Avem borcan, îl umplem cu ştiri

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Schwarzmann Skinski
    28 January 2010

    Dowdy kitchen man! Am râs de m-am prăpădit.

  2. camil
    28 January 2010

    fain clip :). manipularea la lucru

  3. costin
    28 January 2010

    O stire de pus la borcan:
    (stiam eu ca Osama e mai progresist ca Obama)
    Bin Laden Blames U.S. for Global Warming in New Tape

    CAIRO — Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden has called for the world to boycott American goods and the U.S. dollar, blaming the United States and other industrialized countries for global warming, according to a new audiotape released Friday.

    In the tape, broadcast in part on Al-Jazeera television, bin Laden warned of the dangers of climate change and says that the way to stop it is to bring „the wheels of the American economy” to a halt.

    He blamed Western industrialized nations for hunger, desertification and floods across the globe, and called for „drastic solutions” to global warming, and „not solutions that partially reduce the effect of climate change.”
    sa se ia de mina cu chavez

    Bin Laden has mentioned climate change and global warning in past messages, but the latest tape was his first dedicated to the topic. The speech, which included almost no religious rhetoric, could be an attempt by the terror leader to give his message an appeal beyond Islamic militants.

    The Al Qaeda leader also targeted the U.S. economy in the recording, calling for a boycott of American products and an end to the dollar’s domination as a world currency.

    „We should stop dealings with the dollar and get rid of it as soon as possible,” he said. „I know that this has great consequences and grave ramifications, but it is the only means to liberate humanity from slavery and dependence on America.”
    He argued that such steps would also hamper Washington’s war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    The new message, whose authenticity could not immediately be confirmed, comes after a bin Laden tape released last week in which he endorsed a failed attempt to blow up an American airliner on Christmas Day.

    via Mircea Popescu

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