-ti alege doctorul:

    de la minutul 04:00

  6. Northern Born Killa
    3 February 2010

    Hehe, nu stiu cat de „conservative rock” sunt Stuck Mojo, in unul dintre cele doua clipuri pe care le-ati postat aici o tot dau cu multiculturalismul etc, exact bau-baul vostru. Iar piesa cu islamul, pe langa versurile de-a dreptul retardate, e slaba de tot. Stuck Mojo sunt si ei niste baieti din bumfuck Georgia pasionati de wrestling si de tatuaje penale, cantau bine pe vremuri dar niciodata n-au fost celebri pt inteligenta.

    Iar ala de la Lynyrd Skynyrd, vai de capul lui, se vede ce fac drogurile din om, cum e si cazul lui Ted Nugent. Cei de la Faux News evident ca sunt pe langa subiect ca de obicei, si, pt ca ei considera ca a vorbi in cunostinta de cauza cu persoane avizate e prea „elitist”, mai aduc cate un nebun sau un caraghios sa-si dea cu parerea. Deh, votantii conservatori nu au nevoie doar de meth, arme si dumniezau, au nevoie si de circ.

  7. Imperialistu'
    3 February 2010

    Melodia e okay, dar nu e „conservative” sub nici o forma mixtura asta de rock si elemente de ghetou. Nu prea ma pasioneaza artistii cu mesaj, de obicei sunt pe langa subiect, de punkeri nu mai zic. Acestea fiind zise, Northern Born Killa, n-ai decat sa ramai cu Olbermann si sa votezi inregimentat, in dulcele stil progresisto-democrat.

  8. costin
    3 February 2010

    huoo.. islamofobie!! in banca acuzatilor alaturi de Wilders cu ei.

  9. vlad
    3 February 2010


    relax, nu ne-am transformat in casa de discuri, deci nu promovam metale. e doar un intermezzo intre Obama si Islam.

  10. emil
    3 February 2010

    Vreau ca NBK sa se simta bine, e sleit saracutul de atita agresiune din partea Faux News. Hai sa ne tinem toti de mina si sa cintam pe aceste versuri inspirationale:

  11. vlad
    3 February 2010

    haha!!!, Bush is a nut case

  12. Transsylvania Phoenix
    3 February 2010

    Northern Born Loser,

    Multumim pentru opinii, foarte interesante.
    Chiar aveam nevoie de un punct de vedere diferit venind din partea unuei persoane care apreciaza un gen de muzica mai elevata, ca de exemplu cea compusa si interpretata de Obama Girl sau Corul Soimilor Patriei Obamoizi

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