Să eliberăm Ucraina! Cât și alchenele, hidrocarburile și olefinele din jur

Acest text e semnat de Radu Oleniuc.

Putin nu dorește să elibereze doar cetățenii ruși ce trăiesc sub jugul ucrainian. Mai nou se pare că vrea să elibereze inclusiv compușii hidroxilici, hidrocarburile, cât și orice alt metacarpan sau hidrocarbură aromatică ucraineană întâlnită pe drum.

Mai jos aveți zăcămintele de gaz si petrol din Cape Tarkhankut, Ucraina. Adâncimea Mării Negre aici este în jur de 50 metri, ceea ce le face foarte ușor de extras. Valoarea zăcămintelor pentru ceea ce vedeți in poză se situeaza între 500 și 800 miliarde dolari (P50) ceea ce nu e nici foarte mult dar nici foarte puțin, având în vedere averile unora.

Oil and gas offshore deposits near Crimea, Cape Tarkhankut, Ukraine

Oil and gas offshore deposits near Crimea, Cape Tarkhankut, Ukraine

Însă nu e doar atât. Nu vorbim numai despre cea mai mare captură de război de ocupare (pardon, eliberare) din istorie. Caspian Pipeline Consortium Project, o companie formată prin asocierea dintre Transneft, Guvernul Republicii Kazakhstan, KazMunayGas, BP, Chevron, Mobil, Caspian Pipeline, Shell Caspian Ventures, Agip International cât și altți, ce exploatează zăcămintele aflate în Marea Caspică, ar avea și ea numai de câștigat. Pentru că nu ar mai fi nevoită să treacă cu conductele prin mijlocul Mării Neagre, la o adâncime de 1800 metri și printr-un relief deloc prietenos (singura tehnologie din lume capabilă de acest lucru este deținută de guvernul SUA și a fost folosită la conducta ce leagă Turcia), ci ar exista varianta trecerii pe uscat. Prin Crimeea pe lângă litoral, în aer curat, la soare.

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Din Novorossiysk și până la Varna nu e chiar atat de mult. Ocolul prin Sevastopol ar fi nesemnificativ.

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Ar fi chiar mai ieftin, dacă stăm și ne gândim. Cu multe zeci de miliarde mai ieftin (nu că asta ar conta vreodată pentru un comunist). Singura problema e că trebuie să treacă musai prin platoul continental românesc, însă acolo cred că se poate rezolva trecerea destul de ușor, nu-i așa domnule Ponta?


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  1. Daniel Francesco
    14 March 2014

    Ucraina detine al treilea zacamant european de gaz de sist estimat de Administratia americana a Informatiilor din Energie la 1200 miliarde de metri cubi. Criza ucrainiana a aratat inca o data companiilor energofage ca trebuie sa gaseasca surse alternative pentru a putea face fata provocarii americane a industriei manufaturiere bazata pe energie ieftina.

    Iata ce a declarat Gordon Moffat, directorul general al firmei Eurofer:

    Given the absolute necessity for Europe to diversify its sources of supply of gas and to find solutions to the huge energy price differential with its main competitors, we see no alternative but to proceed as rapidly as possible with shale gas exploitation as part of the energy mix in Europe,”…..EFcBg.dpuf

  2. John Galt
    14 March 2014

    A politically unstable Ukraine is not only bad for European gas supplies, but it also makes life harder for Vladimir Putin as well.

    Russia is pushing ahead with strategies to make Ukraine less crucial in its bid to dominate Europe’s natural gas market.

    Russia’s state-owned gas company Gazprom said on Tuesday that it was moving forward with building the South Stream natural gas pipeline which would get fuel to central and southern Europe without passing through Ukraine.

    “South Stream is confidently moving ahead,” Gazprom said in a statement. “Agreements on the laying of the first leg of the pipeline will be signed before the end of March, as well as agreements on the supplies of pipelines for the second leg.”

    Currently, about two-thirds of Russia’s gas exports to Europe travel through Ukraine, making the country a key area for Putin’s government to control. The sharp political divide in the country between the pro-European Union and pro-Russian segments of the country sparked worries that gas supplies could be imperiled.

    Ukraine owes Gazprom about $1.5 billion in unpaid fuel bills, number made lower by Russian gas subsidies to the country. The Obama administration recently gave Ukraine $1 billion in energy aid (which will pay a substantial portion of the bill), but Europeans are worried that Putin could shut off gas supplies to the country, which could potentially affect the rest of the continent.

    Ukraine’s political crisis has showed Europe just how reliant they are on costly Russian natural gas and sparked calls for the U.S. to quickly approve liquefied natural gas export terminals to the EU.

    Reuters reports that EU negotiators are pressing the U.S. to include the allowance of natural gas exports to Europe in the pending free trade deal between the two powers. The original treaty did not include energy issues, but the EU is pressing D.C. to consider gas exports in the wake of Russia’s energy dominance.

    Adding to EU worries are the prospects of Crimea voting to leave Ukraine and become Russian, taking its valuable offshore oil and natural gas deposits with it and delivering them to Putin’s Gazprom.

    Before Ukraine’s government was overthrown, oil and gas companies like Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell were on the verge of signing a deal with former President Viktor Yanukovych to develop the offshore deposits.

    Oil companies were willing to spend $735 million to drill two wells off the Crimean coast but now the projects are in a “legal limbo reports Bloomberg. If Crimeans vote on March 16 to secede from Ukraine and join Russia, Kiev “may soon no longer have jurisdiction over the region.” Those offshore oil and gas deposits may become the property of Russia and give Gazprom a new supply source.

    Julian Lee, an analyst at the Center for the UK’s Global Energy Studies told Bloomberg that “the most interesting exploration areas are all effectively [under] Crimean waters” and that losing these waters “would be a significant loss for Ukraine.”…..pipelines/

    August 2011: Exxon Mobil’s new partnership with Russia’s Rosneft. Exxon’s current CEO Rex Tillerson was based in Russia in the late 1990’s. The new partnership, blessed by Putin, will allow Exxon to invest $3.2B in exploration in the Arctic and the Black Sea, and will give Rosneft the right to a piece of Exxon’s Gulf of Mexico investments, as well as shale and other assets around the world.

    ExxonMobil and Rosneft signed an agreement yesterday (30 August) to extract oil and gas from the Russian Arctic, in the most significant US-Russia corporate deal since President Barack Obama began a push to improve bilateral ties.

    The pact, which includes an option for Rosneft to invest in Gulf of Mexico and Texan properties, ended any hope of Britain’s BP reviving its deal with state-owned Rosneft to develop the same Arctic territory. That deal was blocked in May by the billionaire partners in another of BP’s Russian ventures (see ‘Background’).

    The pact gives Exxon, the biggest US oil company, access to substantial reserves in Russia, one of the world’s top oil producers. Rosneft, for its part, gets to join forces with one of the few companies capable of drilling in the harsh, deep waters of the Arctic.

    Russia has shown greater willingness in the past year to secure partnerships with foreign energy firms, even if some deals later fell apart. The Exxon announcement comes only months after the demise of a Rosneft deal with Chevron for a $1 billion (€692 million) investment in an estimated $32 billion (€22.15 million) Black Sea project.

    Analysts cited differences between Chevron and Rosneft over the choice of contractor, the joint venture’s domicile and the jurisdiction of arbitration for any business disputes.

    Yet Chevron, like Shell, was also considered a potential partner for Rosneft’s Arctic venture.

    Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin attended the Tuesday signing – in the Black Sea resort of Sochi – by Exxon Chief Executive Rex Tillerson and Russia’s top energy official, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin.

    ‘New horizons’ for Russia

    „New horizons are opening up. One of the world’s leading companies, ExxonMobil, is starting to work on Russia’s strategic shelf and deepwater continental shelf,” Putin said.

    Exxon and Rosneft agreed to invest $3.2 billion (€2.2 billion) to develop East Prinovozemelsky Blocks 1, 2, and 3 in the Arctic Kara Sea and the Tuapse licensing block in the Black Sea.

    Putin 2010: Nabucco e periculos si inutil.…..tin-dixit/

    Martie 2011: Samanii si parapsihologii rusi anunta: Third World War to begin during Winter Games in 2014 ( – articolul exista si azi)

  3. John Galt
    14 March 2014

    Also: Gazprom Chairman Sold All His Shares Just Before Russia Invaded Crimea.

    7 Februarie. Probabil la fel au facut si cu alte actiuni, respectiv pariuri pe rubla, adica unii au castigat masiv din aceasta operatiune. Insa in Rusia nu exista insider trading. Nimeni nu stie ce inseamna acest cuvant.…..ded-crimea

  4. Radu Oleniuc
    14 March 2014

    Pentru ca tot cauta acum anumiti indivizi tot felul de informatii si nu stiu de unde sa ma ia, le atrag atentia ca poza pusa la inceputul articolului e de pe un site pe care rusii (cat si trepadusii lor din Romania) nici macar nu si-au imaginat ca poate fi vrodata spart, sau ca informatiile vor ajunge publice, in vazul oricui.

    Nu de alta insa argumente de genul „insula nu are importanță socio-economică”, resursele naturale nu sunt semnificative” (aha, cre’ca – numai in zacamantul de langa Insula Serpilor in stanga imaginii sunt vro 40-50 de miliarde de dolari), argumente folosite de Severin in discutia cu Buteiko, respectiv de avocatii Romaniei in procesul de la Haga, nu doar ca nu ar mai fi stat in picioare dar ar fi echivalat chiar cu ceea ce unii numesc „tradare de tara”. Pe langa atentat asupra sigurantei nationale, integritatii samd. Pentru ca ei stiau prea bine ca nu e asa. Se stia lucrul asta inca de prin anii 80.

    Ori e prostie colosala (putin probabil), ori e ticalosie. Insa in fine, ar fi treaba parchetului sa faca lumina aici. Cel putin de partea ucraineana, de cand a fugit Yanukovici, sigur se poate afla destul.

    Asa ca revenind la serverele rusesti, sper ca cei care cauta acum cu disperare tot felul de informatii, sa nu pice in capcana propriei lor cautari, ca sa zic asa, si sa se dea de gol. Pentru ca in general, atunci cand folosesc calculatoare, rusii intra pe un teritoriu complet necunoscut, aici fiind vorba de imperialisti americani. Asa ca mare atentie cu cautatul pe scari, baieti. Sa nu va treziti cu cine stie ce capcane ascunse dupa vrun IP.

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