Nota: Pentru mai multe informatii, a se vedea şi comentariile articolului.

In jurul orei 16:26 ora României, cel puţin o maşină capcană a explodat în centrul oraşului Oslo, lângă birourile primului-ministru Jens Stoltenberg (care nu era în clădire la acea oră) şi în apropierea Ministerului Petrolului din Norvegia.

Rapoartele poliţiei vorbesc despre 2 morţi şi mai mulţi răniţi. BBC-ul are un program online care informează publicul cu privire la desfăşurarea evenimentelor.

Martorul ocular Ole Tommy Pedersen a declarat:

„Am văzut trei sau patru răniţi în timp ce erau evacuaţi din clădire la câteva minute (după explozie, n.t)”.

BBC îşi deschide astfel reportajul:

Ingunn Andersen, un ziarist de la radioul public NRK, a descris scena imediat după explozie: „Câţiva oameni acoperiţi de sânge zac în stradă.”

O altă ştire vorbeşte despre haosul total din capitala statului scandinav, iar faptul că un atacator îmbrăcat în haine de poliţist a deschis focul într-un camp al tineretului liberal din Utoya din afara capitalei Oslo a produs o deosebită emoţie.

Primul-ministru Jens Stoltenberg a spus canalului de televiziune TV2 că „situaţia este foarte serioasă”.

Ţinta principală a atacurilor a fost chiar persoana primului-ministru Jens Stoltenberg, care trebuia să fie ori în birou, ori la întâlnirea cu tineretul Partidului Liberal. Mai sunt câteva victime care nu au fost încă recuperate din clădirea lovită de explozie.

Este prima dată când Norvegia a fost ţinta atacurilor teroriste.

Cinci persoane au fost rănite de trăgătorul îmbrăcat în haine de poliţist în Utoya; centrul oraşului Oslo a fost evacuat de poliţie.

BBC-ul insistă asupra factorilor care i-au determinat pe terorişti să atace la Oslo şi invitaţii săi confirmă că participarea Norvegiei la acţiunile din Afghanistan ar putea să fie motivul prioritar, dar nu exclud nici intervenţia NATO din Libia.

La orele 19:15 a fost anunţată arestarea teroristului de la Utoya – BBC, preluare AFP.

Cu circa zece zile în urmă liderul islamist Mullah Krekar a fost deferit tribunalului norvegian pentru activităţi teroriste. Născut în Irak, Mullah Krekar, pe numele său real Najm al-Din Faraj Ahmad, este fondatorul organizaţiei kurde islamiste Ansar Al-Islam, afiliată Al-Qaeda. Să ne reamintim că alţi trei „norvegieni” au fost arestaţi în 2010 în legătură cu activităţi teroriste la nivel continental (un uigur, un kurd irakian şi un uzbek).

Contribuţie Sare’n Ochi – Calehari:

Bunul mollah a declarat că „moartea mea va costa scump societatea norvegiană. Dacă Erna Solberg mă va expulza din ţara şi acest lucru îmi va cauza moartea, ea va avea aceeaşi soartă”. Erna Solberg este şefa partidului conservator norvegian şi se dovedeşte astfel, fără niciun dubiu, un duşman al mişcării de eliberare a kurzilor din Irak.”

Orele 22:00:
France 2 vorbeşte de 4 morţi la Utoya; Preşedintele Franţei Nicholas Sarkozy a spus că este un „act odios şi inacceptabil”.

Barack Hussein Obama a declarat că „nu se cunosc motivele atacurilor”; Obama nu a condamnat atacurile, ci doar şi-a exprimat condoleanţele…

Orele 22:24 – Situl Pundit Press a publicat această fotografie de pe insula Utoya:

orele 22:30 – Poliţia spune că pană acum sunt 7 decedaţi si că se cunoaşte identitatea trăgătorului de la Utoya, implicat de altfel şi in atacul cu maşină capcană.

Mai mult de 30 de oameni au fost ucişi, 7 la Oslo şi între 25 şi 30 pe insula Utoya, se scrie pe situl War News Updates.


Unii scriu pe Twitter că trăgătorul de la Utoya este „blond cu ochi albaştri”, lucru neconfirmat, o posibilă intoxicare. Alte raporte vorbesc despre înfăţişarea sa de „străin”.

Orele 23:00 – Media stângistă …contribuie şi ea, cum poate, vezi cazul HuffPost Canada:

Commented 2 hours ago in Canada 1,27860“
„A man, 190 cm tall, blonde hair, light skin, athletic, disguised in police uniform „

UPDATE 23/07
07:30 AM
Se numeşte Anders Behring Breivik, este înalt, blond şi este un nativ norvegian de 32 de ani. Poliţia spune că nu se ştie dacă Breivik – atacatorul din Utoya, a fost văzut cu două ore înainte în Oslo în apropiere de locul deflagraţiei maşinii capcană – este afiliat la o celulă islamistă sau a acţionat din cauza unoei agende politice interne. În ceea ce priveşte numărul total al morţilor, acesta depăşeşte 80, poliţia vorbind despre crimele care au atins „dimensiuni catastrofale”.

Fotografie Daily Mail – ucigaş Utoya

08:00 AM
Război islamist sau extremism de dreapta? Sunt tot mai multe sursele care înclină către cea de-a două variantă. Postul de televiziune norvegian TV2, citat de Aljazeera, vorbeşte despre extremismul de dreapta al lui Breivik, arestat pe insula Utoya. Acesta ar fi ajuns cu o maşină cu explozibili pe insulă la două ore după atentatul din centrul oraşului Oslo. Atât în Oslo cât şi pe insula Utoya, Breivik a purtat o uniformă de poliţist şi martori oculari spun că i-a chemat pe tineri la el înainte de a deschide focul.

Poliţia a făcut descinderi la locuinţa lui Breivik şi se aşteaptă şi rezultatele interogatoriilor la care este supus. Mai trebuie văzut ce este de fapt acest extremism de dreapta de care se face vinovat Breivik, care sunt legăturile lui, unde şi-a găsit sursele de finanţare şi cine i-au fost complicii.

09:00 AM The Guardian – Un oficial al Poliţiei a spus sub condiţia anonimităţii că “este probabil mai mult o Okhlahoma City norvegiană decât un World Trade Center norvegian”.

10:00 AM Le Figaro – Breivik s-a autocaracterizat pe Facebook ca fiind „creştin”, „conservator”, amator de jocuri tip War of Warcraft şi Modern Warfae 2. Pe Twitter l-a citat pe John Stuart Mill: „O persoană cu convingeri are tot atâta forţă cât 100000 de persoane care nu au decât interese.”
Poliţia insistă că Breivik era antimusulman şi contrar multiculturalismului.


Nu am fost noi primii a interpreta explozia din Oslo şi dezlănţuirea lui Breivik de pe insula Utoya ca pe un atac terorist de matrice islamică. La primele ore ale serii de vineri 22 iulie, în majoritatea comentariilor scrise şi intervenţiile în direct ale specialiştilor pe principalele canale media s-a îmbrăţişat de la început această pistă, fiind ideea de bază. Fapte de genul celor întâmplate la Oslo sunt asemănătoare până la identificare cu multe altele comise într-adevăr de islamişti, în numele ataşamentului lor faţă de o ideologie suprematistă şi răzbunătoare. Terorismul, ca act individual sau de grup, având scopuri bine determinate, politice, economice sau religioase şi care nu ţine cont de nicio cutumă morală nesocotind viaţa şi proprietatea oamenilor paşnici, este duşmanul numărul unu al lumii civilizate în secolul 21, punct.

Dar la fel de puţin mă miră că a fost vorba despre un lup singuratic, un individ care a vrut să-şi pună pecetea de snge asupra ţării sale. Cred cu toată tăria că este o şansa faptul că Breivik a ales să trăiască în momentul când a fost înconjurat de forţele de ordine. El va fi interogat şi vom afla mai multe despre motivaţia actelor sale, însă trebuie să spun ca observ o degajare a discursului din momentul în care a fost capturat un novegian nativ şi nu unul recent, că este vorba despre un individ şi nu este o grupare, dar mai ales că este vorba despre un individ care şi-a făcut o prezentare de aşa manieră pe Facebook că a ajuns să o aplaude Huffington Post.

Din moment ce media mondială este într-o proporţie covârşitoare în mâna şi la cheremul discursului stângist, demolator şi anticreştin, este de aşteptat ca să citim şi să auzim până la saturaţie că pericolul în Europa şi în lume nu provine din zona islamistă, ci este evident că extremiştii de dreapta, creştini şi cu convingeri conservatoare sunt adevăraţii criminali demolatori de civilizaţie. Că un individ ca Breivik s-a declarat creştin, nu mă convinge nici pe mine şi nici pe foarte mulţi alţii. Că a scris că este conservator şi că îşi alesese pe World of Warcraft nick-ul Conservatorism (Conservatism), este cât se poate de nesemnificativ. Că era împotrivă multiculturalismului şi a marxismului cultural prin comentariile pe care le-a scris cu doi ani în urmă nu înseamnă că eu trebuie să mă ruşinez de faptul că sunt conservator în gândire, că sunt creştin şi că sunt împotrivă multiculturalismului, a comunismului şi a marxismului cultural. Ce a făcut Breivik este un act de nebunie care nu este explicat nici prin creştinism, nici prin conservatorism şi nici prin negarea marxismului contemporan. Unul din principiile fundamentale ale gândirii conservatoare este că respectul şi demnitatea se câştiga, nu reprezintă un drept, şi trebuiesc menţinute printr-un comportament adecvat.

Vom vedea din informările poliţiei ce şi cât gândea Breivik. Am văzut, din păcate, ce a putut să facă.

Condoleanţele noastre familiilor greu încercate de pierderile suferite ieri! Dumnezeu să-i odihnească!

The Mirror
ABC News

Am gasit cartea scrisa de Anders Behring Breivik (multumiti Syllogism). Intitulata 2083 si semnata ca Andrew Berwik, contine cam tot ce a scris si facut, de la ganduri despre societate, religie, politica etc. pana la un jurnal al pregatirilor pentru atac. Jurnalul incepe la pagina 1414 a documentului.

Ultimele cuvinte:

I believe this will be my last entry. It is now Fri July 22nd, 12.51.

Sincere regards,

Andrew Berwick
Justiciar Knight Commander
Knights Templar Europe
Knights Templar Norway

Cateva paragrafe din multele pagini pe care le-am rasfoit…

I’ve also scheduled to meet my stepmom, Tove Øvermo, in March. She used to work as a director in Norwegian UDI (the foremost government organization tasked with approving applications and granting foreigners (mostly Muslims) legal permits). Ironically, UDI is a highly valued target for Knights Templar in Norway as it is an essential tool and facilitator for the Norwegian multiculturalist regime. However, I think she’s retired now, so she is currently not in danger of any KT attacks. Although I care for her a great deal, I wouldn’t hold it against the KT if she was executed during an attack against UDI, as she used to be a primary tool and category B traitor for the multiculturalist regime of Norway, high treason she should be familiar with. Tove, being very intelligent and committed in the advancement of her own career under the multiculturalist regime, is fully aware that she is a willing and participating subject/tool for the Multiculturalist Alliance in the indirect genocide of Norwegians through the continued Islamisation of Norway. People in her position are just unwilling to make any meaningful sacrifices as her career would be immediately terminated by the regime if she criticized them. Career termination followed by blacklisting and harsh vilification and character assassination is not a price most people of her position are willing to pay. Just like essential NS tools were guilty of facilitating the NSDAP, people in her position are guilty of facilitating the Multiculturalist Alliance. Regime sub-leaders such as her are on auto pilot though, and partly disconnected from reality and thus partly unaware of their own war crimes, since the multiculturalist media is ensuring that the public remain disconnected from reality and the truth. So when I meet her I will probably just end up talking about the usual social BS, to prevent raising any red flags. During our last meeting, I remember we discussed the central aspects of Wahhabism, and I was really impressed with her knowledge on the matter.

I have been storing three bottles of Château Kirwan 1979 (French red wine) which I purchased at an auction 10 years ago with the intention of enjoying them at a very special occasion. Considering the fact that my martyrdom operation draws ever closer I decided to bring one to enjoy with my extended family at our annual Christmas party in December. I brought the other flask to Marius` party a few days later and shared it with my friends. It was an absolutely exquisite experience that will not be forgotten. My thought was to save the last flask for my last martyrdom celebration and enjoy it with the two high class model whores I intend to rent prior to the mission. My interpretation of being a “Perfect Knight” does not and should not include celibacy, although some of my KT peers might disagree with me on this point. I believe that in order to strengthen the resolve, morale and motivation prior to a martyrdom operation, the Justiciar Knight should be encouraged to embrace and take advantage of a significant reward system designed to increase focus and remove any last doubts. A pragmatic approach, which involves acknowledging the primal aspects of man for the purpose of preparing him for a martyrdom operation, should always take precedence over misguided piety, which only increases the chance of jeopardizing the execution of the operation. And I believe the majority of war strategy analysts will agree with me on this.

Continued philosophizing about the future cultural conservative political model, when we, the cultural conservatives, again seize political and military power at one point between 2025-2083

I have been thinking about my post-operational situation, in case I survive a successful mission and live to stand a multiculturalist trial. When I wake up at the hospital, after surviving the gunshot wounds inflicted on me, I realize at least for me personally, I will be waking up to a world of shit, a living nightmare. Not only will all my friends and family detest me and call me a monster; the united global multiculturalist media will have their hands full figuring out multiple ways to character assassinate, vilify and demonize. They will possibly do everything they can to distort the truth about me, KT and our true objectives, and attempt to make even revolutionary conservatives detest me. They will label me as a racist, fascist, Nazi-monster as they usually do with everyone who opposes multiculturalism/cultural Marxism. However, since I manifest their worst nightmare (systematical and organized executions of multiculturalist traitors), they will probably just give me the full propaganda rape package and propagate the following accusations: pedophile, engaged in incest activities, homosexual, psycho, ADHD, thief, non-educated, inbred, maniac, insane, monster etc. I will be labeled as the biggest (Nazi-)monster ever witnessed since WW2.

I have an extremely strong psyche (stronger than anyone I have ever known) but I am seriously contemplating that it is perhaps biologically impossible to survive the mental, perhaps coupled with physical torture, I will be facing without completely breaking down on a psychological level. I guess I will have to wait and find out.

Regardless of the above cultural Marxist propaganda; I will always know that I am perhaps the biggest champion of cultural conservatism, Europe has ever witnessed since 1950. I am one of many destroyers of cultural Marxism and as such; a hero of Europe, a savior of our people and of European Christendom – by default. A perfect example which should be copied, applauded and celebrated. The Perfect Knight I have always strived to be. A Justiciar Knight is a destroyer of multiculturalism, and as such; a destroyer of evil and a bringer of light. I will know that I did everything I could to stop and reverse the European cultural and demographical genocide and end and reverse the Islamisation of Europe.

I guess it is tempting for the many who have endured years of vilification, to just start believing the propaganda and embrace NS fully. However, I remain a staunch anti-Nazi and I blame NSDAP for the situation we are in. Hadn’t it been for the actions of the cultural right wing extremists known as the NSDAP our Western European countries would not be dominated by the cultural Marxist extremist regimes we witness today. If the NSDAP had been isolationistic instead of imperialistic(expansionist) and just deported the Jews (to a liberated and Muslim free Zion) instead of massacring them, the anti-European hate ideology known as multiculturalism would have never been institutionalized in Western Europe, because the Marxists would never have been so radicalized to begin with. The cultural conservatives would have been in a very strong and dominant situation today. Western European countries would have had cultural conservative doctrines similar to what we see in Japan and South Korea.

We must keep this lesson in mind. When we seize political and military power in the future; while tempting to unleash hell to avenge all our ravaged and dead brothers and sisters, we must keep in mind that replacing a cultural Marxist extremist regime with a cultural conservative extremist regime will only fail to break the cycle where history always repeats itself. So instead of replacing this tyrannical and extremist multiculturalist regime with an equivalent right wing one, we must think and act pragmatically with a long term objective. We must manage to break the historical “Marxist vs. Conservative” cycle or we risk that the cultural Marxists will emerge as a dominating force again after 20-100 years. As such, we should limit the executions of category A and B traitors to 200 000 in Western Europe. A better alternative than execution of the remaining, the category C traitors, would be to establish a large multiculturalist zone in southern/eastern Europe, perhaps Anatolia, or on other territories which has been invaded and occupied by Muslims. In these newly created zones; the cultural Marxists category C traitors and those of the non-Europeans considered as politically disloyal will be deported to and allowed to live and create their imaginary utopia. A cultural Marxist or a so called “internationalist” does not feel much love for his ancestral country as he believes we are all citizens in a global community. So they should recover easily from the process of being deported to another country.

Feb 28th: The Norwegian Intelligence Agency (PST) just released its annual report on terror estimates in Norway. I have been waiting for this report for several weeks now. Apparently, it’s the same expectations as usual when it comes to Islamic terror; imminent danger. However, they then specify that the largest right wing threat in Norway is that a subsidiary of English Defense League (EDL); Norwegian Defense League (NDL) is in the process of gaining strength. They also state, between the lines, that both EDL and the NDL are dangerous and violent right wing extremists that adhere to racism, fascism and Nazism. They conclude that they will ensure that any attempt to further develop NDL in Norway will be harshly suppressed.

I am not surprised that PST makes statements like this as the report has been designed by the Norwegian Labour Party, and does not reflect the views of actual PST operatives. The head of PST, Janne Kristiansen has never even worked as an intelligence officer, and is nothing more than a planted Labour Party agent, placed to lead the PST, against the will of most PST employees.

I know that the above description is nothing more than vile lies, a part of their psychological propaganda warfare against all cultural conservatives. I know this for a fact as I used to have more than 600 EDL members as Facebook friends and have spoken with tens of EDL members and leaders. In fact; I was one of the individuals who supplied them with processed ideological material (including rhetorical strategies) in the very beginning. The EDL are in fact anti-racist, anti-fascist and anti-Nazi. They even have many members and leaders with non-European background (African and Asian). They have worked so hard, and continue to work hard, to keep National Socialists out of the organization, but yet they are strategically labeled as racist-fascist-Nazi-monsters by the multiculturalist authorities. The EDL, although having noble intentions are in fact dangerously naïve. EDL and KT principles can never be reconciled as we are miles apart ideologically AND organizationally. The EDL even rejects taking a stand against multiculturalism which proves that they are even more naïve than Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron who have all admitted that multiculturalism has been a failure and a disaster for Europe.

KT was formed back in 2002 as a revolutionary conservative movement because we had lost hope that the democratic framework can solve Europe’s current problems. The EDL, on the other hand, IS a democratic movement. They STILL believe that the democratic system can solve Britain’s problems… This is why the EDL harshly condemns any and all revolutionary conservative movements that employ terror as a tool, such as the KT. And this is why, we, the KT view the EDL as naïve fools, wasting all their energy monkey-screaming to deaf ears while they should instead have focused on means and methods that are meaningful in regards to achieving true political change, in regards to tearing down the multiculturalist regime known as Britain. Unfortunately, the only meaningful resistance at this point in time is to use military force. So instead of monkey-screaming, they should instead focus on strategically demolishing one of the many British nuclear power plants, which effectively would completely cripple the British economy, contributing to creating an optimal climate for significant political change.

Regardless; it is so obvious that the Multiculturalist Alliance feels it is important to label anyone who criticizes multiculturalism as racist, fascist, Nazi-monsters. It makes their job easier, as they can justify harsh suppression methods of all cultural conservatives. The truth of the matter is that the Multiculturalist Alliance and their tools are about to lose this propaganda war. The peoples of Western Europe are not stupid, and they know that less than half of the targets of character assassination are not what is claimed. I’m optimistic about the fact that the MA appears to have managed to paint themselves into a corner, and their false and desperate propaganda outbursts appears, for an increasing number of Europeans, to be stuck on auto pilot (similar to what was witnessed in the Soviet Union in the 70s and 80s). People are in the process of learning the truth about what is going on and the continued desperate propaganda outbursts only makes our job easier. It is not the cultural conservatives of Europe that are the monsters. It is in fact the Multiculturalist Alliance that are the true racist, fascist, Nazi-monsters. It is possible to avoid reality for up to several decades. The Soviet Union is proof of this. But eventually, the truth will be known as you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

It is no longer a question IF the MA will crumble but WHEN the MA will crumble. They will lose when the Western European economy shatters, in combination with further Islamic colnoization. And when this happens; the majority of the 340 000+ nationalist militants in Western Europe must be ready to strike hard and without mercy with the objective of seizing political and military power. We still have 14 years (2025) to arm ourselves, so let us continue to prepare for the coming coup d’état. Guns and ammo alone is not enough, you will need quality body armour, com/radio devices, rations and certain survival accessories as well. Chop-chop3 For those of you who does not want to wait this long, should immediately ordinate yourself as a Justiciar Knight for the KT. (p. 1434-1438)

Asadar, e cat se poate de clar ce avea omul nostru in scafarlie: o ciudata imbinare intre realism, aroganta teribila si dementa pura.

Puteți sprijini activitatea noastră cu o donație unică sau una recurentă prin Patreon.

Daniel Francesco

Daniel Francesco


  1. Liv St. Omer
    22 July 2011

    Asa cum inca spun „jos Iliescu” am ajuns sa spun si „jos „fundamentalistii” islamici” (guillemets intended).

  2. Scorpion
    22 July 2011

    Ah, deci BBC explica dreptul inalienabil al acelor sceleratzi de a lovi unde le place .

    Oricum, sper ca naivu’ ca atentatele de la Oslo vor inaspri atitudinea occidentalilor fatza de Islam, iar BBC va fii pus la coltz precum imperiul media al lui Murdoch … de ce nu ??? ????

  3. Scorpion
    22 July 2011

    Este momentul sa ne imbarbatam cu amintirea vechilor lupte contra Islamului, pentru ca, s-ar putea sa dam altele, foarte curand …

  4. Sare'n Ochi
    22 July 2011

    un material mai incolo, aveti si o explicatie (posibila legatura cu) a incidentului: „Mollahul norvegian Krekar Najjmedin Faraj Ahmad, șeful grupării islamiste Ansar Al-Islam, a fost inculpat marți, 12 iulie, pentru “amenințări teroriste contra unui reprezentant al statului“. Bunul mollah a declarat că “moartea mea va costa scump societatea norvegiană. Dacă Erna Solberg mă va expulza din țară și acest lucru îmi va cauza moartea, ea va avea aceeași soartă“. Erna Solberg este șefa partidului conservator norvegian și se dovedește astfel, fără niciun dubiu, un dușman al mișcării de eliberare a kurzilor din Irak.”

  5. Scorpion
    22 July 2011

    @Sare’n Ochi:

    deh, cum iti asterni asa dormi … cand l-au arestat turcii pe teroristul ala kurd, Ocealan, au vrut kurzii din Buc sa protesteze (era acum vreo 10 ani) … EI, primaria nu le-a dat aprobare, dar ei tot au ieshit in strada, drept pentru care i-au batut jandarmii de i-au urlat …

  6. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Al Jazeera TV , a anuntat, desi atacatorii nu si-au facut cunoscuta identitatea, ca atentatul survine dupa ce ministerul public norvegian l-a acuzat pe ” blandul ” si ” bunul ” mollah Krekar, de terorism. Mollahul Najjmedin Faraj Ahmad Krekar urmasul vitejilor cuceritori vikingi!

  7. Scorpion
    22 July 2011

    ” Barack Obama a transmis condoleante si a declarat ca nu exista deocamdata informatii cu privire la motivele care au stat la baza atacurilor” .

    Ei, vedeti, asta e atitudinea tipica . Poate acei ucigashi au avut motive nobile, deci nu e crima ce revolta …

    Ei, aici este necesara atitudinea lui G W Bush, aia cu „nu vom renuntza, nu vom obosi, nu vom pierde …” … i-as spune „atitudine churcilliana” .

  8. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    UPDATE 11:38 PDT: Now Will McCants has this: „‘Helpers of Global Jihad’ now says its claim is not the official claim and it had nothing to do w/ operation. Says wait for official claim.”

  9. Mih.
    22 July 2011
  10. Vlad P.
    22 July 2011

    Pregăteşte-te, Europa, dansul morţii pe străzile tale abia începe. Vor o nouă Cruciadă? Să le-o servim. Să acceptăm duelul la care suntem provocați atât de insistent.

    Numai de-am avea cu cine porni așa ceva…

  11. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Atrag cu modestie atentia ca, Sare’n Ochi, atentioneaza asupra uneia din stirile de la ” Buletin de stiri de pe alta planeta”, articol ce figureaza deja pe InLinieDreapta. Nu de alta dar ” contributia” a sarit in ochii lui Calehari ????

  12. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011


  13. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    The gunman, described by a police official as tall and blond, was reported by Norwegian media to have taken advantage of the confusion caused by the bombing to attack the summer camp of Stoltenberg’s Labour party youth section.

    Seventeen dead in Norway bomb and gun attack

    mi’a sarit in ochi si sunt foarte curios daca se adevereste zvonul.

  14. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    din acelasi articol de mai sus, scris de reuters:


    Lilit Gevorgyan, analyst at IHS Global Insight, said the most likely suspects were al-Qaeda-linked or inspired groups, but added:

    As the news continues trickling in from Utoeya, however, right-wing extremist groups or even a lone perpetrator with army training or access to ammunition and weaponry could be behind the plot.”

    Deputy Oslo police chief Sveining Sponheim told reporters that the gunman in the Utoeya shootings had been disguised in a blue police-style uniform but had never been employed by the police.

    He said that the police also believed that the man may have been involved in both the Oslo bombing and the shootings. So far, the detained man had not said anything to the police.

    intre timp:
    via CSM: Norway bomb plot shows reach of Al Qaeda-linked groups

    An Uzbek, a Uighur, and a Kurdish Iraqi were arrested Thursday in a Norway bomb plot described as linked to Al Qaeda – and to planners of foiled attacks in New York and in the UK.

    fac pariu ca toti trei erau blonzi, inalti, cu ochi albastrii si aveau simpatii tea party.

  15. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Vlad M@13. Cand am vazut ce s-a intamplat la Oslo, mi-am adus imediat aminte de ” Buletinul de stiri ” si de ” bunul mollah Krekar”. Mi-am zis atunci : ” Hait ! Sa te vaz acu ‘ cum te descurci cand o sa te ia la bani marunti, tir incrucisat, FBI-ul si SRI-ul ! „.
    – De unde iti veni domne’ chiar inainte de atentat sa dai stirea cu mollahul ?
    – Ce coincidenta, nu exista coincidente. Zi de unde-l cunosti ?
    Toata seara am stat cu un ochi la televizor, cu unul pe INLINIEDREAPTA si cu urechea lipita de usa, sa-i aud cand vin. Ma gandeam, la un moment dat, sa-mi fac o bocceluta cu o periuta de dinti, un sandvis, una-alta, sa nu plec chiar asa cu destu’n gura.
    Cand am vazut ca Francesco l-a bagat la inaintare pe Sare-n Ochi, Vanitatea, beleaua naibii, mi-a facut vant. Acum m-am linistit. Lasa-l pe Sare’n Ochi sa dea interviuri cu lampa’n ochi. Multumesc Francesco ! ????

  16. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    la stiri au zis ca a fost un norvegian – veteran de razboi si ca a fost un lone wolf.

  17. helene
    22 July 2011

    A report earlier this year by the Norwegian intelligence noted the increasing risk of a jihadi terrorist attack, with Norwegian citizens reportedly trained in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan.

    “Although few people in Norway support Islamic extremism, there are activities within some groups that could contribute to heightening the security risk in 2011,” the report said.

    Some individuals in Norwayhave travelled to take part in training or fighting in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somali and Yemen, the report added.…..-militants

    (The Guardian)

  18. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    Update at 5:07 p.m. ET: The suspect is not affiliated with any terrorist organization, the Aftenposten newspaper in Oslo reports. Police „know the arrested man’s identity, but will not provide more details about the arrest,” according to Google’s English translation of the article.

  19. helene
    22 July 2011

    A priori la thèse de l’extrème-droite ne tient pas la route :

    1) Ce que la presse européenne décrit comme étant „L’extrème-droite”, ce sont généralement les parties nationalistes et aucun nationaliste, à moins d’être complètement décérébré et vouloir se suicider politiquement, n’ira mettre son pays à feux et à sang.

    2) Ce sont les „Jeunes travaillistes” (de „droite”) et non les jeunes socialistes qui ont été visés par la fusillade.

    3) La bombe a explosée près du ministère de l’Énergie et du „Pétrole”, ce qui est très symbolique pour les islamistes alors qu’aucun lien apparent n’incrimine l’extrème-droite.

    4) Qui de mieux placé qu’un „convertie” fanatique de type européen pour passer les contrôles de sécurité et faire son „show”.

    5) Il y aurait eu 2 explosions : mode opératoire bien connue de nos chers amis…


    Culmea ironie este ca:
    1. À la fin du mois, la Norvège a fait savoir à l’OTAN qu’elle retire son soutient aérien en Libye.

    2. La Norvège à promis qu’elle endosse le vote pour un état palestinien. La Norvège serait le premier pays de l’union européenne à reconnaître un état palestinien.


  20. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    Update at 6:46 p.m. ET: A police official tells the Associated Press that today’s terror is more like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center by Islamist fundamentalists.

  21. helene
    22 July 2011

    Last Thursday, three men were arrested in Norway and Germany for allegedly plotting a terrorist attack involving peroxide explosives. Those arrested were all Muslim immigrants to Norway, originally from China, Iraq, and Uzbekistan. Authorities claim that the suspects had links to al-Qaeda in Pakistan, and that one of them visited Waziristan in 2008. If this is true, an al-Qaeda cell had set up shop in the suburbs of Oslo.(The Atlantic)

  22. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    eu sincer cred ca e ceva putred in norvegia.
    cam de cand au acordat premiul nobel in avans.
    sunt curios cum vor evolua evenimentele.

  23. Sare'n Ochi
    22 July 2011

    @calehari, exact asta am si facut, mentionand ca aceasta stire este postata la materialul anterior („un material mai incolo, aveti si o explicatie”). dar se pare ca m-am pripit cu facutul de legaturi (in teoria constipatiei, pripeala este ingredientul principal – constipatiei, nu conspiratiei), motiv pentru care imi cer scuze. individul s-ar parea ca este un norvegian satul de „politici corecte”.

  24. Daniel Francesco
    22 July 2011

    Stim Sare’n Ochi, am vazut de ieri. Corect, nu a fost prea clar, dar citatul ramane.

  25. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Sare’n Ochi @25. Nici o problema prietene! Postarea ta( @4) a fost foarte clara si, doamne fereste, nu este nevoie de scuze pentru ca nu ai gresit cu nimic. Este normal sa se strecoare mici erori in momente de tensiune cand se incearca realizarea unei informari cat mai obiective, bazata pe analiza la cald a unei veritabile avalanse informative. Important este ca articolul a fost foarte bine venit si ca ne-a facut sa traim realitatea dramatica, chiar tragica a evenimentului. Cat despre ” pripeala ingredientul principal al teoriei conspiratiei”, cred ca ma bat pentru ocuparea unui loc de frunte in plutonul fruntas, asa ca, mi-a dat domnul atata minte, incat sa nu ridic piatra de jos :). Am observat ca ne aflam intr-o companie selecta, din moment ce experti in terorism au emis judecati gresite.

  26. Sare'n Ochi
    22 July 2011

    ???? „companie selecta”, da.
    in orice caz, nu am vazut des mai multa lipsa de respect fata de viata decatvenind chiar de la cei care clameaza ca se lupta pentru viata.

  27. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Sa vedem ce mai aflam despre norvegian pentru ca n-am incredere in definitia MSM a „right-wing”. Nationalismul singur nu te face de dreapta, dupa cum statul in garaj nu te face o masina (ca sa il citam, trunchiat, pe Chesterton).

  28. Silvapro
    22 July 2011

    Citeva site-uri, mai ales cei care simpatizeaza cu Palestina, il identifica pe odiosul Anders Behring Breivik cu Fijordman.…..d-for.html

    Sa speram ca Fijordman e om serios si nu se tine de chestii d’astea. Eu nu aveam impresia asta despre el. A te impotrivi Islamismului, muticulturalismului, terorismului si cotropirii vestului de catre fortele raului, nu are de-a face cu a efectua acte teroriste. As zice ca din contra.

    Altii promoveaza ideea ca Breivik s-a inspirat de la Pamele Geller.

    Undeva mai aparea si iconul „don’t tread on me” cu textul „don’t tea bag on me”.

    Dar, asa cum citeaza Vlad M., „statul in garaj nu te face o masina”.

    Iar marul cazut dintr-un copac sanatos, se poate strica si pe cont propriu, de ex. cade intr-o baltoaca.

  29. nedormitul
    22 July 2011

    iată problema majoră a dreptei: cu greu reușește să se definească. de-aia există dezaxați care se declară de dreapta și ajung să ucidă în numele dreptei și al creștinismului. cînd dreapta va găsi un discurs mai închegat, mai unit, sînt convins că se va putea delimita de acești bolnavi.
    a, o să apară o isterie în masă a stîngii. e normal. dacă dreapta va reuși să își închege discursul, și isteria va dispărea.
    revin, m-am întîlnit cu cineva ????

  30. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Breivik Geofarm was registered 18th of May 2009 and dealt in growing vegetables, melons and root veggies.

    Cont Twitter

  31. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011


    Article from Norwegian periodical where several of the comments are from him (signed Anders B. and Anders Behring). Creepy, because I write for this periodical myself (cultural journalism, my political sympathies are left-wing). It’s liberal-conservative (free-market economics/socially conservative), but hardly extremist. Associated with a conservative think tank called Civitas. He makes reference to posting on FpU (Progress Party’s youth organisation) forums in his youth.

    Translation of a paragraph of one of his comments, if anyone’s interested:

    „Multiculturalism therefore strips us of cultural defense mechanisms, which has resulted in our current vulnerability. The absence of nationalistic (culturally conservative) political doctrines has facilitated this. Political parties that support multiculturalism (anti-nationalism/anti-cultural conservatism) are directly responsible for the situation we are in. The problem does not end there; any political party or individual who actively criticises these multicultural doctrines are branded and stigmatised by the media and the authorities.”

  32. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Articol din Aftenpost, de acum 9 ani.


    Neo-nazi caught with dynamite and police uniforms

    A 23 year old neo-nazi from Ringerike is taken into custody after the police found 2 guns 1kg explosives and 2 police uniforms at hes home.

    This is the 3rd time the 23 year old is taken into custody since mid july. Then he was charged for violence (or similar legal term) leading to death, after a driver was forced off the road and died. In late august he was arrested for shooting around in front of hes girlfriend. The 3rd time he was arrested in oslo with 2 police uniforms in hes car. Cops the searched hes house and found 2 guns, a (insert word for those guns that shoots by compressed gasses..) 10 sticks of dynamite with blast caps. I all 1 kg explosives.
    -My client has admitted guilt for storing the guns and explosives. He does not admit charges for (insert word for selling illegal goods) the police uniforms says hes attorney.
    The 23 year old was convicted in 1998 for buying a large amount of guns and selling them to the right wing extremists in Ringerike. Among the weapons he was convicted for selling was Uzi automatics, ak47 (kalasjnikov) and different shotguns. He was also convicted for being in possesion of 16 different weapons. Among these a .22 caliber with dampener and (whatever that thing you are aiming through is called. Probably not telescope, but you know what I mean)

    Some of hes clients were later charged with planning an attack against norwegian VIPs in 1997. He was also convicted for violence against 2 anti-racists. The 23 year old then admitted connections to the right wing extremists in Ringerike.

    Err… s-ar putea sa fie altul, dar 23+9=32. ????

  33. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Droopy Goines

    Article from 2001:
    – 23 year old neo nazi
    – arrested in july for running a guy off the road who crashed and died
    – arrested in august for shooting wildly around himself
    – arrested in november and police found dynamite, guns and police uniforms in his apartment
    – sentenced in 1998 for selling UZI’s and AK-47’s to other neo nazis
    – also sentenced in 1998 for violence against two anti-racists.

  34. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Young Freud

    The big thing from this is that the government offices and city center were sparsely populated, because of the vacation season. The youth camp was the exact opposite for the same reason. I think this nutter knew that he was going to get more casualties from the youth camp than bombing city center.

    Imagine de pe Insula. Gasisem si un clip video pe YT, dar a devenit private…

    Imagine aeriana a insulei Utoya.

  35. ateu
    22 July 2011

    Va fi o grea lovitura pentru dreapta anti-imigrationista. Atacatorul este chiar tampit.

    Ma tem ca acum elitele vestice se vor inghesui sa-si reafirme si mai mult toleranta. Iar numarul sporit de musulmani (probabil) va inspira alti fundamentalisti crestini sau nazisti sa comita noi atentate.

  36. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Profilul de Facebook nu mai poate fi accesat. Pana de curand se putea. Acelasi lucru se poate spune si despre contul de World of Warcraft.

    In rest, dupa cum era de asteptat, Gates of Vienna a respins teoria conspiratiei cu bloggerul norvegian Fjordman.

    For the record: I did not comment on the rumor that the Utøya shooter was the same person as Fjordman because the assertion is too ludicrous to be taken seriously.

    Charles Johnson is free to believe any damnfool thing he wants, and probably will, but I don’t see why I have to concern myself with it.

    I strongly regret having to mention this stupid nonsense at all. It is demeaning to Fjordman, to myself, and to this blog to have to refer to it.

    However, I will do so here, for this one post only:

    I know Fjordman personally, I know exactly what he looks like, and he does not resemble the alleged murderer in the slightest.

    Furthermore, I was in conversation with Fjordman all day today, starting before the shootings, during the slaughter, and afterwards. If he was shooting up Utøya, he was doing an amazing job of communicating with his friends the whole time, even after he was thrown in a jail cell.

    Finally, I know Fjordman’s character, as do all his regular readers. The idea that he could be capable of such an act is so outrageous, so deeply insulting, and so vile that I feel soiled simply having to discuss it here.

    This allegation is despicable, disgusting, and deserving of any other adjectives of abhorrence that you can think of.

    That’s all I care to say on this topic, and more than enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. I will not mention it again.

    Bravo, Baron!

  37. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Se vede si norvegianul nostru, inconjurat de cadavre.

  38. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Iadul Pe Utoya (traducere Google; autorul textului se pare ca ar fi fost pe insula; traducerea e proasta => Google Translate).

  39. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011


    Translated blog post from AUF member Khamshajiny Gunaratnam, who was at Utøya. I feel this account of the events needs some attention. (source)

    I’m still in shock. Just came home. We were driven by Prableen’s father from Sundvollen hotel.

    I’m actually still in shock. I can’t squeeze out a single tear. I can’t believe it: Today I actually almost were killed. Hunted and killed.

    What can I say? The last sane thought I had in my head was about a student organization in the AUF. I had just been to the political workshop (for that is what we are doing on Utøya) – and was on my way up to the AUF-shop where I had duties.

    A good friend came over and informed me about the explosion that had taken place in Oslo. Sick! Ministries and Youngstorget?! Of course there were many who were worried. The mood was not good, to say the least, many thought this was the worst event at Utøya this year, but more were to come. I had a lump in my throat. The largest ever.

    We were first called to an information meeting by management so that everyone received the same (and correct) information. This meeting was useful and worked well. Most got a hold of their family members in Oslo and had confirmed that everyone was alive.

    I could not get a hold of someone in my family for quite some time! When I finally got confirmation that three of them were not in Oslo, and one was at work far away from the center – then I could breathe. Really. I went back to the AUF-shop.

    General Secretary Helen Brenna came over and talked to me. Wondered if I needed someone to talk to. Then we heard shots down at the grounds. Who the hell is messing about now then, we thought? Who thought that it actually was not a joke?

    Suddenly I see all the security guys running up towards us and told us to „hide”, running into the main building, etc. I ran into the toilet next to the AUF-shop. The shots came closer. I was pretty sure that this was a „joke”, but one can never be sure of anything, it’s something today has proved. Those seconds in the bathroom were hell. Slowly but surely I managed to put the phone on silent and put it in my bra so I would not lose it. I left my purse on the floor. When I finally heard voices from some of my acquaintances, I came out.

    But it was not over. We had to run behind the NATO toilet (as it’s called) and down around the corner, then to the right of the pier. We fell and stumbled through a lot of bushes and large rocks. I received many wounds. There we some 15-20 people there, maybe? I was stressed out. Matti held me and reassured me.

    We ran and ran. The worst was when we found out: the shooter was disguised as a policeman. drat.

    Who should we trust then? If we call the police – would the gunman be the one who came to check things out?

    But we tried to call the police! They used their drat time. So I gave my phone to Munir and asked him to update Facebook for anyone with a boat in the fjord to help us.

    We ran back and forth when the shots approached. Matti said we had to swim. But how could I manage it, swimming that far?

    Trond Agnar suddenly appeared. He said many had tried to swim, but had swum back because it was too cold, too far, or simply too difficult. But you know what? I’d rather drown than to be shot. Sorry. I took off my shirt, and with encouragement from Matti, I started to swim. It was heavy, so I had to take off my pants, too. drat cold.

    I swam. Matti saved me. He said the right things and he did the right things. He got me to swim – so far. When we had swum a while Matti said: „Kamzy, now you do not look back. You should look straight ahead towards shore and think that it is your goal. ”

    „Ok” – I said. We heard shots all the time, and I’m still surprised that neither I nor Matti was hit.

    (But, I learned later that he was there. That was why Matti told me to look straight ahead. He was right at the place we had just been hiding. My God! And he had tried to shoot at us. We were hunted.)

    But I swam. Then there were some boats that came to save us. One boat threw lifejackets and had to drive on. Then came another boat to fetch us. Even when we had reached the boat, I could still not relax. It just was not the „yes, we are saved” feeling. He can still hit us with his machine gun! I laid down on the floor of the boat immediately. I did not feel safe. Not at all.

    Some of the local residents helped us when we arrived. They gave us towels and drove us to the Esso station [Gas station] where police and ambulance staff waited. I was in shock. Couldn’t shed a single tear. It just wasn’t real.

    Suganthan came up to me with my cell phone and was upset that it did not work anymore. Dear Suganthan, I’m just glad you’re alive!

    Anniken Huitfeldt called and talked to me. I don’t know whose phone it was, it was a girl who came over and said Anniken wanted to talk. And I asked her: „Why the hell did the police used such a long time?” She agreed. And tried to reassure me, and asked what happened.

    There was a really nice girl who worked there who got us clothes and hot drinks. I also called my dad. I’m glad that he handles this a little more at ease – even if he was worried sick.

    Then we had to move on. Everyone should be at Sundvollen hotel. There, we had to register us and reassemble.

    We were some of the first people to arrive. And so therefore, one after the other they came … screaming as they came in. I understand them very well. I just did not understand, and still do not understand why I couldn’t shed a single tear. I want out of this state of shock I’m still in. I want out of here. I rode with Prableen and came home to my dad who was waiting for me.

    For I am still in shock. Who does something like this? Bombing key buildings in Oslo and killing future Labour politicians who are on a summer camp on Utøya. What have we done to deserve this?!

    Those who resort to violence, has run out of arguments. How could he do what he did to my AUF friends? This seems so surreal. I do not understand. I do not understand.

  40. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    toate indiciile duceau catre modul de operare al-qaeda.
    debea acum va incepe o propaganda masiva a stangii, daca tinem cont ca au incercat asta de cel putin doua ori ( doua momente cheie pe care mi le aduc aminte au fost masacrul din tucson arizona si bomba din times square care au fost eronat atribuite „extremei drepte”).
    Swiss court find eco-activists guilty of planning IBM attack

    Switzerland’s top criminal court on Friday sentenced three green activists to more than three years in jail each for a foiled bomb attack on an IBM research centre near Zurich.

    The sentence against 26-year-old Swiss activist Luca Christos Bernasconi and Italians Constantino Alfonso Ragusa, 34 and Silvia Ragusa Guerini, 29, is higher than what the prosecutor had sought.

    A Bellinzona-based court found the three guilty „of plotting a criminal act of arson … (and) the concealment and assembly of explosives,” said the ruling.

    The trio was arrested on April 15, 2010 with explosives and other components for building a bomb, and have been held in preventive detention since then, according to the Swiss attorney general’s office.

    They had also carried 31 handwritten letters in German, claiming responsibility for a bomb attack on the IBM facility, on behalf of the „ELF Switzerland Earth Liberation Front,” added the attorney general.

    The late 2010 bomb attacks on the Swiss embassies in Athens and Rome were launched in retaliation for their arrest, according to the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service.

    The Earth Liberation Front, born in Britain in the 1990s, is made up of numerous autonomous cells around the world.

    During congressional testimony in 2004, FBI deputy assistant director John Lewis had said that the group had „emerged as a serious domestic terrorist threat.”

    The targetted IBM nanotechnology research centre, in the small suburb of Rueschlikon some five miles south of Zurich, focuses on „novel nanoscale structures and devices to advance energy and information technologies,” according to its website.

    Friday’s ruling can be appealed

    Asasinul din Norvegia: „O să vă ucid pe toți!” VEZI profilul suspectului| MULTIMEDIA

    Suspectul, identificat de presa norvegiană drept Anders Behring Breivik, a fost arestat chiar pe insula unde ar fi comis masacrul. Unele elemente postate de suspect pe internet lasă să se întrevadă că „există unele semne politice legate de dreapta şi de o atitudine antimusulmană, dar este prea devreme ca să putem spune dacă acesta a fost motivul gestului său”, a declarat comisarul de poliţie Sveinung Sponheim pentru televiziunea publică NRK, citată de AFP.

    ii vor transforma in victime.

  41. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    A aparut si asta, dar sursa e Socialist Worker Online, asa ca sunt sanse foarte mari sa fie intoxicare.

    Alta imagine de pe insula…

  42. chriscross
    22 July 2011

    nu toti din poza respectiva sunt morti (stanga jos, in apa)…

  43. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011


    Anders Behring Breivik, 32, a grower of vegetables, melons, roots and tubers, described as a „Conservative nationalist” is in Norwegian policy custody, accused of – first bombing government buildings in central Oslo and killing seven people, including almost Prime Minister Jen Stoltenberg Friday, July 22, then 90 minutes later opening automatic fire on a youth camp sponsored by the ruling Labor party on the island of Utoya, 38 kilometers away. There, he murdered 84 of the 560 teens aged 15-16 at the camp. When he started shooting with an automatic weapon, some of the children died on the spot, many jumped into the water. Their bodies were later recovered.

    The tall, blonde Breivik was captured on the island, still clad in police uniform, after perpetrating a multiple al-Qaeda-style terrorist crime – possibly singlehanded, the first in Norway’s history. Police are trying to find out how he came to his horrendous crimes and determine whether he acted alone.

    Breivik, a former freemason, is an admirer of Winston Churchill, Norwegian anti-Nazi World War II hero Max Manus, John Locke, Immanuel Kant and Plato. He owns the company Breivik Geofarm.
    Before his capture, the Norwegian authorities believed the country was under al Qaeda attack, one of whose targets was their prime minister. Oslo was locked down and European capitals were placed on terror alert.
    debkafile reported in the course of events Friday:

    European cities went on terror alert after the Norwegian prime minister’s office in Oslo was rocked Friday, July 22 by huge bomb explosions and the death toll of the bombing attack rose to seven, with 15 injured. It was followed by an automatic gun attack on the Utoya island youth camp shortly before a visit by Prime Minister Jen Stoltenberg and members of his cabinet. A gunman in police uniform came in a boat and kept on shooting as terrified teens jumped into the water to escape the bullets. Witnesses report 25-30 bodies have been recovered from the atrocity at the camp.
    The prime minister said he and members of his cabinet were safe at an undisclosed location on the advice of security forces, who fear they were the object of an assassination attack. Oslo residents were advised to stay indoors as police warned citizens that it was not over and more attacks on their country might still be coming.

    The army has taken up positions inside the Norwegian capital. Police have blocked the roads in and out of Oslo and cut off the city’s Internet links. Oslo airport remains open but is surrounded by check posts.
    The two explosions which devastated Oslo’s popular Youngstorget (Young’s Square) Friday hit the government buildings housing the prime minister’s office near the oil ministry and the offices of at least one national tabloid. In addition to the dead and injured, victims were trapped in the wrecked buildings.

    A giant cloud of white smoke rose above a fire at the Oil Ministry. Windows were blown out and around the square cafes and restaurants were extensively damaged. Following the explosion, police cleared the area and searched for any additional explosive devices and examined a wrecked car as possible cause of the explosion.
    Investigators believe the explosions were caused by car bombs using fertilizer nitrate.

    On Utoya island, police arrested a tall, blonde, Norwegian-speaking man as the suspected gunman after he was shot and wounded. They also found explosives and hand grenades at the youth camp which had been sponsored by the prime minister’s Labor party.

  44. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Ai dreptate, Chriscross. In stanga jos cineva mai era inca in viata, dar ucigasul se indreapta spre el. Inca una.


    Last development is that the police suspect there was a SECOND gunman at UTØYA, since witnesses describe seeing two shooters, one with uniform (hes been arrested) and one without.

    On his facebook page he identifies himself as a Christian, but this could be a cover.


    This is what it says on his facebook page:

    Anders Behring Breivik
    Education and Work Employers Breivik Geofarm Director
    College Independent MPSC B.B.A
    Aproximately 14 500 hours of study equivalent to B.B.A, M.P.S, MHist + aprox. 3000 hours of study in micro and macro finance, religion+
    High School Oslo Handelsgymnasium
    Religious Views Christian
    Political Views Conservative
    Sports Anders Hunting E-Sport

  45. Riddick
    22 July 2011

    Un thread interesant:





  46. Riddick
    22 July 2011

    Anders Behring Breivik Facebook Profile A Fake?…..le-a-fake/

  47. Riddick
    22 July 2011

    „Error establishing a database connection”…

  48. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Numarul mortilor a crescut la 91.

    Police official Roger Andresen told reporters that the total death toll was now 91 and that a suspect was in custody being questioned for both assaults and is cooperating with the investigators.

    Though police did not release his name, Norwegian national broadcaster NRK identified him as 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik and said police searched his Oslo apartment overnight. NRK and other Norwegian media posted pictures of the blond, blue-eyed Norwegian.

    „He is clear on the point that he wants to explain himself,” Roger Andresen told reporters Saturday.

    National police chief Sveinung Sponheim told NRK that the suspected gunman’s Internet postings „suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen.”

    Andersen said the suspect posted on websites with Christian fundamentalist tendencies. He did not describe the websites in any more details.

    A police official said the suspect appears to have acted alone in both attacks, and that „it seems like this is not linked to any international terrorist organizations at all.” The official spoke on condition of anonymity because that information had not been officially released by Norway’s police.

    „It seems it’s not Islamic-terror related,” the official said. „This seems like a madman’s work.”

  49. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Profilul Facebook al Andres Behring Breivik. Avem descrierea, likes, wall-ul si chiar si poze de familie.

  50. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    La ce iti da eroarea aia, Riddick?

  51. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Ar mai fi fost arestat un al doilea suspect.

  52. Riddick
    22 July 2011

    oops… merge originalul acum.

  53. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    Gruparile fundamentaliste si cele populist-extremiste de dreapta de obicei promoveaza intoleranta, teribilismul si ura. Nimic nou. Sa nu ne mire faptul ca la sinul unor astfel grupari sint crescuti si psihopati.

    Tare curios sint ce o sa mai zica populistul Geert Wilders si fanii lui.

  54. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Canta la alta masa, stangistule.

  55. calehari
    22 July 2011

    New York si Washington 2001,Moscova-Nord Ost 2002,Beslan 2004,Madrid-Atocha 2004, Londra -King Cross 2005, Moscova 2010, Oslo 2011, secolul XXI evocat de Malraux a inceput bine si astea sunt doar momentele cele mai vizibile, mai mediatizate. Ne-am ingrozi daca le-am realiza pe toate care au fost, sunt si mai ales vor fi, pentru ca asta nu e decat inceputul . Fara discutie actul nebunesc al norvegianului Andres Breivik da o lovitura miscarii pentru libertate, pentru democratie, miscarii anti-islam. Islamul, acesta ideologie fascista, sustinuta de cretinii utili de stanga ( „Cei care nu cunosc nimic despre Islam zic ca sfatuieste impotriva razboiului. Oameni fara minte „- Khomeini ) a mai repurtat ieri o victorie. De fapt reactia de la @57 sta marturie. Andres Breivik este un disperat si ca el vor mai apare, probabil din ce in ce mai multi, daca nimic nu se va schimba in bine.

  56. Silvapro
    22 July 2011

    Geert Wilders si fanii lui nu aproba sau incinta la astfel de acte. El avetizeaza impotriva actelor de genul asta, care sint de obicei o specialitate a islamistilor. In sinul gruparilor lor sint crescuti de regula psihopati. Intoleranta, teribilismul si ura sint cartea lor de vizita. De ei n-am vazut sa te sinchisesti niciodata, iar acum ai gasit de cuviinta sa generalizezi dupa actul unui nebun?

  57. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Complete list of comments at
    A touch of the Unabomber?

    Behring Breivik was an active commentator on this site in the fall of 2009, especially. In the course of a few months he wrote some 75 pieces, some of them quite extensive.

    They offer some interesting insights into his ideas at the time. He writes mostly about what Americans call the cultural war; focused on immigration, demography, identity, and politics in the broader sense.

    His main enemy is not muslims, but multiculturalists and what he calls cultural marxists.

    Actually there is nothing in Behring Breivik’s writings that indicates that he was violent.

    His thoughts about multicultural society are run of the mill on the political right, with some personal eccentric ideas, i.e. the use of the word conservatism. He calls himself and the movement he identifies with national conservatism. He writes positively about Israel and the Jews’ right to defend themselves. He argues against ethnocentrism and says the answer to racism cannot be another form of racism.

  58. Silvapro
    22 July 2011

    Priveste atent la discursul Islamistilor tai, despre care aruncai nu demult comentarii ca s-au moderat, modernizat si ca au parasit drumurile de violenta

    Ca sa fi sigur de actualitatea intentiilor si planurilor lor, ia aminte la data:

  59. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Apropos de reactia vaginala a ofilitei Barbie, socialisto-liberala resapata in Germania, ce mai comenteaza din cand in cand aici. Reactie caracteristica de juisare intelectuala, provocata de ascutite rezonante himenalo-lubrice. O Barbie, ce si-a pastrat cu castitate monahala virginatatea prafuita in asteptarea mult doritului moment deflorator, cauzat de sexul ” a la Liban „.

  60. Liv St. Omer
    22 July 2011

    Si eu ma pripisem, la @1.…..18864.html

  61. Liberalul
    22 July 2011


    Extremistii islamici nu sint cu nimic mai breji decat alti extremisti (dimpotriva, gradul lor de agresivitate este chiar mai ridicat). Un subiect coerent ar fi modul de marginalizare al acestora –i.e. reducerea influentei radicalilor si castigul inimilor si mintilor oamenilor (acolo se duce lupta).……………

  62. Liberalul
    22 July 2011


    Degeaba ti-ai agatat noua eticheta „de dreapta” la gat. Nu te-ai schimbat cu nimic, ai ramas asa cum te stiu – un parsiv fara pereche.

  63. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Liberalule, sunt de acord cu tine ca limbajul nu trebuie sa depaseasca anumite limite, dar hai sa trecem dincolo de limbaj si sa ne uitam la substanta. Toate interventiile tale pe acest site au nuantat mereu situatiile, chiar si atunci cand era evident ca avem de a face cu comunitati religioase sau nu extrem de violente. Cand subiectul sunt musulmanii, n-ai nici o problema in a nuanta ad infinitum. Acum, insa, se pare ca actorul violent este de dreapta si deodata nu mai ai nici dileme, nici indoieli: asa-s toti dreptacii, intoleranti si plin de ura. Pai, ia spune, tovarase, nu pot sa te acuz de ipocrizie crasa?

    Calehari, te rog, sa nu depasim anumite limite. Sa ne pastram pentru cand trebuie.

  64. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Neighbors: He was great as a body-builder
    Here he takes pictures of the killer
    (despre cei care au facut pozele pe care le vedem)

  65. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Participarea la Partidul Progresului1
    Participarea la Partidul Progresului 2

    Nota: Partidul Progresului este un partid conservator din Norvegia, al doilea din parlament.

  66. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Suspected perpetrator roses Danish Government
    Masonic Order: – Terror accused had minimal contact with us


    Police press conferance:

    – Still searching for missing people in the water.
    – Started crime scene investigation.
    – Suspect being questioned, but no information about who was involved.
    – Still 85 people confirmed dead. 98 dead or missing (if i hear correctly).
    – Three weapons found. Two one-hand wielded weapons and one two-hander. Police recons he used all weapons.
    – Been in contact with his family. Didn’t want to tell what his mother said, understantably.

    – Police not at all sure there was only one gunman.
    – Searching for more bombs in Oslo.
    – Original bomb was in a car.
    – Undramatic comprehension of the suspect. No shots fired by either police nor perp.
    – Will take time to puzzle together bodyparts at the bomb site to get a final death toll (yes, thats how he put it).
    – Task force was ready to be mobilized when called to Utøya due to the bombings in Oslo


  67. Daniel Francesco
    22 July 2011

    Nu am fost noi primii a interpreta explozia din Oslo şi dezlănţuirea lui Breivik de pe insula Utoya ca pe un atac terorist de matrice islamică. La primele ore ale serii de vineri 22 iulie, în majoritatea comentariilor scrise şi intervenţiile în direct ale specialiştilor pe principalele canale media se îmbrăţişa de la început această pistă, aceasta era ideea de bază. Fapte de genul celor întâmplate la Oslo sunt asemănătoare până la identificare cu multe altele comise într-adevăr de islamişti, în numele ataşamentului lor faţă de o ideologie supremasistă şi răzbunătoare. Terorismul, ca act individual sau de grup, având scopuri bine determinate, politice, economice sau religioase şi care nu ţine cont de nicio cutumă morală nesocotind viaţă şi proprietatea oamenilor paşnici, este duşmanul numărul unu al lumii civilizate în secolul 21, punct.

    Dar la fel de puţin mă miră că a fost vorba despre un lup singuratic, un individ care a vrut să-şi pună pecetea de snge asupra ţării sale. Cred cu toată tăria că este o şansa faptul că Breivik a ales să trăiască în momentul când a fost înconjurat de forţele de ordine. El va fi interogat şi vom afla mai multe despre motivaţia actelor sale, însă trebuie să spun ca observ o degajare a discursului din momentul în care a fost capturat un novegian nativ şi nu unul recent, că este vorba despre un individ şi nu este o grupare, dar mai ales că este vorba despre un individ care şi-a făcut o prezentare de aşa manieră pe Facebook că a ajuns să o aplaude Huffington Post.

    Din moment ce media mondială este într-o proporţie covârşitoare în mâna şi la cheremul discursului stângist, demolator şi anticreştin, este de aşteptat ca să citim şi să auzim până la saturaţie că pericolul în Europa şi în lume nu provine din zona islamistă, ci este evident că extremiştii de dreapta, creştini şi cu convingeri conservatoare sunt adevăraţii criminali demolatori de civilizaţie. Că un individ ca Breivik s-a declarat creştin, nu mă convinge nici pe mine şi nici pe foarte mulţi alţii. Că a scris că este conservator şi că îşi alesese pe World of Warcraft nick-ul Conservatorism (Conservatism), este cât se poate de nesemnificativ. Că era împotrivă multiculturalismului şi a marxismului cultural prin comentariile pe care le-a scris cu doi ani în urmă nu înseamnă că eu trebuie să mă ruşinez de faptul că sunt conservator în gândire, că sunt creştin şi că sunt împotrivă multiculturalismului, a comunismului şi a marxismului cultural. Ce a făcut Breivik este un act de nebunie care nu este explicat nici prin creştinism, nici prin conservatorism şi nici prin negarea marxismului contemporan. Unul din principiile fundamentale ale gândirii conservatoare este că respectul şi demnitatea se câştiga, nu reprezintă un drept, şi trebuiesc menţinute printr-un comportament adecvat.

    Vom vedea din informările poliţiei ce şi cât gândea Breivik. Am văzut, din păcate, ce a putut să facă.

    Condoleanţele noastre familiilor greu încercate de pierderile suferite ieri! Dumnezeu să-i odihnească!

    PS. Acesta Concluzie am adaugat-o la partea finala a postarii.

  68. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Witnesses Suggest Second Shooter Involved in Norway Youth Camp Rampage (Fox News)

    Norway’s national news agency says police are investigating whether a second suspect was involved in a shooting spree on an island where 84 people were killed.

    Police have arrested one man on preliminary charges in the massacre and a bombing in Oslo hours earlier.

    NTB is reporting Saturday that witnesses told police two people were involved in the shooting on Utoya island. The agency says police are looking into it.

    The agency says that the second man apparently wasn’t disguised in police uniform. The man under arrest was wearing a sweater with a police emblem on it.

    In total, 91 people were killed in the two attacks.

  69. dr pepper
    22 July 2011


    Gruparile fundamentaliste si cele populist-extremiste de dreapta de obicei promoveaza intoleranta, teribilismul si ura. Nimic nou. Sa nu ne mire faptul ca la sinul unor astfel grupari sint crescuti si psihopati.

    vezi ca la 42 am pus un comentariu.
    il reproduc:

    Swiss court find eco-activists guilty of planning IBM attack

    Switzerland’s top criminal court on Friday sentenced three green activists to more than three years in jail each for a foiled bomb attack on an IBM research centre near Zurich.

    The sentence against 26-year-old Swiss activist Luca Christos Bernasconi and Italians Constantino Alfonso Ragusa, 34 and Silvia Ragusa Guerini, 29, is higher than what the prosecutor had sought.

    A Bellinzona-based court found the three guilty „of plotting a criminal act of arson … (and) the concealment and assembly of explosives,” said the ruling.

    The trio was arrested on April 15, 2010 with explosives and other components for building a bomb, and have been held in preventive detention since then, according to the Swiss attorney general’s office.

    They had also carried 31 handwritten letters in German, claiming responsibility for a bomb attack on the IBM facility, on behalf of the „ELF Switzerland Earth Liberation Front,” added the attorney general.

    The late 2010 bomb attacks on the Swiss embassies in Athens and Rome were launched in retaliation for their arrest, according to the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service.

    The Earth Liberation Front, born in Britain in the 1990s, is made up of numerous autonomous cells around the world.

    During congressional testimony in 2004, FBI deputy assistant director John Lewis had said that the group had „emerged as a serious domestic terrorist threat.”

    The targetted IBM nanotechnology research centre, in the small suburb of Rueschlikon some five miles south of Zurich, focuses on „novel nanoscale structures and devices to advance energy and information technologies,” according to its website.

    Friday’s ruling can be appealed.

    e stire de astazi dimineata.
    e vorba de eco-prietenosi care planuiau sa arunce in aer cladirea IBM din Zurich.
    fac parte din gruparea frontului pentru eliberarea pamantului.
    nu au reusit asta pentru ca au fost prinsi din timp.
    vad ca stirile deja abunda despre blondul conservator crestin fundamentalist.
    dar din ce organizatie face parte?
    care e organizatia aia de conservatori crestini fundamentalisti blonzi?
    va atrag atentia ca acest nebun este un caz izolat pe vand voi aveti istorie grea in spate incepand din anii 60.
    In Spania, Italia, Germania ( factiunea armatei rosii), Statele Unite ( Weather Underground) samd
    Ideologia stangista crede fara nici un dubiu ca pentru a ajunge la putere este nevoie de o revolutie si ca sa se poata ajunge acolo trebuie creat haos prin acte teroriste.
    Ce a facut nenorocitul ala nu se incadreaza in nici un tipar „dreptaci”.
    Si nici ce a facut alalalt in Oklahoma city.
    Sunt cazuri izolate de descreierati.
    Ipocrizia voastra insa nu cunoaste limite – pentru ca voi faceti asta in mod constant si organizat si va agatati de asemenea episoade ca sa demonstrati „toleranta” voastra (???)

  70. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    Individul asta a cauzat mai mult rau miscarii europene de dreapta decat o hoarda de 10000 de jihadisti dezlantuiti. si, in mod constient, poate deliberat, si’a propagat personalitatea sub titulatura conservatorista. Deja prostimea, inclusiv presa de duzina de pretutindeni, e gata sa lege orice idee a dreptei de extremism, rasism, fundamentalism crestin, intoleranta. De’acum incolo dreapta veritabila [pro-suveranitate nationala, pro-capitalism, antiimigratie, ue-sceptica] va fi echivalata automat cu extremismul, in timp ce dreapta parlamentara autoproclamata ca atare se va imparti intre socialisti democrati [adica populari si liberali] si national comunisti/socialisti [fara nicio legatura cu nationalismul, uzurpatorii dreptei erodand puternic ideile nationaliste; aici intra alde vadim si becali, nationalistii de serviciu ai romaniei]. Dreapta reala a fost impinsa in afara esichierului parlamentar in aproape toate tarile europene si, continuind sa se aseze pe aceeasi baza ideatica, va risca sa’si piarda orice sustinere populara si legitimitate democratica.

    Toti ganditorii dreptei risca de’acum incolo sa fie vanati de haitele propagandei rosii si dati in vileag drept potentiali agresori, personaje turbulente si reactionare, instigatori populisti, extremisti si fundamentalisti. Este halucinanta insistenta si docilitatea presei europene in demonstrarea ‘conservatorismului’ criminalului. In timp ce in raport cu cele 17.000 de atentate cu autori islamici din ultimul deceniu s’au straduit sa’si ilustreze ‘obiectivitatea si impartialitatea’ negand orice legatura intre religios si faptele violente, iata ca acum nu au nicio jena in a colporta presupusele convingeri de dreapta ale ucigasului. Ba mai mult, aflu ca specimenul era si adeptul scolii austriece de economie. deci si alde mises este vinovat pe undeva pentru masacru, cam asta ar fi ideea.

  71. Sare'n Ochi
    22 July 2011

    Ce prostie: extremist de dreapta, crestin, dar mason si admirator al lui Winston Churchill si al eroului antinazist Max Manus:…..ite_note-6
    Se scrie orice numai sa se dea vina pe crestini si pe politica de dreapta. Ceva pute!

  72. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    @Vlad M.

    Acum, insa, se pare ca actorul violent este de dreapta si deodata nu mai ai nici dileme, nici indoieli: asa-s toti dreptacii, intoleranti si plin de ura. Pai, ia spune, tovarase, nu pot sa te acuz de ipocrizie crasa?

    Nu obisnuiesc sa generalizez, evit oamenii dominati de prejudecati si bineinteles ca nici cu valoriile intolerantilor (de stinga, dreapta, religiosi, etc) nu agreez. Si mai ceva: faptul ca nu critic doctrina social democratilor (asa cum nu o critic nici pe a crestin democratilor sau a altor oameni normali) nu te indreptateste sa ma numesti ipocrit sau „tovaras”. Ar fi cazul sa realizezi ca nu toti oamenii care gandesc putin diferit sint automat impotriva ta.

  73. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Sare’n ochi> Nebunia nu este monopol al Stangii. Daca asta crede in ceea ce crede si a ajuns la asa ceva, este clar ca este fie dus cu capul, fie de un diabolism infiorator. Tot ce pot sa iti spun e ca nu vad nici un motiv pentru a ne pune cenusa in cap ori a reactiona isteric cand vom fi atacati de stangisti pentru acest individ. Trebuie sa fim cerebrali si sa reactionam pe masura.

    euNuke>Intru totul de acord. Practic, acest om s-a identificat cu o buna parte din tot ce inseamna Dreapta, oferind astfel, pe tava, stangistilor posibilitatea de a ataca si mai puternic la nivel ideologic. Tare-s curios ce credea asta ca rezolva prin mizeria asta. Poate ca nu a avut nici macar intentia de a rezolva ceva, doar de a-si varsa nervii pe tintele cele mai la indemana. „Daca nu pot sa rezist in fata mai marilor vostri, las’ ca va ucid pe voi”?

    Dupa cum am zis deja de cateva ori pe Facebook, mai asteptam informatii.


    Nu obisnuiesc sa generalizez, evit oamenii dominati de prejudecati si bineinteles ca nici cu valoriile intolerantilor (de stinga, dreapta, religiosi, etc) nu agreez. Si mai ceva: faptul ca nu critic doctrina social democratilor (asa cum nu o critic nici pe a crestin democratilor sau a altor oameni normali) nu te indreptateste sa ma numesti ipocrit sau “tovaras”. Ar fi cazul sa realizezi ca nu toti oamenii care gandesc putin diferit sint automat impotriva ta.

    1. Minciuna, stimabile. Nu o data ai intervenit pe aici pentru a nuanta actele salbatice ale islamistilor. Acum nu ai mai considerat necesar sa nuantezi nimic. Ai intervenit doar pentru a vorbi despre ura si intolerata Dreptei.
    2. Nu critici doctrina social-democratilor, a crestin0-democratilor si altor „oameni normali” numai pentru ca acestia au internalizat si sustin o buna parte din obiectivele progresiste.
    3. Daca sunt de dreapta si conservator nu sunt „om normal”. Heh, si apoi mai ai indrazneala sa spui ca nu am nici un motiv pentru a te numi ipocrit sau tovaras, adica ceea ce esti de fapt.

  74. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    According to that article, he wanted to see the creation of a new newspaper.

    He describes the main doctrines to influence an upcoming cultural conservative newspaper.

    Critical of multiculturalism (Anti-culturemarxism)
    Pro Progressive Party (maybe Conservatives)
    Pro Israel (+ support for Armenia, Christian Copts / Maronites / Assyria, cultural conservative Indians, support for creation of a Christian state Biafra, Southern Nigeria and supported the establishment of a Christian state in Sudan, support for Russia / Thailand / Philippines / China + struggle against Jihad)
    Critical of Marxist culture media (all)
    Pro free market
    Pro Christian

  75. Scorpion
    22 July 2011

    Aud pe aici zvon cum ca, din moment ce nu un extremist islamic a comis aceasta crima oribila, ci un dezaxat care afisha convingeri de dreapta, guvernele din nord nu vor mai stii cum sa se deschida (suna cam dezgustator) in fatza imigratiei islamice si sa-si ceara scuze si mai abitir .

    Eu cred ca, este clar ca acest model de societate fara politie nu poate exista, asa cum nu poate exista un organism fara anticorpi .nu este posibil ca un nebun – indiferent ce convingeri afisheaza – sa mearga la o intrunire (deghizat in politzist !) si sa omoare aproape 100 de oameni efectiv fara sa-l deranjeze nimeni . Incredibil !

    PS: poate ca, autoritatile norvegiene si nu numai, vor realiza ca acele uniforme de politist, vandute mai peste tot, nu vor servi doar la „nevinovate” perversiuni sexuale …

  76. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Am gasit cartea scrisa de Anders Behring Breivik (multumiti Syllogism). Intitulata 2083 si semnata ca Andrew Berwik, contine cam tot ce a scris si facut, de la ganduri despre societate, religie, politica etc. pana la un jurnal al pregatirilor pentru atac. Jurnalul incepe la pagina 1414 a documentului.

    Ultimele cuvinte:

    I believe this will be my last entry. It is now Fri July 22nd, 12.51.

    Sincere regards,

    Andrew Berwick
    Justiciar Knight Commander
    Knights Templar Europe
    Knights Templar Norway

    Cateva paragrafe din multele pagini pe care le-am rasfoit…

    I’ve also scheduled to meet my stepmom, Tove Øvermo, in March. She used to work as a director in Norwegian UDI (the foremost government organization tasked with approving applications and granting foreigners (mostly Muslims) legal permits). Ironically, UDI is a highly valued target for Knights Templar in Norway as it is an essential tool and facilitator for the Norwegian multiculturalist regime. However, I think she’s retired now, so she is currently not in danger of any KT attacks. Although I care for her a great deal, I wouldn’t hold it against the KT if she was executed during an attack against UDI, as she used to be a primary tool and category B traitor for the multiculturalist regime of Norway, high treason she should be familiar with. Tove, being very intelligent and committed in the advancement of her own career under the multiculturalist regime, is fully aware that she is a willing and participating subject/tool for the Multiculturalist Alliance in the indirect genocide of Norwegians through the continued Islamisation of Norway. People in her position are just unwilling to make any meaningful sacrifices as her career would be immediately terminated by the regime if she criticized them. Career termination followed by blacklisting and harsh vilification and character assassination is not a price most people of her position are willing to pay. Just like essential NS tools were guilty of facilitating the NSDAP, people in her position are guilty of facilitating the Multiculturalist Alliance. Regime sub-leaders such as her are on auto pilot though, and partly disconnected from reality and thus partly unaware of their own war crimes, since the multiculturalist media is ensuring that the public remain disconnected from reality and the truth. So when I meet her I will probably just end up talking about the usual social BS, to prevent raising any red flags. During our last meeting, I remember we discussed the central aspects of Wahhabism, and I was really impressed with her knowledge on the matter.

    I have been storing three bottles of Château Kirwan 1979 (French red wine) which I purchased at an auction 10 years ago with the intention of enjoying them at a very special occasion. Considering the fact that my martyrdom operation draws ever closer I decided to bring one to enjoy with my extended family at our annual Christmas party in December. I brought the other flask to Marius` party a few days later and shared it with my friends. It was an absolutely exquisite experience that will not be forgotten. My thought was to save the last flask for my last martyrdom celebration and enjoy it with the two high class model whores I intend to rent prior to the mission. My interpretation of being a “Perfect Knight” does not and should not include celibacy, although some of my KT peers might disagree with me on this point. I believe that in order to strengthen the resolve, morale and motivation prior to a martyrdom operation, the Justiciar Knight should be encouraged to embrace and take advantage of a significant reward system designed to increase focus and remove any last doubts. A pragmatic approach, which involves acknowledging the primal aspects of man for the purpose of preparing him for a martyrdom operation, should always take precedence over misguided piety, which only increases the chance of jeopardizing the execution of the operation. And I believe the majority of war strategy analysts will agree with me on this.

    Continued philosophizing about the future cultural conservative political model, when we, the cultural conservatives, again seize political and military power at one point between 2025-2083

    I have been thinking about my post-operational situation, in case I survive a successful mission and live to stand a multiculturalist trial. When I wake up at the hospital, after surviving the gunshot wounds inflicted on me, I realize at least for me personally, I will be waking up to a world of shit, a living nightmare. Not only will all my friends and family detest me and call me a monster; the united global multiculturalist media will have their hands full figuring out multiple ways to character assassinate, vilify and demonize. They will possibly do everything they can to distort the truth about me, KT and our true objectives, and attempt to make even revolutionary conservatives detest me. They will label me as a racist, fascist, Nazi-monster as they usually do with everyone who opposes multiculturalism/cultural Marxism. However, since I manifest their worst nightmare (systematical and organized executions of multiculturalist traitors), they will probably just give me the full propaganda rape package and propagate the following accusations: pedophile, engaged in incest activities, homosexual, psycho, ADHD, thief, non-educated, inbred, maniac, insane, monster etc. I will be labeled as the biggest (Nazi-)monster ever witnessed since WW2.

    I have an extremely strong psyche (stronger than anyone I have ever known) but I am seriously contemplating that it is perhaps biologically impossible to survive the mental, perhaps coupled with physical torture, I will be facing without completely breaking down on a psychological level. I guess I will have to wait and find out.

    Regardless of the above cultural Marxist propaganda; I will always know that I am perhaps the biggest champion of cultural conservatism, Europe has ever witnessed since 1950. I am one of many destroyers of cultural Marxism and as such; a hero of Europe, a savior of our people and of European Christendom – by default. A perfect example which should be copied, applauded and celebrated. The Perfect Knight I have always strived to be. A Justiciar Knight is a destroyer of multiculturalism, and as such; a destroyer of evil and a bringer of light. I will know that I did everything I could to stop and reverse the European cultural and demographical genocide and end and reverse the Islamisation of Europe.

    I guess it is tempting for the many who have endured years of vilification, to just start believing the propaganda and embrace NS fully. However, I remain a staunch anti-Nazi and I blame NSDAP for the situation we are in. Hadn’t it been for the actions of the cultural right wing extremists known as the NSDAP our Western European countries would not be dominated by the cultural Marxist extremist regimes we witness today. If the NSDAP had been isolationistic instead of imperialistic(expansionist) and just deported the Jews (to a liberated and Muslim free Zion) instead of massacring them, the anti-European hate ideology known as multiculturalism would have never been institutionalized in Western Europe, because the Marxists would never have been so radicalized to begin with. The cultural conservatives would have been in a very strong and dominant situation today. Western European countries would have had cultural conservative doctrines similar to what we see in Japan and South Korea.

    We must keep this lesson in mind. When we seize political and military power in the future; while tempting to unleash hell to avenge all our ravaged and dead brothers and sisters, we must keep in mind that replacing a cultural Marxist extremist regime with a cultural conservative extremist regime will only fail to break the cycle where history always repeats itself. So instead of replacing this tyrannical and extremist multiculturalist regime with an equivalent right wing one, we must think and act pragmatically with a long term objective. We must manage to break the historical “Marxist vs. Conservative” cycle or we risk that the cultural Marxists will emerge as a dominating force again after 20-100 years. As such, we should limit the executions of category A and B traitors to 200 000 in Western Europe. A better alternative than execution of the remaining, the category C traitors, would be to establish a large multiculturalist zone in southern/eastern Europe, perhaps Anatolia, or on other territories which has been invaded and occupied by Muslims. In these newly created zones; the cultural Marxists category C traitors and those of the non-Europeans considered as politically disloyal will be deported to and allowed to live and create their imaginary utopia. A cultural Marxist or a so called “internationalist” does not feel much love for his ancestral country as he believes we are all citizens in a global community. So they should recover easily from the process of being deported to another country.

    Feb 28th: The Norwegian Intelligence Agency (PST) just released its annual report on terror estimates in Norway. I have been waiting for this report for several weeks now. Apparently, it’s the same expectations as usual when it comes to Islamic terror; imminent danger. However, they then specify that the largest right wing threat in Norway is that a subsidiary of English Defense League (EDL); Norwegian Defense League (NDL) is in the process of gaining strength. They also state, between the lines, that both EDL and the NDL are dangerous and violent right wing extremists that adhere to racism, fascism and Nazism. They conclude that they will ensure that any attempt to further develop NDL in Norway will be harshly suppressed.

    I am not surprised that PST makes statements like this as the report has been designed by the Norwegian Labour Party, and does not reflect the views of actual PST operatives. The head of PST, Janne Kristiansen has never even worked as an intelligence officer, and is nothing more than a planted Labour Party agent, placed to lead the PST, against the will of most PST employees.

    I know that the above description is nothing more than vile lies, a part of their psychological propaganda warfare against all cultural conservatives. I know this for a fact as I used to have more than 600 EDL members as Facebook friends and have spoken with tens of EDL members and leaders. In fact; I was one of the individuals who supplied them with processed ideological material (including rhetorical strategies) in the very beginning. The EDL are in fact anti-racist, anti-fascist and anti-Nazi. They even have many members and leaders with non-European background (African and Asian). They have worked so hard, and continue to work hard, to keep National Socialists out of the organization, but yet they are strategically labeled as racist-fascist-Nazi-monsters by the multiculturalist authorities. The EDL, although having noble intentions are in fact dangerously naïve. EDL and KT principles can never be reconciled as we are miles apart ideologically AND organizationally. The EDL even rejects taking a stand against multiculturalism which proves that they are even more naïve than Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron who have all admitted that multiculturalism has been a failure and a disaster for Europe.

    KT was formed back in 2002 as a revolutionary conservative movement because we had lost hope that the democratic framework can solve Europe’s current problems. The EDL, on the other hand, IS a democratic movement. They STILL believe that the democratic system can solve Britain’s problems… This is why the EDL harshly condemns any and all revolutionary conservative movements that employ terror as a tool, such as the KT. And this is why, we, the KT view the EDL as naïve fools, wasting all their energy monkey-screaming to deaf ears while they should instead have focused on means and methods that are meaningful in regards to achieving true political change, in regards to tearing down the multiculturalist regime known as Britain. Unfortunately, the only meaningful resistance at this point in time is to use military force. So instead of monkey-screaming, they should instead focus on strategically demolishing one of the many British nuclear power plants, which effectively would completely cripple the British economy, contributing to creating an optimal climate for significant political change.

    Regardless; it is so obvious that the Multiculturalist Alliance feels it is important to label anyone who criticizes multiculturalism as racist, fascist, Nazi-monsters. It makes their job easier, as they can justify harsh suppression methods of all cultural conservatives. The truth of the matter is that the Multiculturalist Alliance and their tools are about to lose this propaganda war. The peoples of Western Europe are not stupid, and they know that less than half of the targets of character assassination are not what is claimed. I’m optimistic about the fact that the MA appears to have managed to paint themselves into a corner, and their false and desperate propaganda outbursts appears, for an increasing number of Europeans, to be stuck on auto pilot (similar to what was witnessed in the Soviet Union in the 70s and 80s). People are in the process of learning the truth about what is going on and the continued desperate propaganda outbursts only makes our job easier. It is not the cultural conservatives of Europe that are the monsters. It is in fact the Multiculturalist Alliance that are the true racist, fascist, Nazi-monsters. It is possible to avoid reality for up to several decades. The Soviet Union is proof of this. But eventually, the truth will be known as you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

    It is no longer a question IF the MA will crumble but WHEN the MA will crumble. They will lose when the Western European economy shatters, in combination with further Islamic colnoization. And when this happens; the majority of the 340 000+ nationalist militants in Western Europe must be ready to strike hard and without mercy with the objective of seizing political and military power. We still have 14 years (2025) to arm ourselves, so let us continue to prepare for the coming coup d’état. Guns and ammo alone is not enough, you will need quality body armour, com/radio devices, rations and certain survival accessories as well. Chop-chop<3 For those of you who does not want to wait this long, should immediately ordinate yourself as a Justiciar Knight for the KT. (p. 1434-1438)

    Asadar, e cat se poate de clar ce avea omul nostru in scafarlie: o ciudata imbinare intre realism, aroganta teribila si dementa pura.

  77. Riddick
    22 July 2011

    Michael Savage (pt. WorldNetDaily):

    ‎”This has all the appearances of a cover-up,” Savage told WND. „They created their Reichstag fire. They found their Timothy McVeigh. They created their Jack Ruby. How could one man have blown up the downtown and then raced to the island to kill the teens?

    „This is likely a fabrication of the Labour Party, who needs to hold onto power to enforce their multi-culturalist, Muslim-favoring, anti-nationalist views,” he continued, „especially in light of the earlier ‘credit’ for this atrocity claimed by the radical Muslim group whose leader they were threatening to deport.

    Michael Savage: Norway’s ‘Quisling moment’
    ‘The official story makes no sense, this looks like classic conspiracy’…..eId=325069

  78. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    Daca sunt de dreapta si conservator nu sunt “om normal”.

    Vai sarmanul de tine… ti-am mai scris ca nu-mi place sa generalizez si nici prejudecatile nu-mi plac. Insa tu te grabesti sa ma iei mereu peste picior cu „tovarasu” si toate cele. Dat fiind faptul ca nu te-a inzestrat nimeni pe tine cu harul dreptatii ar fi bine ca in viitor sa o lasi mai moale cu impartitul etichetelor si acuzelor.

  79. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Stangistule, lasa bancurile proaste ca nu ma victimizam si ai priceput prea bine ce am vrut sa spun. ???? Daca nu-ti convine sa ti se spuna pe nume, fugi pe bloguri „social-democrate” si „crestin-democrate”, scrise de „oameni normali” si nu de dujmani ai boborului care „promoveaza intoleranta, teribilismul si ura”, ce mai cauti pe aici?

  80. Liberalul
    22 July 2011


    In timp ce in raport cu cele 17.000 de atentate cu autori islamici din ultimul deceniu s’au straduit sa’si ilustreze ‘obiectivitatea si impartialitatea’ negand orice legatura intre religios si faptele violente, iata ca acum nu au nicio jena in a colporta presupusele convingeri de dreapta ale ucigasului

    In ultimul deceniu s-a discutat mult despre coerenta /incoerenta strategiei si a retoricii adoptate de admin Bush (razboiul culturilor, cruciade etc). Cel putin aici in Europa. Nu a negat nimeni legatura dintre fanatismul extremistilor religiosi (musulmani) si actele lor de violenta — asa cum incerci sa insinuezi.

  81. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Compozitorul german Karlheinz Stockhausen, un reprezentant de marca al muzicii postarmonice, declara intr-un interviu acordat agentiei DPA, pe 18 sept.2001, cand Turnurile mai ardeau inca: ” Ce s-a intamplat la New York care cere sa ne reorganizam gandirea. Avem in fata cea mai mare opera de arta a tuturor timpurilor. Ganditi-va: tipii au reusit, intr-un singur act, lucruri la care noi nici nu indrazneam sa visam. Au repetat timp de 10 ani cu fanatism, un concert la capul caruia au murit. E cea mai mare opera de arta a Universului! Ma simt neputincios. In fata unei asemenea opere, noi, compozitorii suntem zero ”
    Ma intreb retoric, cum comenteaza acum decerebratul asta ” opera ” si ” concertul ” lui Breivik ? Ma intreb, tot retoric, daca mankurtii maoisti si trotkisti de la BBC, il vor numi pe Breivik, ” un militant „, asa cum le-au spus de atatea ori fiarelor dezaxate ce au insangerat Madridul sau Londra ? De ce Breivik este pentru ei un ” fundamentalist crestin ” si nu un militant ?
    Sunt sigur ca in momentele astea spumega rabic despre gruparile fundamentaliste si cele populist extremiste de dreapta care promoveaza intoleranta, teribilismul si ura.

  82. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Dupa atentatul de la metroul londonez presa de stanga transmitea mesajul linistitor ca marea majoritate a muslimilor este pasnica si ca, ” militantii ” n-au facut altceva decat sa reactioneze normal si sa dea una peste bot, invadatorilor din Irak si aliatilor Satanei americane. Deci victimile erau vinovate! Traian Ungureanu scria la vremea respectiva: ” In tunelul de sub gara King’s Cross, zeci de londonezi, distribuiti in bucati de carne, pe peretii si sub scaunele vagoanelor, ar fi primit cu mirare acest frumos rationament care ii anunta ca trebuiau sa isi ceara scuze”
    De data asta victimile vor fi , pe buna dreptate, planse iar agresorul acuzat si nu invers.
    De ce ? Agresorul este alb, majoritar, crestin si de dreapta. Calaul tipic pentru stanga occidentala !

  83. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    The tactical poo poo in the manual is kind of disturbing and eerie to read, but the political stuff is a goldmine of crazy. I think he broke Stormfront’s „brain” by advocating an alliance between Jews and Nazis.

    After WW2, the greatest anti-nationalist and anti-European propaganda campaign the
    world has ever seen was launched. And people like myself, and other cultural conservative
    leaders of today, are still suffering under this propaganda campaign because of that one man.
    Were the majority of the German and European Jews disloyal? Yes, at least the so called
    liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today that opposes nationalism/Zionism and
    supports multiculturalism. Jews that support multiculturalism today are as much of a
    threat to Israel and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight
    together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural
    Marxists/multiculturalists. Conservative Jews were loyal to Europe and should have been
    rewarded. Instead, he just targeted them all… So, are the current Jews in Europe and US
    disloyal? The multiculturalist (nation-wrecking) Jews ARE while the conservative Jews
    ARE NOT. Aprox. 75% of European/US Jews support multiculturalism while aprox. 50% of
    Israeli Jews does the same. This shows very clearly that we must embrace the remaining
    loyal Jews as brothers rather than repeating the mistake of the NSDAP. Whenever I
    discuss the Middle East issue with a national socialist he presents the anti-Israeli and
    pro-Palestine argument. He always seem unaware of the fact that his propaganda is
    hurting Israeli nationalists (who want to deport the Muslims from Israel) and that he is in
    fact helping the Israeli cultural Marxists/multiculturalists with his argumentation. In all
    five discussions they have moderated or fully changed their views after the discussion as
    they realize what they have done. But I was unable to discuss this issue further after I
    was banned and kicked out by Stormfront and another national socialist forum

    Frateee. ????

  84. DanCanada
    22 July 2011

    @87: Da, mai ales dupa chestia aia din Tucson, Arizona, acum toata Stinga cea vestita a intregului Apus au sa sara „Vedeti ?!? Am avut dreptate, Dreapta=Satan, no religion too”. Odata cu islamizarea Europei, probabil ca o sa mai vedem atentate de-astea si in alte tari (Suedia? Belgia?) ????

  85. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Liberalule, in ultimii ani s-a discutat mult despre fascistul si criminalul Bush, dar foarte putin despre fascistii si criminalii musulmani. Desigur, asta pentru ca pe voi, stangistii, va deranjeaza doar dreapta. Fata de oropsiti – sau presupusi oropositi – aveti o mare simpatie. Va indentificati cu scopurilor lor inalte, va solidarizati cu lupta lor nobila. Nuantati mereu – „extremistii” musulmani. Extremistii, traiasca majoritatea pasnica, multiculturala, liberala si seculara a Islamului! Nu?

  86. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    „Nu a negat nimeni legatura dintre fanatismul extremistilor religiosi (musulmani) si actele lor de violenta — asa cum incerci sa insinuezi.”
    Fanatism. Extremism. violenta. aceasta este ordinea. Or, eu nu vorbeam de vreo extrema a islamului, ci de perceptia publicului [inoculata de presa] asupra acestui cult al mortii ce tinde sa se dezvolte deopotriva intr’o doctrina totalitarista. Tu, prin atitudinea ta, o ilustrezi cat se poate de elocvent. Insinuezi ca actele de violenta sint strins legate de fanatism, de extremism, si nu de preceptele islamice, de natura abominabila originara a cultului. Asta face toata presa mainstream: de cate ori se intampla vreun atentat cu autor musulman sare repede in apararea islamului si ne asigura ca faptuitorii erau niste exceptii hidoase, niste radicali, niste extemisti care fac de ras ‘religia pacii’. OR, despre dreapta neafiliata s’a tot spus lucrul acesta -ca ar fi o presupususa manifestare a extremismului crestin si/sau european FARA ca acestia -micile grupuri de dreapta, organizate sau nu- sa fi savarsit vreodata vreo fapta de violenta extrema. Asta pana’n prezent. Pana alaltaieri asazisa extrema dreapta era in mod mizerabil si pe nedrept portretizata drept o adunatura de extremisti, fundamentalisti, fascisti, rasisti etc, cand, in realitate, acesti cetateni europeni afisau un civism mai pregnant decat gloata dresata cu pomeni zaharoase de catre statul asistential, acesti cetateni erau mai democrati decat majoritatea partidelor parlamentare europene [pentru ca se tineau de ideea legitimarii Constitutiei UE prin referendum], acesti cetateni inca se asociau liber si licit in scopuri politice; dar, deh, orice ong de dreapta NU aparea in presa mainstream ca fiind un reprezentant al societatii civile, ci ca un nucleu fascist; iar prostimea s’a obisnuit sa creada toate aceste baliverne si sa se distanteze cuminti, cu turma, de baubaul nascocit de propagandistii mc si copo.

    Extremistii islamului sint ereticii, renegatii, moderatii care se ascund prin europa de pastratorii liniei mahomedaniste a cultului.

    Extremistii islamului sint femeile nascute in captivitatea shariei [si a tuturor preceptelor sinistre perpetuate de imami, mulahi si familiile aristocratice ale arabiei] ce incearca sa evadeze din universul concentrationar riscandu’si viata si/sau integritatea fizica/psihica.

    Restul sint fidelii. curentul principal al cultului si sectelor dedicate celui mai monstruos criminal al istoriei. OR, lucrul aceste este negat de intreaga presa mainstream europeana. NU este nicio insinuare, ci o simpla constatare. Este, de asemenea, negat de toata floarea cea vestita a Europenismului, a birocratiei mucu europene, cu exceptia unui singur om, un olandez bombardat mediatic inca de la prima lui contra cu islamul. Orice preopinent mai vocal al cultului mahomedanist pateste acelasi lucru: este pus automat la stalpul infamiei, iar gloata ridica pietrele livrate de o armata de scribi iobagi [fosta presa libera] si loveste cu pofta ca sa’si acopere lasitatea si neputinta. Asa ai procedat si matale, liberalule, si nu se poate uita chestiunea asta: ai ochit si tu extremistul numarul unu al europei, ca deh, nu te doare tastatura.

    Dar extremistii Europei sint in alta parte: in comisia europeana, de pilda, cea condusa de cuplul magistral format din maoistul hotoman si gaina-carpa caghebista. sau…in parlamentul europei unde colcaie ecoteroristii, anarhobolsevicii si gloata enorma de socialisti de carnaval [ca’si poarta in continuare tacticos mastile de liberali si populari]. Toti astia trag Europa in prapastie, au pradat’o de mai bine de 2 decenii cu programe socialiste, tara cu tara, si acum o scot la mezat, cu tot cu populatie, clovnilor sinistri ai orientului. Si tot acestia is dementii care ataca tari islamice doar ca sa scormoneasca si sa atate cuiburile de viespi ale sectelor islamice, ca…na…trebuie sa inventeze o doctrina asazis militara care sa justifice lupta si razmeritele de pe teritoriul popoarelor islamizate in folosul grupurilor si partidelor islamiste, asa cum se intampla in afganistan, libia, egipt.

    Iar cand liderii statelor vag europene arunca electoral cate’o fumigena precum esecul neasteptat al MuCu [atitia ani nu au avut nimic de obiectat, extremistii dramaturgiei de partid si stat german si frantuz] FARA Ca islamul sa fie pus in legatura cu acest esec, cum poti sa pretinzi ca aceasta ‘religie’ a beneficiat de acelasi tratament nepartinitor, obiectiv ca si crestinismul? Daca islamul ar fi purtat vreo culpa in viziunea politicienilor, jurnalistilor si birocratilor [de origini] europene cum se face ca expansiunea acestuia a fost in continuare permisa, incurajata, sustinuta chiar banesc de guvernele cazute in mana dezradacinatilor politruci? Asta e extremismul…plutocratia de la varf; elitele birocratiei si politicii din UE sint antieuropene si extremiste, reprezinta cea mai extremista forma de socialism din vestul europei, si, din pacate, sint cu atat mai periculosi cu cat au invatat sa disimuleze atat de bine si sa joace hora democratiei si a ‘valorilor’ europene si, in cel mai important si nociv pentru noi: acum stiu sa se stapaneasca, sa’si controleze pornirile distructive si sa se slujeasca de mainile unor calai aparent straini de vointa lor politica…spre deosebire de antecesorii lor ideologici si revolutionari din 1789 si 1917.

  87. DanCanada
    22 July 2011

    Cineva a adaugat „christian” si „conservative” la FB page exact cind a trebuit:…..erday.html

  88. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Greu de spus, Dane, nu putem decat sa ne dam cu parerea. Oricum, omul mai avusese un profil de Facebook pe care l-a sters inainte de a-l creea pe acesta… Dubioasa treaba.

  89. Liv St. Omer
    22 July 2011

    Chestia asta imi pare foarte evident facuta de mana serviciilor, nebunul asta mi se pare prea predispus la manipulare, un fel de Lee Harvey Oswald. Tabara multi-culti nu mai avusese demult motive sa atace conservatorii, acum are. La fel cum DSK violatorul de negrese (a nu se intelege ca-i vreau binele) a fost prins tocmai la momentul potrivit cu chilotii-n vine ca sa poata Sarko sa creasca la loc in sondaje. E doar o banuiala, call me conspirationist, dar prea „pute” toata povestea asta.
    Dumnezeu sa ii odihneasca pe cei omorati.

  90. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011 Statement on the Anders Behring Breivik Facebook PDF File

    In writing this blog post, I noticed the Facebook profile of Anders Behring Breivik was still on the site, and feeling it may be removed, I made this PDF printout of the contents.

    After Facebook removed the profile, the PDF then became one of the few sources/reference of the profile, which a link to the PDF was added, then removed from Wikipedia. Since then, the PDF has been linked to several sites, and based on this Wikipedia removal, I posted this item on our blog questioning the validity of the FB contents.

    It should be noted, Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs has also noted there is a Norwegian Facebook screen snap not showing his views as “Christian” and “Conservative, and that these items were added between the time PDF was printed“. Clearly someone added the Christian / Conservative portions and these happened just before the profile was removed. The next question is, who had access to the profile in this time?

    Pamela Geller did note our PDF was in English. It should be understood, when I did print out the material to PDF, my Chrome Browser auto-translated the content into English.

    The fact remains, Wikipedia expressed concerns and removed the PDF link, and much like the Jarred Lee Loughner ‘Registered Republican Hoax‘, saw it necessarily to document the material, in order to place a point in the road where debunking can commence.

    Craig Edwards

  91. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    The 3 Big Questions About Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook Profile

    1: Why is there a version of Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook profile not showing Christian / Conservative? Even Google’s cache of the Facebook profile on retrieved on Jul 22, 2011 23:52:36 GMT supports this theory.

    2: How was Christian / Conservative added prior to the profile being removed from Facebook? If our PDF was printed out/saved at 01:39 GMT, and the profile was deleted soon afterwards by Facebook, how was a detained Anders Behring Breivik able to change it?

    3: Which then needs to be asked, Who had access to the Profile before removing it?

  92. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Fjordman Speaks Out

    I notice that certain bloggers such as Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs keep spreading the utterly false rumor that I am the evil shooter from Utøya, the island just outside of Oslo.

    I have absolutely no idea who planted that rumor or for what reason, but they obviously don’t wish me well. For the record, I was live-blogging about these horrible events the entire Friday evening, which can be confirmed by nearly a dozen different individuals.

    I didn’t respond to these rumors earlier because I was too emotionally exhausted from yesterday’s events. It was hard to pay attention to such things, but now I feel that I must. Some people really do want to smear me that badly.

    Multi probabil nu stiu cine este Fjordman ori ce il mana in lupta, dar pentru noi, cei preocupati de islamizarea Europei si pericolul islamist, Fjordman este un blogger deosebit de valoros a carui contributie la miscarea anti-jihad o pretuim. Drept urmare, nu putem ramane insensibili la mizeriile care se spun ori se scriu despre el, mai ales ca pornesc din aceleasi surse.

  93. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Ce spuneti de o productie video semnata Breivik?

    Ca de obicei, lucrurile de bun simt sunt amestecate cu nebunia pura.

  94. DanCanada
    22 July 2011

    @97: Iar Charles Johnson de la LGF e un stingist ordinar, de tipul lu’ Arianna H. Odata, demult CJ era de dreapta dupa care a inceput s-o ia pe ulei. S-a legat aiurea pina si de Robert Spencer de la Jihad Watch, dupa care am scos LGF de pe bookmarks ????

  95. Gia
    22 July 2011

    Daca urmaresti productia video a lui Breivik si incerci sa-i intelegi logica argumentariii, ajungi la concluzia ca omului nu-i place islamul, pe cei care-l practica si ca ii admira pe cei care au luptat impotriva lor.Asta foarte simplist vorbind,adica un fel de nu-mi place fatza ta, eu tzin cu ai mei. Atunci de ce mama huciului nu te duci sa-i dai la gioale lu’ ala care te enerveaza si nu-ti place si te dai la ai tai, carora de plingeai de mila mai inainte?
    Imi explica si mie careva cum vine treaba asta chiar si in mintea unui nebun( ceea ce eu nu cred ca este Breivik)?

  96. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Vlad M. Mi-a luat ceva timp ca sa realizez a cui este vocea ce caraie in privata parasita din fundu’ curtii ca de la o tribuna, dar mai am unele dubii.

  97. Sare'n Ochi
    22 July 2011

    pentru a vedea ce inseamna stanga-dreapta (si cum nu putem vorbi despre dreapta ca avand extrema, deoarece dictatura vine din radacina comuna a invatamintelor lui Marx, iar Mussolini a fost marxist si a creat un partid al poporului, iar Hitler a fost national-socialist si a creat tot un partid al poporului), va recomand acest articol pe care l-am preluat de pe Madame Blogary (la vremea aparitiei):…

  98. calehari
    22 July 2011

    ” Faptul ca teroristul norvegian nu este un convertit la Islam reprezinta o enorma victorie pentru jihadistii-soft si sharia-bolsevicii, apologeti ai agendei islamismului mondial. De acum inainte ei vor invoca fara incetare numele- ANDERS BEHRING BREIVRIK- pentru a deturna atentia de la terorismul jihadist. de foarte mult timp ei nu puteau invoca decat un singur nume- Timothy McVeigh. ” Comentariul apartine, culmea, lui Tarek Fatah un musulman practicant si adept al stangii si l-am gasit pe un blog canadian. Intrebarea care este pusa vad, din ce in ce mai des , este : ” Cine i-a modificat pagina de Facebook, lui Anders Behring ? Ca de ce , se stie !
    O alta intrebare fara raspuns : ” De ce un grup jihadist a revendicat aceasta atrocitate pentru ca apoi sa retracteze ?

  99. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Sare’n ochi> Multumim, dar suntem la curent cu ce a scris mr. Hancu. Pot sa iti spun, insa, ca trebuie nuanta ce este in articol. Dreapta are extrema, poate avea chiar si dictatura, dar intre dictatura si totalitarism exista diferente considerabile, ca si intre conservatorism si liberalism. Liberalismul nu este dreapta – doar conservatorismul, dar asta este pentru alta discutie, una ce nu-si are locul aici.

    Robert Spencer anunta ca a inceput asaltul propagandei. Aftenposten (care cica este „conservator”) ii acuza pe el, Bat Ye’or si bloggerul Fjordman pentru crimele lui Breivik. Tipic.

    The blame game

    Norway’s Aftenposten is blaming me, Bat Ye’or and Fjordman for Breivik’s mass murders — as if killing a lot of children aids the defense against the global jihad and Islamic supremacism, or has anything remotely to do with anything we have ever advocated.

    For that matter, no one has explained or can explain how this guy’s supposed anti-jihad views have anything to do with his murdering children.

    Scenario #1:

    1. Islamic preachers and texts preach violence and hate.
    2. Islamic jihadists kill people.
    3. Media and Islamic spokesmen say that only Islamophobes think #1 is even happening, or if it is, that it has anything to do with #2.

    Scenario #2:

    1. Freedom fighters preach free speech, freedom of conscience and equality of rights for all people, against Sharia and Islamic supremacism that denies those rights, advocating only legal means of protest and dissent.
    2. Some nutcase who allegedly expressed allegiance with the freedom fighters kills people, none of whom are preaching Sharia or Islamic supremacism.
    3. Media assumes that #1 caused #2 and blames freedom fighters.

    SIOA and SIOE declare our sympathy for the victims and relatives of the victims of the heinous mass murders in Norway. We denounce the attacker and reiterate our dedication to the defense of free societies and opposition to all vigilantism and violence. Attempts to link us to these murders on the basis of alleged postings by the murderer mentioning us are absurd and offensive. Our work is and always has been wholly focused upon defending humane values and freedoms. There is no way that any sane person could possibly conclude that committing mass murder of children would advance the principles for which we stand. And if he was not sane, then any imputation of responsibility to us falters on that basis. Islamic jihadists and supremacists routinely invoke Islamic texts and teachings to justify violence, and thus those teachings are and should be rightly held up to scrutiny; by contrast, our record of support for human rights and the dignity of all human beings is consistent and unbroken. This murderer should be punished to the full extent of the law; any attempts to tar freedom fighters with his actions is deplorable.

  100. Liberalul
    22 July 2011


    Restul sint fidelii. curentul principal al cultului si sectelor dedicate celui mai monstruos criminal al istoriei. OR, lucrul aceste este negat de intreaga presa mainstream europeana. NU este nicio insinuare, ci o simpla constatare. Este, de asemenea, negat de toata floarea cea vestita a Europenismului, a birocratiei mucu europene, cu exceptia unui singur om, un olandez bombardat mediatic inca de la prima lui contra cu islamul.

    Iata ca expertii insitutiilor teologice din Europa au o opinie cu totul diferita.…..Islam.html…..Amman.html

    Acum tu astepti ca presa europeana sa-i acorde atentie unui populist sau unor mioritici veniti de la coada vacii? Care este expertiza ta in teologie?

  101. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    S-ar putea sa se fi rezolva dilema modificarii contului de facebook. S-ar putea ca totul sa fie numai legat de logarea sau nu pe Facebook.

    Letters to Solid Principles: On Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook Profile

    “When I first accessed the profile, I was not logged in to Facebook. The profile as displayed in Norwegian and only showed the information under
    Arts and Entertainment, Sport and Activities and Interests. This is EXACTLY as seen in the first image that Pamela Gellar has shown, and in your PDF of the google cache.

    I logged in to Facebook and was immediately returned to the profile. The
    profile was then displayed in English, and it included the information on
    his employment and academic background (at the top), political and religious affiliation, and the basic information (his gender and marital status).

    This is EXACTLY as seen in the second image that Pamela Gellar has shown, and the first two pages of the PDF file. I did not access the profile further.

    If you look at the first screenshot (the one that doesn’t show the political and religious information) you can clearly see that whoever took it was not logged in – the log-in prompt is in the top right-hand corner, and there is also a button for registration (in Norwegian, “Registrer deg”).

    I have experienced the same changes before when viewing profiles before and then after logging in to the site. I assume that a profile is naturally displayed in the language of the country where it has been created, and with only limited information; if you yourself log in to Facebook, that profile is then translated into the language of the country where you have registered, and a greater amount of information is displayed. I do not know whether this varies according to the security settings of the profile you are viewing, but if you try it yourself, I think you will see what I mean.

    So, Breivik’s profile was not changed after his arrest – the differences are related to whether or not that profile was viewed whilst logged-in to Facebook”.

    Name Withheld

  102. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    euNuke, n-are sens sa discuti cu dronele liberale. Daca ii intrebi pe stangisti cat e ceasul, astia vor cauta sa afle mai intai parerea principalelor institutii in stat/ de pe continent. Sunt incapabili sa gandeasca pentru sine, cu totul lipsiti de puterea mentala de a patrunde realitatea, atat de drogati sunt de ideologia lor „progresista”. ????

  103. tipul asta mi-a amintit cazul baruch goldstein. interesanta si de studiat, pentru cei care nu sint in tema si se simt „jenati” de crimele osloianului, reactia evreilor in 1994 (damage control) si ulterior. goldstein a omorit 29 de palestinieni si a ranit 125. breivik 92+97 marxisti. fiecare cu dusmanii lui.

    complotul marxist si indepartarea de credinta si de valorile crestine au adus europa pe marginea prapastiei, nu breivik asta. el e doar un simptom al bolii. inca de acum 10-20 de ani i se putea anticipa prabusirea spectaculoasa pe fundal de razmerite, in acompaniament de bombe, tipete de femei violate, atentate, orase in flacari. uite ca a inceput. vom mai vedea multe lucruri asemanatoare de acum inainte.

    impactul e urias, presa urla, ideologii acuza… etc. etc. pentru ca e un caz exceptional. dar, asa cum in fiecare zi mor peste 3000 de oameni in accidente de automobil si nu se plinge nimeni, o sa ne obisnuim si cu terorismul dupa ce va intra in cotidian.

  104. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Neamtu il dai afara pe usa tigan- pentru cine nu stie, sunt si tigani nemti- si-ti intra incognito pe geam, liberal. ????

  105. Riddick
    22 July 2011

    Titlul pare copiat după A European Declaration of Independence a lui Fjordman (The Brussels Journal, 2007):

    Unele site-uri au încercat să inducă varianta că Breivik ar fi de fapt Fjordman, ceea ce este fals !

    Fjordman Speaks Out

  106. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Am uitat titlul acela din Fjordman, Riddick. Multumesc. Am incercat sa tin lumea la curent si cu mizeriile care se scriu la adresa lui Fjordman, chiar daca prea putini sunt cei care il cunosc. Candva am avut in plan sa traducem cartea lui despre Eurabia si ma gandesc ca n-ar fi rau deloc sa reluam proiectul.

  107. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    Dar extremistii Europei sint in alta parte: in comisia europeana, de pilda, cea condusa de cuplul magistral format din maoistul hotoman si gaina-carpa caghebista. sau…in parlamentul europei unde colcaie ecoteroristii, anarhobolsevicii si gloata enorma de socialisti de carnaval [ca’si poarta in continuare tacticos mastile de liberali si populari]. Toti astia trag Europa in prapastie, au pradat’o de mai bine de 2 decenii cu programe socialiste, tara cu tara, si acum o scot la mezat, cu tot cu populatie, clovnilor sinistri ai orientului.

    Majoritatea europenilor nu sint extrem de politizati respectiv „radicalizati” cu stinga vs. dreapta si viceversa (asa cum pari a fi tu… si multi din Romania). In ultimele 2000 ani cetatenii batrinului continent s-au calcat mereu pe picioare si-au tras suturi unii la altii. In secolul trecut au reusit chiar sa incinga 2 razboaie mondiale. Dar se pare ca au invatat din greselile trecutului. Azi ei se bucura de benificiile pietei comune, a securitatii, stabilitatii si prosperitatii economice. Nu au fost si nu s-au simtit niciodata mai „liberi” si mai fericiti decat se simt azi.……..69134361AE………

  108. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    ???? In pas de dans spre disolutia finala.

    Hehe, liberalule, tare-s curios la ce va vor mai folosi bunele intentii cand peste cateva decenii cand intreaga sandrama se va prabusi in flacari. Cata valoarea vor mai avea bunele intentii cand veti fi aratati cu degetul si vi se va reprosa ca n-ati facut nimic pentru a evita dezastrul? De cate milioane de morti este nevoie pentru a avea macar o tresarire, un moment de indoiala cu privire la viitorul luminos al lumii idiotizate pe care o sustineti?

    Piata libera, zici. Sa mori de ras, piata libera in socialismul european?
    Securitate, zici. Pe bani americani si cu soldati americani, injurati si demonizati constant ca nu sunt pacifisti si nu invata din lucrarile publicate de Institutul Pacii din Oslo.
    Stabilitate, zici. Cu nenumarate cartiere care arata mai mult a Africa si Orientul Mijlociu, zone intregi din Europa care nu mai raspund in fata asa-numitelor autoritati (o gluma proasta).
    Prosperitate economica, zici. Cu Grecia, Italia, Spania, Portugalia si Irlanda in groapa, iar altele pe marginea ei; cu un model social falimentar bazat pe pedepsirea inovatiei si performantei si rasplatirea lenii.

    Ce tovaras simpatic esti, da’ mai lasa Kool Aid-ul, nu-ti face bine la sanatate.

  109. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    @Vlad M

    euNuke, n-are sens sa discuti cu dronele liberale.

    Frunza verde loboda, te-ai intrebat vreodata de ce oare nici 5% din populatia din vestul Europei nu agreeaza cu cei care gandesc ca tine ?

  110. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    To’ar’se, verdele este o culoare foarte frumoasa, asa ca ma fac ca nu ma prind ce incerci sa insinuezi matale un pic mai sus. ???? Totusi, hai sa iti raspund la intrebare.
    1. Nu mai scoate procente din burta. Stiu ca voi, stangistii, mintiti si cand sunt intrebati cat e ceasul, dar e un pic jenant sa fiu martor la asemenea SF-uri.
    2. Tinand cont ca intreaga mass-media, intregul mediu universitar si o buna parte din clasa politica europeana e alcatuita din amarate drone (liberale, socialiste, „dreptaci” light pe care nu ii voi mai numi din dezgust), as zice ca e un mic miracol ca mai exista si d’astia ca mine, imuni la panseurile si dezinformarile care alcatuiesc amuzanta voastra existenta. ????

    Fii fara grija, suntem destui, iar numarul nostru creste in timp. Pe masura ce statul social(ist) multi-cultural sinucigas se zdruncina tot mai tare sub presiunea unei economii falimentare si a unui model societal cu totul incapabil sa absorbe hoardele africano-orientale (o vezi pana si tu, o simti pana si tu), vor fi tot mai multi cei care vor intelege ce se intampla si vor parasi corabia Stangii.

    Scufundare placuta, domnilor/ tovarasilor!

  111. calehari
    22 July 2011

    pusca si cureaua lata. ” o sa ne obisnuim si cu terorismul dupa ce va intra in cotidian „. Rezon mon cher! Dar despre care terorism vorbim ? Ca de ala de stanga si de ala musulmanu’, am/ avem parte de fo’ 40 de ani, de cand eram copilandru. Erau zile in care, de cand te spalai pe dinti si si pana noaptea la discoteca, numa’ in explozii si-n impuscaturi o tineau. Brigazile Rosii, Frontul Popular pentru Eliberarea Palestinei,Rote Arme Fraktion, Brigazile Al aqsa, Hamas, Hezbolah, Al Quaeda, revolutionari, martiri, haiduci, robin hoozi, militanti, mujaheedini, daca nici asta nu mai formeaza cotidianul, pai inseamna ca soarele nu mai rasare si nu mai apune.Toti teroristii, toti anarhistii, toti fabricantii de molotoave, toti copii lui semtex si ai lui allah si marx, au ajuns ministrii de externe, prim ministrii, vice- cancelari, deputati de UE, da-le-as…foc, in loc sa impleteasca pana la batranete ciorapi de lana in spatele gratiilor si sa se aplece din picioare dupa sapun la dus. Cu terorismul/ teroristii asta/astia ne-am obisnuit de mult si o sa tina, daca inca nu ne-au venit mintile la cap, la toti , pana o sa avem parlament in biserica si papa musulman. Cu terorismul alalaltul, ” fundamentalist crestin de extrema dreapta, nazist si fascisto-conservator ” nu o sa ne obisnuim, pentru ca nu-l vrea lumea buna, nu e trendy!

  112. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    @Vlad M

    Hehe, liberalule, tare-s curios la ce va vor mai folosi bunele intentii cand peste cateva decenii cand intreaga sandrama se va prabusi in flacari.

    Daaaa, europenii din vestul continentului sint veniti cu pluta. O sa te cheme pe tine, pe Nuke si pe Petru Clej sa le salvati pielea. Sinteti jalnici :))

  113. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Liberalule, ma uit la tine si ma minunez ce bine-i semeni . Nu mai draga, nu lu’ Barbie socialisto-liberala aia, mare amatoare de sex “ a la Liban “. Nu , aia a fost ieri. Azi imi aduci aminte de un prieten . Si ala tot Komunist , pe vremuri cand statea pe Drumu Gazarului , ca acuma este social democrat si liberal in Germania. Ma uit cum scrii tu, asa citet, caligrafic as zice, cum pui tu unde trebe’ semnele de punctuatie – de secera si ciocanu si de semiluna vorbesc- si-mi aduc aminte cu emotie de el, de Neamtu meu , al nostru as putea zice, ca toata lumea-l iubea!
    Neamt , neamt dar mare tigan, altfel baiat bun ! Ca si tine de altfel ! Tu pari mult mai domn ca el ! Se vede dupa cum intri incaltat si plin de noroi in casa omului si dupa cum pui paru’ langa tine rezemat de masa, cand te asezi , scuipi in farfuria omului si te apuci sa mananci linistit. O faci cu stil, nu ca tiganu ala cu care te-am confundat. Imi cer scuze!

  114. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    primele patru articole de pe yahoo, astazi:

    Norway suspect wanted European anti-Muslim crusade

    Norway mourns victims of anti-Islam attacker

    Norway police arrive 90 minutes after firing began

    Gunman’s background puzzles police in Norway

    isi facea cineva iluzii ca stanga va rata o asemenea ocazie?
    un articol despre trei eco-teroristi e ingropat pe undeva intre starea vremii si programul de mers al autobuzelor.
    musulmanii sunt acum victimele teroristilor conservatori.
    isi facea cineva iluzii ca stanga va rata o asemenea ocazie?

  115. Mih
    22 July 2011

    In imaginile de la @39 si @46 este Breivik?
    Daca da, cine l-a fotografiat?
    Cat timp a trecut de la momentul fotografierii pana la sosirea politistilor?
    Nu putea fi neutralizat cand s-au facut pozele?

  116. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Mih, da, acela este Breivik. Gasesti raspunsul la intrebarea ta in comentariul #60, al doilea link. Toate informatiile pe care le-am putut gasi sunt printre comentarii…

    Dr. Pepper
    > Diferenta este ca de data asta au murit 92 de oameni. Cati au omorat eco-teroristii despre care vorbesti?

    Liberalule, sa ma ierti, dar sunt imun la impunsaturile unor amarati de liberali. ???? Dintre stangisti, voi sunteti, de departe, cei mai vai de capul lor. Pana si un socialist ar putea pricepe, intr-un tarziu, ca trebuie sa renunte la relativism (de altfel, socialismul nu este, in sine ,relativist). Numai liberalul isi continua, neabatut, drumul, in pas de dans, spre dezastru.

  117. Costin A.
    22 July 2011

    Este posibil ca profilul lui de facebook sa fi fost schimbat si conservartor si crestin sa fi fost ulterior adaugate. Who Added „Christian” and „Conservative” to Norway Shooter’s Facebook Page Yesterday? Initial o organizatie islamista (Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami (Helpers of Global Jihad) )si-a asumat responsabilitatea pentru accident, apoi a retras-o.
    incidentul asta oribil e mana cereasca pentry stinga si extrema stinga.

    de verificat…..sq-content

  118. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Citesti comentariile?


  119. Costin A.
    22 July 2011

    nu am avut timp, ok

  120. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Company Records of Breivik Geofarm, under the proprietorship of Anders Behring Breivik. Obtained from The Brønnøysund Register (Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry).
    Breivik si-a inregistrat ferma pe 5 mai 2009.

    Costin> Nici o problema, man. Se mai intampla. ????

  121. calehari
    22 July 2011

    „Peste tot media vorbeste despre religia lui Breivik ca si cum acest lucru ar fi de la sine inteles, asta in timp ce in religia crestina nimic nu indeamna la terorism.Din contra, aceleasi organisme media au fost de o prudenta extrema atunci cand a fost vorba de mentionat religia maiorului Nidal Hassan care , totusi, atunci cand ii impusca pe soldatii de la Fort Hood, striga Allah Akbar ! De ce doua unitati de masura ? ” se intreaba un comentator canadian .

  122. Mih
    22 July 2011

    Jon Snow from Channel 4 News asks why police knew the killer’s name by the time they had arrived on the island.

    Quote „…he surrendered the moment police called his name 3 minutes after they arrived. What we don’t know is how the police knew the terrorist’s name before they arrested him.”

  123. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    Vlad M,

    Liberalule, sa ma ierti, dar sunt imun la impunsaturile unor amarati de liberali. Dintre stangisti, voi sunteti, de departe, cei mai vai de capul lor. Pana si un socialist ar putea pricepe, intr-un tarziu, ca trebuie sa renunte la relativism (de altfel, socialismul nu este, in sine ,relativist). Numai liberalul isi continua, neabatut, drumul, in pas de dans, spre dezastru.

    Bati campii! In Europa de azi toate partidele democrate (crestine, sociale, pupulare, etc) promoveaza valori liberale – i.e. respectarea drepturilor civile, respectarea dreptului propietatii, promovarea economiei libere de piata, etc. Exceptie fac unii mujici populisti care se chinuie si ei sa treaca pragul de 5%.

  124. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Tu bati campii, tovarase, nu vezi ca raspunzi la intrebari si afirmatii din imaginatia dumitale? Ce spun eu si ce zici tu. Iti vorbesc despre relativismul liberal, incepi sa aiurezi despre Europa socialista care chipurile apara piata libera :lol:. Iti arat ca desteptii tai de europeni nu se bucura de nimic din ce enumeri, dai din umeri si aberezi in continuare cu ale tale – Ieuropa liberala, viitorul de haur al omenirii – si imi dai linkuri cu parade tehno (asta chiar e jalnic si imi miroase chiar a senilitate).

    In fine, in ceea ce ii priveste pe „mujicii” aia despre care vorbesti cu un dispret de stangist better than thou (adica de liberal pur-sange ???? ), tare-s curios cum arata la chip. Wilders, de ex., este pro-proprietate privata si pro-piata si are muuult peste 5%, spre disperarea si oroarea birocratilor, socialistilor si a altor drone care se mai zbat doar-doar pot ignora la nesfarsit crunta realitate: Europa socialisto-liberalilor se duce pe apa sambetei si impreuna cu ea toate visele birocratilor marunti de a crea un nou Imperiu post-religios si post-national.

  125. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    calehari, uite – pentru tine cu dedicatie ????


    The Washington Post Owes the World an Apology for this Item

    sa ne fie rusine tuturor celor care numai prin cap ne’a trecut ca ar putea fi vorba de pustnicii de la al-qaeda.
    si ca pedeapsa ar trebui sa ne ducem sa imbratisam niste copaci.

  126. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    @Vlad M.

    Ok, populistul Wildeers a reusit cumva sa depaseasca pragul de 5%… dar numai pentru moment. Radicalii nu au loc in Europa!

    Norway mourns victims of……..0C20110724…..uneral.cnn

  127. John Galt
    22 July 2011

    se chinuie si ei sa treaca pragul de 5%.

    De parca ADEVARUL ar tine cont vrodata de dorinta majoritatii..

  128. DiogeneDracon
    22 July 2011

    Piata libera, zici. Sa mori de ras, piata libera in socialismul european?

    Vlad, o sa ne mutam repede la Iasi ca acolo piata e mai libera decit in vestul continentului ????

  129. Perotinus Minor
    22 July 2011

    Jurnalistul suedezo – algerian Yahya Abu Zakariya ne lamureste cum sta treaba : Mosadul este la originea atacurilor din Norvegia (MemriTV). Vorba lui conu’ Leonida : „Si noi dormim, domnule !”

  130. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    Acum tu astepti ca presa europeana sa-i acorde atentie unui populist sau unor mioritici veniti de la coada vacii? Care este expertiza ta in teologie?

    Nu, dumneata astepti… ???? . si continua sa le trimiti scrisorele organelor de presa in care sa’ti exprimi admiratia si recunostinta pentru conducerea luminata a Europei. io stiu foarte bine ce poate pielea unui mazgalitor carierist care prinde o fonctie inalta in aparatul propagandist caruia nu’i pasa nici cat negru sub unghie de opiniile si doleantele norodului trezit de la coada vacii de urletele sinistre ale jurnalistilor musulmani ce au infiintat in europa vestica mii de gazete de piatra cu turnulete pentru editorialisti.

    S’a scris de sute de ori aici, pe acest site, ca expansiunea islamica este o chestiune ce tine in primul rand de politica, s’abia in subsidiar, religioasa, ca pretext pentru ctitorirea capetelor de pod si nucleelor ‘culturale’ ale viitoarelor colonii. sa intelegi natura raului nu este suficient si nici necesar sa detii o patalama in teologie, si nici nu este recomandat pentru oamenii bisericilor crestine sa se afunde public in mocirla politica. cunoastem deraierile ideologice ale unor ortodocsi [de sub pulpana regimului sovietic] ori ale unor catolici din america latina atinsi de filoxera egalitarista a marxismului. toti astia au crezut ca pot transforma statul in unealta colectivista a dumnezeului lor [ca si islamistii, ca tot veni vorba].

    In fine, majoritatea autorilor de pe acest site sint foarte delicati si nu ataca frontal aspectul religios al colonizarii islamice, eu insa nu’s. io’s din topor, n’am nicio jena si nici nu achiesez la fatalismul mioritic al liberalilor romani dezradacinati, sentiment ce’i determina sa imbratiseze politica strutului in calea invaziei ce’i sparie asa dihai. milogul tot milog…asteapta intotdeauna sa’i vina de sus ordinele de zi, mancarica, zaharicalele, indicatiile pretioase pentru sanatatea dumnealui si cele 3 ganduri politice de baza [marotele oficializate]. Deci, mai domnule, dp meu dv islamul nu este o religie, ci un conglomerat de secte ce’si trag seva dintr’o derivatie mimetica [in raport cu cultele monoteiste ale epocii] a unui cult antic al mortii [-lor] ce a dus la idolatrizarea celui mai atroce criminal al istoriei mizerabile a arabilor [si e fireasca tendinta glorificarii unui ucigas fara limite,caci inainte de Machomad triburile astea erau extrem de complexate si sclavageau cu randul cand la bizantini, cand la persani…sau se bagau slugi la coada camilei in caravanele evreiesti]. Din moment ce nu exista un for islamic central care sa poarte responsabilitatea morala si juridica pentru actiunile diferitelor „congregatii” [este chiar prea mult si acest termen pentru organizatiile islamice constituite in jurul unui nucleu institutional, de obicei moschee, dar si pe langa madrase] NU putem vorbi de islam ca religie institutionalizabila, si iata principalul argument juridic pentru care Europa nu trebuia sa confere statutul de religie
    organizatiile musulmane, ci doar acela de cult tolerat, cu dreptul de a ctitori lacasuri mariunte dedicate rugaciunilor si ritualurilor simple, si nu moschei. Deci, recursul sau apelul la expertiza teologica este redundant, un gest penibil chiar si pentru un liberal; noi nu vorbim aici despre credinte, tu insa poti sa aprofundezi scrierile teologilor de la alazhar, niste eminenti cunoscatori ai islamului, poate o sa’ti explice cum se face ca in egipt marea masa a musulmanilor este atat de toleranta cu crestinii locali.

  131. calehari
    22 July 2011

    dr pepper@130.Am citit cu durere in suflet „dedicatia”doctore. Ar fi de ras daca n-ar fi tragic. A durat ceva pana sa gasesc niste vorbe scrise de Traian Ungureanu in 2005:
    – ” Sinuciderea ingrijita a Occidentului se afla in grafic ”
    – ” Occidentul a atins suprematia si forteaza sfarsitul ”
    Din nefericire, cine vorbeste azi numai despre Occident si nu si despre rasaritul Europei inseamna ca nu vede cum inainteaza mareea.

  132. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    Radicalii nu au loc in Europa!

    corec. d’aia si’au pritocit un cuib deasupra europei, la inaltime, intre ramurile maretului arbore de biro unde salasluieste vechiul trib al neandertalienilor cu neuronu rosu si simpatii albastre, specie umanoida ce nu a reusit niciodata sa se integreze in civilizatia europeana si nutreste mai pe ascuns, mai fata distrugerea ei [deh, vrabia malai viseaza]. Oricum, ura castei bruxelleze fata de valorile si populatia europei vechi nu si’o mai pot disimula de mai bine de 2 secole, iar extremistii cocotati de ei in guvernele europei nu mai prididesc cu importul hoardelor barbare care sa faca treaba in locul lor, adica sa curete locul, ca e prea populat cu prostime ingrata si nu mai pot calca din cauza noastra pe pamantul pangarit. Toti radicalii stangii -fundamentalistii marxisti, anarhistii si etatistii, extremistii antinationali- inca se afla suspendati si uniti in simitirile lor patologice deasupra europei, isi scuipa proiectele antieuropene in capul cetatenilor blajini ai uniunii nonstatale, ne hartuiesc cotidian cu droaia de sectanti ai miilor de culte ale drepturilor omului [care se intind ca o scleroza in trupul legislativ al statelor europene erodand permanent continutul si impunind noi limite drepturilor naturale, fundamentale ce protejeaza viata, la proprietatea, integritatea fizica]…si…ce sa vezi, inca mai se mai gasesc tarlani, asa ca mine, care sa nu se sinchiseasca de asazisa lor putere si sa le arunce scuipatii si laturile inapoi, cu strachina.

  133. DanCanada
    22 July 2011

    Lasati-l, Liberalul e exemplul tipic de useful idiot care ia de buna gargara demagogica a socialismului european. E votantul tipic al guvernelor de stinga socialist europene care are impresia ca „civilizatia” europeana e produsul legilor facute de stingisti ca el. La prima vedere inclusivist, „progresiv”-parerist, multiculturalist nevoie mare, dar imediat dindu-si arama pe fata cu scapari extremiste: „Radicalii nu au loc in Europa”.
    Pai tocmai de asta nebunul ala a facut ce-a facut in Oslo, nu? Daca ar fi sa folosim aceeasi logica timpita (aha! era fundamentalist crestin, extrema dreapta etc) de ce guvernele socialist-liberale sunt multiculti, inclusiviste, pro-Islam etc etc?

  134. calehari
    22 July 2011

    euNuke@137. Apropos de ” importul hoardelor barbare”, Daniel Cohn-Bendit declara la inceputul anilor 90 : ” Noi verzii trebuie sa luptam pentru a permite unui numar maxim de imigranti sa se stabileasca in Germania. Cand vor fi in Germania trebuie sa luptam pentru dreptul lor de a vota. Cand acest obiectiv va fi atins vom avea posibilitatea sa SCHIMBAM ACEASTA TARA „

  135. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    Nu. nu’l las. Il toc marunt cu aluziile de extremism ideologic, ca riposta normala la insinuarile dumnealui. Asta face liberalul aici: sustine, cu sau fara voie si constienta, un regim de extrema stanga ce a uzurpat structurile pietei comune europene, regim care se prezinta maselor drept salvator al lor, al drepturilor lor si al democratiei, in pofida faptul ca actiunile ocultei eurobirocratice distrug scuturile naturale ale statelor, pun in pericol insasi existenta neamurilor europene si tot ceea ce fac se incadreaza la dictat, nu la democratie, din moment ce nu au fost alesi de cetateni, iar documentul lor intemeietor -tUE- nu a fost niciodata citit si semnat de populatia statelor prinse in latul socialist. Chiar daca nu este in stare sa bage la cap chestiunile astea [la cat de indoctrinat este, nu prea a ramas loc si pentru conceptii atat de radicale in raport cu linia oficiala pe care isi taraie toata ziulica sinele banal extenuat de o realitate atat de ostila], macar sa’i facem o bucurie…cu atentiile noastre.

  136. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    Nuke, Vlad, Johny si Dan Canadianul,

    In dictaturi a domnit regula si drepturile minoritatii (drepturile majoritatii au fost ignorate, calcate in picioare) O democratie „veritabila” contemporana asigura dreptul la viata a fiecarei fiinte umane; libertatea gandirii, exprimarii, organizarii si religiei; alegerea reprezentantilor prin alegeri libere prin vot universal; guvern al majoritatii cu respectarea drepturilor minoritatii; egalitate in fata legii a tuturor cetatenilor indiferent de nationalitate, sex, limba sau credinta; un sistem juridic independent; dreptul fiecarui cetatean de a fi judecat public de catre un tribunal impartial pe baza procedurii legii (nimeni nu este mai presus ca legea!). Eu sint convins ca cetatenii europei nu se vor lasa intimidati de atacurile violente a unor extremisti (indiferent de orientarea lor politica sau religioasa) si isi vor apara drepturile scump dobindite in ultima suta de ani.…..ment-53529

  137. DanCanada
    22 July 2011

    Vedeti? Liberalul seamana izbitor cu un aurolac comunist – Florian Liviu (comentator de pe CriticAtac care bate cimpii asa de tare ca e chiar funny).
    Liberalul in schimb e indoctrinat in directia stingii europene si nu e deloc funny ????

  138. Daniel Francesco
    22 July 2011

    The Java Report:

    Tragatorul din Norvegia a copiat Manifestul lui Unabomber!

    „When we speak of leftist in this article we garden in mind Mainly Socialists, Collectivist, ‘politically correct’ types, feminists, gay and disability Activists, Animal Rights Activists and the like.”

    With a few changes in wording, type Breivik the same:

    „When we speak of cultural Marxists in this article we garden in mind Mainly Individuals WHO support Multiculturalism; Socialists, Collectivist, ‘politically correct’ types, feminists, gay and disability Activists, Animal Rights Activists, Environmentalist, etc.”

    Breivik has especially been inspired by the Kaczynskis theory that the left is suffering from a crippling inferiority complex.

    „The two psychological Tendencies That underlie modern leftism we call” feelings of inferiority ‘and’ oversocialization, ‘”writes Kaczynski.

    „The two psychological Tendencies That underlie cultural Marxists we call ‘feelings of inferiority’ and ‘over-socialisation,” repeats Breivik – without quoting.

    Again, he has replaced „leftism” with „cultural Marxists”. Apart from paraphrasing from American to British English is the wording is identical.

    – Cultural chauvinism

    According to a source talked Breivik has several places replaced Kaczynskis use the description „black” with the word „Muslim”.

    In a study on affirmative action, for example, Kaczynski writes:
    „Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. More over, much leftist behavior is not Rationally Calculated to Be of benefit to the people WHOM the leftist claim to Be Trying to help. For example, if one believe That Affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense two demand Affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? ”

    Here it suffices not Breivik with replacing the „leftist” with „cultural Marxist”. Instead of „black people” writes Breivik „Muslim”:

    „Hostility is too prominent a component of cultural Marxist Behaviour, so is the drive for power. More over, much cultural Marxist Behaviour is not Rationally Calculated to Be of benefit to the people WHOM They claim to Be Trying to help. For example, if one believe That Affirmative action is good for Muslims, does it make sense two demand Affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? ”

    Aage Borchgrevink is not surprised that Breivik printer Muslim rather than black or dark-skinned.
    – It is connected with the developments seen. Racism is not living clean, now we are talking about cultural chauvinism directed against Islam, says he

    Restul aici.

  139. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    Eu sint convins ca cetatenii europei nu se vor lasa intimidati de atacurile violente a unor extremisti si isi vor apara drepturile scump dobindite in ultima suta de ani.

    corec. iarasi le zici bine. iata ca avem convingeri comune domnule. cu cateva nuante disociative: drepturile dobandite nu sint acelasi lucru drepturile extremistilor care populeaza nelegitim si nedemocratic regimul suprastatal al ue. si nici nu au fost ‘dobandite’ in ultima suta de ani, ca deh, is naturale, deci indivizii le dobandesc de la nastere, nu in urma unui decret al unor despoti binefacatori. atacurile cele mai violente la adresa drepturilor noastre fundamentale vin din partea acelor extremisti grupati in plutocratia din structurile socialiste ale UE, si, ca despagubire pentru ciobirea drepturilor naturale, politrucii au inventat o sumedenie de ‘drepturi’ civile si economice care se bazeaza pe o ideologie totalitara [marxismul] si se finanteaza din hotia sistematica, adica pe raptul permanentizat la adresa proprietatii private. dar cetatenii Europei nu o sa suporte la infinit regimul acesta care le micsoreaza averile prin furt institutionalizat si le rapeste posibilitatea de a se apara de principalii beneficiari ai noilor drepturi progresiste -puscariasii de drept comun. aici sintem de acord: in mod cert o sa ne asociem tot mai apasat in thinktankuri si apoi in noi partide veritabile de dreapta ca sa ne putem apara pe cale democratica drepturile rapite de liota de politruci si escroci. Numai o dreapta puternica poate apara aceste drepturi, stanga dintotdeauna a visat sa le inlature si inlocuiasca cu drepturi acordate de stat, drepturi ce se transforma inevitabil in obligatii.

  140. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    …in noi obligatii fata de stat, desigur. asta presupune fiecare inovatie juridica ce poarta titulatura pompoasa de drept social sau economic…noi sarcini impovaratoare pentru restul cetatenilor.

  141. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Francesco, o sa citesc manifestul lui Unabomber, dar sincer sa fiu, faptul ca s-a inspirat e asa, mai mult interesant din punct de vedere jurnalistic. Ideologic vorbind, e asemanator, aproape cuvant cu cuvant (cel putin in fragmentele aratate), dar nu schimba realitatea despre care vorbeste. Dezaxatul asta nu abereaza cand arata cu degetul pe stangisti. O ia pe ulei in alte momente, stim noi care.

    P.S. „Cultural chauvinism” – newspeak stangist pentru eurocentrism ori, mai bine spus, ADEVAR.

  142. Silvapro
    22 July 2011

    Cred ca acest speech este f. relevant la discutia in curs:

    Melanie Phillips is a minority voice in The UK and she explains the issues on Islam and irrational thinking of the left and conservative appeasers of Islam.

  143. Sare'n Ochi
    22 July 2011

    nu pricep un lucru: cine a facut fotografiile cu ucigasul in actiune? sunt dintr-un helecopter, de la sateliti?

  144. roadrunner
    22 July 2011

    Title: This is not a threat, this is not a promise, it’s going to happen!
    Subtitle: Don’t thread on me!

    @146 Vlad M.

    Ideologic vorbind, e asemanator, aproape cuvant cu cuvant (cel putin in fragmentele aratate), dar nu schimba realitatea despre care vorbeste. Dezaxatul asta nu abereaza cand arata cu degetul pe stangisti. O ia pe ulei in alte momente, stim noi care.

    Am urmarit threadul asta de la inceput. Esti singurul care nu plateste „lip service” corectitudiniii politice… :mrgreen:

    Ah! Vai! Ce ne facem fetelor! Or sa-l scoata pe tip de „dreapta” si toata „dreapta” o sa iasa minjita din cauza lui! Ei, si? Si ce-i cu asta? Nebun, nebun, dar avea citeva pointuri foarte valabile!

    Ah! Daca, cel putin, ar fi fost vreun „musulman”! N-ar mai fi cazut magareatza pe „noi”! Adica??? Din cite am vazut, baiatu’ era foarte anti-musulman! Ah! Vai! Modus-ul lui operandi seamana cu al teroristilor musulmani! Am pus un P.S. pe tema asta…

    Oricit ne-am ingramadi calcindu-ne pe bataturi sa condamnam fapta regretabila a norvegianului, un singur lucru nu i-l putem nega: omu’ era exasperat de un sistem care se urcase ca scroafa-n copac in capul lui (si al tuturora) si care was threading on him (and on everyone else), sistem al carui singur argument este bagarea pumnului corectitudinii politice in gura oricarui incerca sa deschida gura impotriva-i, cit de cit.

    Avem cu totii o limita la care we snap. Limita norvegianului s-a dovedit a fi extrem de scazuta.

    Iar flacaii din sistem sistem ii iau pe toti for granted si n-au nici o teama, n-au nici o jena, n-au nici o greatza. Sint absolut convins ca nici in visele lor cele mai urite n-au considerat si o astfel de posibilitate. Evenimentul asta le va zdruncina, macar putin, increderea ca pot sa faca ce vor. Frica este o chestie extrem de sanatoasa… De-acum inainte vor sti (daca n-au stiut pina acum) ca li se poate intimpla si asa ceva.

    Daca vreunul le-ar fi spus asta inainte (ba, lasati-o mai moale cu bullshitu’ asta, ca nu va vad prea bine…) ar fi sarit cu totii de koor in sus ca-i ameninti. Insa, cum zice o vorba din Brooklyn, this is not a threat, this is not a promise, this is going to happen! Acuma stiu, ca <’s going to happen. Nu ca isi vor schimba linia de gindire si comportament, dar macar sa se uite in fiecare zi, in fiecare ceas, dupa umar.

    Nu poti sa faci ce fac ce fac ei fara sa platesti un pret. Acum, vor, nu vor, vor trebui sa-l plateasca. Daca in fiecare dimineatza se vor scula gindindu-se daca mai apuca seara, ei bine, asta-i pretul! Iti convine, il platesti. Nu-ti convine, te mai gindesti.

    Daca de vorba nu inteleg, sa inteleaga de frica.

    Stie cineva care a fost motivatia lui Timothy McVeigh cind a facut Oklahoma Bombing? (pentru care si-a primit rasplata binemeritata!) A fost incidentul Waco Texas.

    Ce rasplata binemeritata a primit Janet Reno pentru Waco Texas? Nici una, isi maninca pensia linistita.

    Ce sa facem noi, cetatenii normali, care speram, visam, ca vom schimba starea de lucruri prin mijloace pasnice, parlamentare? Nu prea avem multe ce sa facem. Putem ne scoatem palariile in memoria victimelor, sa ni le ducem la piept, si apoi sa mergem mai departe. Nu noi avem o problema cu evenimentul norvegian, ci ei. Iar daca cineva zice ca victimele erau inocente, are perfecta dreptate! insa nu noi eram presupusi sa le aparam pe victime, ci ei.

    Si, in incheiere, sa vizionam un clip: They had it coming!

    P.S.: Mutatis mutandis, acelasi argument cu „don’t thread on me” este valabil si in cazul teroristilor care-au facut 9/11. Nu au facut-o pentru ca erau gelosi pe „libertatile si bunastarea” noastra, ci pentru ca cineva a „thread on them”.

  145. Daniel Francesco
    22 July 2011

    21 de ani de temnita este pedepsa maxima pe care o poate lua Breivik, conform codului penal norvegian, scrie ziarul italian Il Giornale.

  146. Mih
    22 July 2011


    „Daca de vorba nu inteleg, sa inteleaga de frica.”

    E foarte dur ce spui.
    Mi-ar placea si mi-ar fi mai confortabil sa nu ai dreptate…
    Dar nu de placere sau confort e vorba.
    Intre ceea ce ne dorim si realitate se casca adesea prapastii de netrecut.
    Nu avem dreptul sa nu vedem CINE „construieste” aceste prapastii.
    Oricat de mult blamam actul terorist si oricata compasiune avem pt victime, nu avem dreptul sa nu vedem ca ASTA nu s-ar fi intamplat fara „multiculturalism”, „politici corecte”, „toleranta” si tot ce tine de optica si proiectele stangiste.
    E foarte dur ce spui pentru ca este drept si adevarat : cei ce folosesc/cocolosesc/disimuleaza propriul terorism, nu de vorbe se vor impiedica in demersurile lor.

  147. Silvapro
    22 July 2011

    Unul din obiectivele taberei pe insula era sa se boicoteze Israelul:


    Bineinteles „binevitorii” invinuiesc Israelul si Mosadul ca fiind in spatele atentatului, folosindu-l pe Anders Behring Brievik ca „goi de shabat”.

    Video: Swedish Algerian journalist Yahya Abu Zakariya tells Iranian television that the Mossad is responsible for the Iranian attacks:


  148. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Sa facem o distinctie clara, roadrunner. Teroristii de la 11 septembrie 2001 nu au atacat pentru ca ar fi fost la randul lor atacati. Tarile islamice nu sunt colonizate, iar populatia islamica nu este umilita, atat de elita, cat si de invadatorii pe care elita ii foloseste pentru a se mentine la putere. Bin Laden si compania au atacat numai pentru ca Islamul se afla in razboi cu necredinciosii din primul moment in care Mahomed a inceput sa aiureze „profetic”. 11 septembrie a fost doar un alt episod din lunga lupta pe care Islamul o duce pentru subjugarea lumii.

    Acestea fiind zise, in evaluarea lui Breivik si a consecintelor gestului sau criminal trebuie sa avem in vedere mai multe aspecte: realitatea din teren (ce se intampla in Norvegia si in Europa), ce sustine Partidul Laburist norvegian si cine erau cei atacati, ca si ideile lui Breivik (exacte, nu traduse de altii). In lipsa tuturor acestor elemente, riscam sa nu intelegem nimic si sa cadem in capcana ignorantei. Este simplu sa il arunci in derizoriu, asa cum fac multi stangisti si tovarasi de drum ai Revolutiei mondiale, ca un rasist periculos. Mult mai greu este sa vezi daca si in ce masura avea dreptate in ce spune; oare corectitudinea politica si liberalismul sinucigas creeaza un climat intelectual sufocant care risca sa arunce in aer Europa?

    Raspunsul este un categoric da. Nu poti trece la inlocuirea programatica a unor popoare intregi fara sa existe replici. Cum societatea nu permite exprimarea libera a ideilor – antirasismul de salon domina atat spatiul universitar, cat si lumea politica -, nemultumirilor nu pot decat sa se adune. In cazuri izolate, cand acestea se imbina cu un psihic labil/ rautate si cruzime extreme pot sa duca la atacuri teroriste si masacre de acest tip.

    Nimeni nu i-a pus arma in mana lui Breivik, el este singurul responsabil si trebuie sa raspunda pentru crimele astea, dar ma tem ca viitorul ne reverzva multe alte varsari de sange. Din nefericire, marxistii culturali despre care vorbea Breivik se vor folosi de actiunile lui nebune pentru a inaspri si mai tare legile anti-exprimare si a-i ataca si mai inversunat pe acei putini curajosi care indraznesc sa se opuna politicilor sustinute de distrugere a Europei. In acest timp, colonizarea continua, iar extremele vor tot aduna nemultumiri pana cand se va ajunge la un dezastru de proportii continentale.

  149. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Este foarte interesant ce scrie Silvapro despre tineretul laburist aflat pe Utoya. Acei oameni erau cat se poate de anti-Israel: ministrul de externe a tinut un discurs in care a cerut boicotarea statului evreu si a fost aclamat. Asta nu pare sa se mai spuna nicaieri. Probabil antisemitismul e okay daca este facut in numele socialismului.

  150. Dan
    22 July 2011

    De citit, interesant:

  151. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    According to Verdens Gang newspaper, the father of Anders Breivik, Jens Breivik, found about what his son had done in an internet news site. Paraphrasing from a Finnish article:

    „Suddenly I saw his face and name. I am in shock, this feels terrible”, Jens Breivik said.

    Jens Breivik is retired and lives in France. He hasn’t met his son since 1996 and knew nothing of his intentions. „We never lived in the same household but we were connected during his childhood.”

    „When he was younger, he was an ordinary boy, though silent. At the time he had no political interests.

    According to Anders Bering Breivik’s manifesto, he had a close relationship to his father until about 15 years age. According to him, the relations got colder during his ‘graffiti’ phase when he was 13-16 y.o. He also says his parents were labour party supporters.

  152. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011


    Stoltenberg’s speech at todays memorial service:

    Dear Majesties, dear Eskil, dear all. It is now nearly two days since Norway was hit by the greatest atrocity since the war. On Utøya and in Oslo. It feels like an eternity. There have been hours, days and nights filled with shock, despair, anger and tears. Today is the time for sorrow.

    Today we allow ourselves to stop.

    Commemorate the dead.

    Remember those who are no more.

    92 lives are lost. Several are still missing.

    video starts here.

    Each one of those who have passed away is a tragedy. Taken together, the loss a national tragedy.

    Still, we strive to comprehend the scope.

    Many of us knew someone who is gone. Even more know of any.

    I knew more.

    One of them was Monica. In around 20 years, she worked on Utøya. For many of us, she was Utøya.

    Now she is dead. Shot and killed while she created the care and safety for young people from across the country.

    Her husband John and daughters Victoria and Helene are in Drammen church today.

    It is so unfair. Please know that we weep with you.

    Another who has gone, the Tore Eikeland.

    Chair of Labour Youth in Bergen and one of our most talented young politicians.

    I remember that he got all the national congress of the Labour Party to cheer when he was a dedicated post on the EU postal directive, and won.

    Now he is dead. Gone forever. It is not to understand.

    These are two of those we have lost.

    We have lost many others, the Utøya and government building.

    Soon we get the name and picture on all. When the extent of the evil emerge in all its horror.

    There will be a new trial.

    But we will manage it well.

    Amid all the tragedy, I am proud to live in a country that has managed to stand at a critical time.

    I am impressed with how much dignity, care and strength that I have met.

    We are a small country but we are a proud people.

    We are still shaken by what hit us, but we never give up our values.

    Our answer is more democracy, more openness and more humanity. But never naivety.

    No one has said it better than AUF girl who was interviewed by CNN: „If one man can show so much hate, imagine how much love we can all show together.”

    Finally. Let me say to families across the country who have lost a loved one:

    You have my and all of Norway’s deepest sympathy in your grief.

    Not only that. The whole world feel with you.

    I have promised to convey condolences to you from Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Frederik Reinfeldt, Angela Merkel and many other heads of state and government.

    This can never replace the loss. Nothing can bring their loved ones back.

    But we need support and consolation when life is darkest.

    Now life is as dark as it can be.

    But please know that we are there for you.

  153. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Desfasurarea evenimentelor (Datasmurf)

    4:57 PM: Message to the captain on the ferry „Thorbjørn” that a police officer wishes transport from the main land to Utøya.
    5:26 PM: Northern Buskerud police department registers the first message about shooting at Utøya.
    5:30 PM: The operation central in Oslo PD recieves a message about shooting at Utøya.
    5:38 PM: Oslo PD recieves assistance request fron Northern Buskerud PD.
    5:52 PM: The first police patrol – from Northern Buskerud – arrives at the area. Has to wait for a usable boat.
    6:03 PM: Message that a boat is on its way.
    6:09 PM: The emergency squad from Oslo arrives the main land.
    6:25 PM: The emergency squad arrives at Utøya.
    6:27 PM: ABB is arrested.

  154. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Norway’s challenge (Jerusalem Post)

    Norway’s capital is where the Nobel Peace Prize is presented annually. And though Norway has troops in Afghanistan to bolster the allied forces there, the basically peaceful nature of Norwegians goes a long way to explaining the utter shock that has gripped the nation in the wake of the tragedy and the blatant incongruity of the conspicuous deployment of security forces in city centers to safeguard citizens.

    Now along with their dogged pursuit of peace, the Norwegians are also coming to grips with the reality of evil in their midst. It would be wrongheaded, however, to allow the fact that this terrible tragedy was perpetrated by a right-wing extremist to detract attention from the underlying problems faced not only by Norway, but by many Western European nations.

    Undoubtedly, there will be those – particularly on the Left – who will extrapolate out from Breivik’s horrific act that the real danger facing contemporary Europe is rightwing extremism and that criticism of multiculturalism is nothing more than so much Islamophobia.

    While it is still too early to determine definitively Breivik’s precise motives, it could very well be that the attack was more pernicious – and more widespread – than the isolated act of a lunatic. Perhaps Brievik’s inexcusable act of vicious terror should serve not only as a warning that there may be more elements on the extreme Right willing to use violence to further their goals, but also as an opportunity to seriously reevaluate policies for immigrant integration in Norway and elsewhere. While there is absolutely no justification for the sort of heinous act perpetrated this weekend in Norway, discontent with multiculturalism’s failure must not be delegitimatized or mistakenly portrayed as an opinion held by only the most extremist elements of the Right.

    Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel have both recently lamented the “failure of multiculturalism” in their respective countries.

    Amartya Sen, the 1998 Nobel Prize laureate for welfare economics from India, has noted how terribly impractical it is to believe that the coexistence of an array of cultures in close proximity will lead to peace. Without a shared cultural foundation, no meaningful communication among diverse groups is possible, Sen has argued.

    Norway, a country so oriented toward promoting peace, where the Muslim population is forecast to increase from 3 percent to 6.5% of the population by 2030, should heed Sen’s incisive analysis.

    The challenge for Norway in particular and for Europe as a whole, where the Muslim population is expected to account for 8% of the population by 2030 according to a Pew Research Center, is to strike the right balance. Fostering an open society untainted by xenophobia or racism should go hand in hand with protection of unique European culture and values.

    Europe’s fringe right-wing extremists present a real danger to society. But Oslo’s devastating tragedy should not be allowed to be manipulated by those who would cover up the abject failure of multiculturalism.

  155. Anca Cernea
    22 July 2011

    Ce-ar fi daca printre muzele care l-au inspirat pe Breivik s-ar numara niste rusi?
    Am vazut pe bloguri poloneze zvonuri despre posibile astfel de contacte. Si se pare ca un furnizor polonez i-a facut rost de ceva substante de trebuinta pentru atacuri.

    In orice caz, Breivik il admira pe Putin, ca si pe Obama, dealtfel. (Halal conservator crestin de dreapta! Breivik e un caz tipic de mentalitate revolutionara!)

    Ma intreb daca l-o fi citit pe Dughin. Texte asa, ca asta, de exemplu:
    (…) Europa are astăzi de ales: eurasianismul sau atlantismul. Sau merge cu Rusia sau cu America. Daca Noua Dreaptă Europeană ne alege pe noi, înseamnă ca alege elementul barbar, şi atunci trebuie să adopte metodele noastre. Trebuie să organizeze atacuri, să se ocupe de sabotaj, de dat foc, de aruncat în aer poduri. Adevaratul antiglobalism este distrugere şi teroare. (…) Desigur, trebuie citite carti, dar nu este suficient. Trebuie creată o gherilă. Dacă esti împotriva Noii Ordini Mondiale, ia un cuţit şi pune-ti o mască, iesi seara din casa şi omoara macar un yancheu. De aceea eu sunt atât de aproape de Noua Stanga, Brigăzile Roşii, Rote Armee Fraktion. Sarcina noastră nu se limiteaza la cultura, sarcina noastră este sa facem o adevărată revoluţie. (…)

    de la finalul interviului cu Aleksandr Dughin realizat de Grzegorz Górny de la Fronda, in martie 1998 la Moscova

  156. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Azi m-am uitat cu atentie in jurul meu. Ratia zilnica de ” informatie ” ce se distribuie gratuit in statiile de metrou conditionatilor ( ma refer la tabloide ) continea ” multiculturalism ” , „islam” si ” imigratie musulmana” in afara de Zavoranca, Pepe,Burlacita si Adi Minune. Conditionatii citeau ( multi, f. multi )pentru prima data cuvintele astea, si asta datorita Monstrului din Oslo care este ” fan Vlad Tepes „. Am comentat pe 23 iulie(@59), am comentat pe 24 iulie(@116), cred ca se observa o diferenta. Azi am sa spun ca, nici ars cu fierul rosu, nu asi mai scrie ce-am scris pe 23 iulie. Azi sunt de acord, in cea mai mare parte, cu cele spuse de roadrunner(@149).
    ” Avem cu toti o limita la care we snap. Limita norvegianului s-a dovedit extrem de scazuta” scrie roadrunner, si are dreptate. Stie cineva care este limita normala, sub care, poti sa induri orice sau peste care, este obligatoriu sa dai dovada de demnitate ?
    Intreb asta deoarece am observat ca, lasii ridica stacheta foarte sus !

  157. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Clipul video este cat se poate de critic la adresa lui Obama, tov. Hussein fiind mentionat la Cultural Marxist Deconstruction si pana acum nu am gasit nimic antiamerican la Breivik. He’s not your average terrorist.

  158. Anca Cernea
    22 July 2011

    Dar asta mi se pare mai important:

    Breivik fascinat de Putin

    „Democratia, care nu functioneaza in Europa, ar trebui inlocuita cu o forma de democratie condusa, amintind de cea din Rusia.”

    „Putin face impresia unui conducator drept si hotarat, care merita respect”.…..tinem.html

  159. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Anca, nu e nimic de substanta in ceea ce il priveste pe Obama, ii admira talentul de gargaragiu (oare inseamna ceva ca il citeaza – aiurea ce-i drept – pe J.S. Mill?). Mai interesant e ce spune despre Rusia si Vladimir Vladimirovici. Trebuie sa ma mai uit pe cartea lui, dar momentan nu o pot face.

  160. calehari
    22 July 2011

    ” Ma gandesc cu ironie trista ca Norvegia, care a declarat , printr-o voce oficiala ca, ” este o societate deschisa si fara bariere „, a fost victima celui mai mare masacru care a avut loc in acesta tara dupa al doilea razboi mondial, asta in timp ce, Israelul, nu a fost niciodata mai bine securizat in fata tentativelor de atentate teroriste ca dupa construirea zidului de securitate ridicat in calea infiltrarilor teroriste.Bineinteles ca, deplangand acest atentat( mai putin conteaza cine l-a comis) speram ca Norvegia va intelege insfarsit necesitatea barierelor create pentru a salva vieti omenesti, care nu trebuie sa dispara decat atunci cand amenintarea cu atentate va lua sfarsit ” a spus, tot cu ironie trista, Nisso Amzar -JSS NEWS. Tinerele victime si ceilalti tineri din tabara de vara de pe insula Otoya, vizitata joi de Jonas Gahr Store ministrul de externe norvegian, afisau bannere cu BOICOT ISRAEL si RECUNOASTETI PALESTINA.

  161. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    Evenimentul asta le va zdruncina, macar putin, increderea ca pot sa faca ce vor. Frica este o chestie extrem de sanatoasa… De-acum inainte vor sti (daca n-au stiut pina acum) ca li se poate intimpla si asa ceva.

    Roadrunner, te inseli inca din asumptie, si o sa incerc sa arat in cateva cuvinte de ce.

    In primul rand eroarea personificarii false. E vorba de preluarea, fara discernamant, a unor imagini caracteriale produse de o presa ce tinde, in virtutea specializarii, sa fabrice evenimente si personaje publice, in loc sa le prezinte cu acuratete si obiectivitate. Ca atare Bervik, criminal de drept comun, este automat prezentat publicului ca un atentator politic si, in subsidiar, ca un comunicator de seama [care va deveni treptat, dupa cum se oberva deja, si reprezentativ] al unei ideologii. Deci, dumneata iei dea gata personajul basmului modern, nu individul din spatele povestii nascocite la repezeala de niste autorii cu preconceptii solide asupra realitatii.

    O a doua eroare, supozitiile asupra fricii. Presupui ca frica este in sine benefica. Fals. Un om inspaimantat va actiona cu atat mai mult sub imperiul instinctelor, pierzand treptat controlul asupra propriului arbitru. Un om speriat este mai usor de controlat decat un lucid rational. Frica indusa de acest eveniment depaseste potentiala valoare de adevar a textelor publicate de Bervig [atentie: publicate, nu concepute sau gandite, asta ramane de stabilit], iar acumularea noilor temeri se constituie deja in capital politic in beneficiul victimelor politice ale criminalui [din moment ce din start a fost prezentat drept atentator politic], este acum utilizat ca instrument al propagandei ce stimuleaza la maxim fiorii prospeti ai macelului. Increderea politrucilor socialisti in propriile forte NU scade, ci este potentata de eveniment, pentru ca au constatat cu aceasta ocazie ca niciun nebun nu poate sa’i atinga [si nu pentru ca fortele de securitate ar fi fost vigilente si bine pregatite, ci datorita hazardului, dar capeteniile stangii vor intepreta aceasta ca pe o protectie divina de care ar beneficia, pentru ca misticismul a inlocuit demult ratiunea acestor apostati] , caci victimele masacrului provin din baza de slujbasi marunti ai partidului si din masa simplilor cetateni. Frica nu a fost sadita in mintile conducerilor luminate ale Partidului, ci in sufletelor supusilor ce aderasera la cauza, ca atare, nevoia de tatuc protector atinge astazi punctul de fierbere al isteriei colectiviste ce reclama instalarea unui far calauzitor si a unui zid nou de masuri impotriva dusmanilor cauzei. Frica a fost dintotdeauna speculata de capeteniile mesianice ale marxismului [iar aici intra desigur si liderii fascisti interbelici], iar acum li s’a ivit o oportunitate de nesperat. De’acum inainte este deschis antagonismul intre gruparile de dreapta, partinice sau nu, si partidele-stat socialiste ce vor lua masuri din ce in ce mai represive, chipurile, pentru a ocroti populatia si a o salva de cruciadele dezlantuite de calaii crestini si conservatori. Asta pentru ca toti acesti sarmani imbecili vor sti, asa cum spui tu, ca oricand li se poate intampla asa-ceva, si, ca atare, vor accepta cu usurinta orice act represiv al statului ba chiar unii vor cere cu insistenta ca aripa protectoare a statului sa reteze capetele conspiratiilor de dreapta care le pun vietile in pericol.

    Revin la calitatea de comunicator ideologic conferita de presa acestui criminal. In functie de culoarea politica a publicului receptor al mesajelor lansate de ucigas si colportate de presa, putem califica si categorisi materialul ideologic astfel: redundant si tautologic pentru conservatori [nu numai ca nu aduce nimic nou, dar prin stilul bombastic reuseste sa alature o doctrina sanatoasa nationala unor fantasmagorii precum fuziunea mitologica crestino-masonica]; ilustrativ, explicativ pentru junimea ignoranta, apolitica [de’acum ei vor regurgita schemele gandirii bolnave ale sceleratului drept definitii ale dreptei si ale conservatorismului, cu tot tacamul de trasneli si conspiratii inghesuite in compunerile acestui razvratit cu atat de mult timp liber pentru exprimarea frustrarilor]; confirmativ, pentru marea masa a stangistilor, socialisti, progresisti, neoliberali, ce nju vor avea niciun scrupul sa instrumentalizeze politic cazul patologic bervik.

    Putem sesiza astfel ca actul de teroare savarsit de bervik este extrem de daunator pentru toata dreapta, inclusiv pentru libertarieni. Ingusteaza campul de expresie al ideilor conservatoare care sint tot mai asimilate cu o forma de extremism de o presa lobotomizata si intrata definitiv in solda extremei stangi ce a atins si partial distrus inca o reduta a neutralitatii spatiului public, anume blogosfera independenta, neafiliata politic, dar cu simpatii si conceptii asemanatoare dreptei politizate. Din moment ce aria de recrutare a electoratului si cotizantilor dreptei a fost restransa prin demonizarea in ansamblu a ideilor conservatoare putem vorbi de o criza mediatica declansata de eveniment. Invesmantarea doctrinelor dreptei in firele desprinse din coconul imund, vicios al teroristului crestin va fi ocupatia de seama a tuturor mazgalitorilor de vespasiene populare cu pretentii de gazeta. Nu cred ca un ganditor de dreapta lucid poate respinge pe motiv de frivolitate impactul acestei campanii ce defaimeaza in bloc conservatorismul si ideile de dreapta, si nici nu cred ca minimalizarea efectelor negative ajuta in vreun fel. Sintem in plin razboi ideologic, iar luarea in deradere a gherilelor de jurnalisti asmutite asupra noastra ne slabeste capacitatea de reactie rapida si repliere. Ar trebui sa evaluam daunele produse de ucigas si mai ales de darele lasate in virtual de acest melc meticulos si toxic, si sa atacam prin acuzarea presei stangiste de contributii la proliferarea terorismului islamist ce a servit drept model pentru acest psihopat, de speculare marsava a suferintei unor tineri inocenti, de deturnare a atentiei publicului de la problemele reale create de imigratia scapata de sub control.

    ps. corifeii socialisti au si inceput campania de atasare a teroristului pe chipul conservatorimului. mistificarea e in toi. a se vedea materialul propagandist al scribului rfi-ist cuibarit pe contributors.

  162. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    „Anders Breivik este noul avatar al terorismului mondial”

    „Breivik reprezintă, în opinia mea, un nou avatar al terorismului mondial, al fundamentalismului creştin născut ca reacţie la atacurile de la 11 septembrie 2001. Curentului antiguvernamental i s-au adăugat alte două tematici mobilizatoare: islamofobia şi ura faţă de multiculturalism, perceput ca arma folosită de islamişti pentru invadarea Europei”, explică Guidère.

    cam tarzie reactia asta – au trecut 10 ani de atunci.
    si cine credeti ca e de vina?

    Potrivit acestuia, în perioada 2000-2008, când preşedinte al Statelor Unite a fost George W. Bush, Washingtonul „a privilegiat o abordare religioasă şi dihotomică a lumii, o logică a conflictului: civilizaţia musulmană contra civilizaţiei creştine”.

    pai cine sa fie de vina daca nu bush?
    auzi! curentului antiguvernamental din europa!
    probabil ala din grecia care a afisat pe acropole bannere despre cum comunismul va salva elenii in timp ce pe strazi se servea haosul.

  163. dr pepper
    22 July 2011

    foarte buna analiza lui eunuke.

  164. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    euNuke, am vazut ce a aparut pe RFI, lucrez la asta. Am mai gasit cateva articole de interes, dar nu le mentionez pentru ca nu doresc sa avertizez pe nimeni asupra a ceea ce scriu. Stai sa vezi cand o sa intre in actiune bolsevicii criticatacanti.

  165. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Conspiraţie în pădurea norvegiană

    În realitate, războiul mizerabil în care s-a înscris umanitatea de câteva decenii încoace nu are de-a face nici cu islamismul, nici cu creştinismul. Acesta e doar praf în ochii prostimii. E vorba de cuvinte mult mai puţin frumoase – petrol şi ţiţei -, în faţa cărora se închină mai-marii lumii.

    M. Mihaies este cel putin dezamagitor. Petrol si titei? Poftim?

  166. calehari
    22 July 2011

    “ In manifestul intitulat – 2083 O declaratie de independenta europeeana- si publicat sub numele Andrew Berwick, Israelul este mentionat de cel putin 300 de ori, intotdeauna intr-o lumina pozitiva.In scrierile sale Breivik, pare a fi un sionist inflacarat, laudand statul evreu al lui Teodor Herzl.El ataca establismentul politic europeean, condus de UE, care refuza sa sustina Israelul in avantajul unei politici ce vinde Europa, Sharia.
    Breivik surprinde cititorul, trebuie sa o marturisim, cu o cunostere aprofundata a hatisurilor politicii interne israeliene.El face elogiul primului ministru Netanyiahu si a coalitiei sale- Este interesant de notat ca Netanyahu agasit deja aliati in adevarata dreapta formata din Israel Beitenu si religiosii Shass. Pacat ca, coalitia sa nu s-a transformat intr-o alianta a dreptei. Dar asta din cauza administratiei Obama- scrie el.
    Breivik demonstreaza totodata familiarizarea sa cu mediul universitar si media israeliana, dand citate din profesori universitari ca Eyal Zisser si Itamar Rabinovici si mentionand mai multe organisme media israeliene ca Israel Hayom si Arutz Sheva – Sa punem capat ajutorului prostesc acordat palestinienilor pe care Eurabienii l-au incurajat si sa incepem sa sustinem pe varul nostrum cultural , Israelul- scrie el.
    Un pic mai departe el il critica pe Charles De Gaulle, pentru vina de a fi creat o alianta cu tarile arabe in scopul pastrarii imperiului colonial si de a fi un concurent americanilor si sovieticilor.
    In manifestul sau , Breivik critica dur tara sa de origine, Norvegia, pentru decizia de a acorda Premiul Nobel conducatorului palestinian Yasser Arafat, dupa Acordul de la Oslo 1993.” O parte din articolul scris pe JSSNEWS, de Amos Lerah.

  167. Toma Alimos
    22 July 2011

    Atentatorul e un criminal nebun, frustrat cu un tata socialist care l-a parasit. Un om care il aprecia pe PutinV. Cum poate fi un asemenea om numit crestin? Un imbecil cuprins de porniri revolutionare care se mai credea conservator. Evident bolnav! Toata lumea isi aduce aminte ca vorbea putin. Era si MASON! Poate cineva la loja a suflat spre el si l-a instrumentat… Ar fi de investigat cu cine era coleg de loja? Cine erau „fratii”? Nu se poate exclude o conspiratie masonica. Omul era prea mandru de aceasta apartenenta ca sa nu fie influentat.

  168. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Norvegia oficina Islamului :
    -Jostein Gaarder, autorul bestseller-ului mondial “ Lumea lui Sophie “, a publicat un editorial in urma cu cativa ani in care isi declara dispretul total fata de Israel si poporul evreu. In fata celor cateva voci care au criticat antisemitismul lui s-a ridicat ca un zid cele mai proeminente personalitati ale elitei culturale norvegiene.
    – Mollahul Krekar, un criminal odios, un ucigas de copii, seful orgazatiei teroriste irakiene Ansar Al Islam, traieste de 20 de ani intr-un frumos si elegant apartament din Oslo, pe banii contribuabilului norvegian. De-a lungul anilor media norvegiana l-a prezentat pe acest criminal drept un un bunic sarmant si respectabil , orice incercare a unor oameni politici norvegieni de a-l expulza pe acest criminal esuand din cauza sistemului.
    – In ianuarie 2006, Vebyorn Selbekk , editorul unei mici publicatii evanghelice a publicat caricaturile olandeze cu Mahomed, aruncand media si intelighentia norvegiana in haos.S-au facut presiuni de la cel mai inalt nivel asupra lui Selbekk sa isi ceara scuze , pentru ca a indraznit sa-si exercite dreptul la libera exprimare . Pe 10 februarie Selbekk a cedat , prezentand scuze imamilor norvegieni. O delegatie a bisericii norvegiene, condusa de un episcop, s-a deplasat de urgenta in Yemen pentru a-i duce vestea cea buna , insotita de inca un rand de scuze umile, teologului Yussef Al- Qaradawi, considerat un papa al Islamului.
    -In februarie 2010, in piata unde Vidkun Quisling isi tinea celebrele discursuri, o mica armata de musulmani, barbosi si imbracati in djelaballe, l-au ascultat pe Mohyeldin Mohammed, amenintand guvernul norvegian cu un nou 11 septembrie. O demonstratie de forta care nu a provocat nici o reactie din partea celor cuceriti.
    – In aceste zile Jonas Gahr Store, ministrul de externe al Norvegiei , a declarat ca tara sa sustine la ONU, eforturile presedintelui Palestinian Mahmud Abbas pentru obtinerea recunoasterii statului Palestinian . In 2009, la Conferinta asupra rasismului, cand Ahmadinejad delira contra Israelului de la tribuna, Jonas Store a fost singurul diplomat occidental care n-a parasit sala.
    – Jorn Holme, seful serviciilor de securitate ale politiei norvegiene, prezent in urma cu cativa ani la reuniune organizata de Asociatia Studentilor Musulamani i-a denigrat pe norvegienii etnici spunand “ Sunt prea prosti pentru a intelege ca nu exista vreo legatura intre Islam si terrorism “. Nu au fost singurele perle scoase pe gura de Jorn Holme care a declarat ca “ SUA sunt cel mai mare violator al drepturilor omului din lume “

  169. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Am luat la rand toata cartea lui Breivik cu Search pe Putin si Obama. Il admira pe Putin pentru calitatile sale de lider (sunt curios care dintre noi ar putea sa le nege; se ofera cineva?) si recomanda, stupid, miscarile de tineret din Rusia ca fiind un model pentru eventuale miscari de tineret conservatoare. In schimb, il ataca pe Obama pentru stangismul sau, dar condamna conservatorismul american ca fiind o varianta de liberalism*. Breivik nu il lauda pe Obama si nici nu spune ca trebuie toti sa devenim Putin. De altfel, considera ca prezenta militara americana in Europa nu face altceva decat sa dea europenilor impresia ca pot ramane la nesfarsit niste paraziti care traiesc pe seama altora, oferindu-se astfel elitei-parazite sansa de a-si duce mai departe traiul distructiv.

    Anders Behring Breivik A omorat o multime de oameni, asa ca nu e nevoie sa ii mai gasim nu stiu ce alte pacate imaginare. ????

    * ceea ce nu pare deloc o exagerare cand vezi, asa cum am vazut si eu, incapacitatea americana de a intelege ca natiunile europene sunt fundametal distincte de cea americana; Gates of Vienna a fost excomunicat din blogosfera anglosaxona intocmai pentru ca a sustinut ca natiunile europene sunt comunitati etnice, transformarea lor in Americi in miniatura fiind nici mai mult, nici mai putin decat o nebunie. Colegii din blogosfera americana erau revoltati ca un negru nu ar putea fi considerat francez, neamt, italian, roman, etc., si ii acuzau de rasism pe toti cei care indrazneau sa creada altfel. Asta este o intelegere liberala a lumii, una ce tradeaza o ignoranta completa in ceea ce priveste unicitatea continentului european.

  170. calehari
    22 July 2011

    GEORGE MARCHAIS primul rasist francez de extrema dreapta !! Am dat peste ceva supertare! Cine credeti ca se pronunta cu tarie impotriva imigrarii oficiale si clandestine in Franta in anul 1981 cand deja in tara erau 4,5 milioane de imigranti ? GEORGE MARCHAIS, chiar secretarul general al PCF.!!
    ” Avand in vedere prezenta in Franta a peste 4,5 milioane de muncitori imigranti, impreuna cu familiile lor, continuarea imigrarii pune astazi probleme grave”
    ” Se gasesc ingramaditi in ghetouri, muncitori si familiile lor cu traditii, limba si cu un fel de viata diferit de la francezilor . ACEST LUCRU FACE DIFICILA RELATIA LOR CU FRANCEZII ” !!! – Dintr-o scrisoare trimisa imamului moscheii din Paris si publicata in L’ Humanite.

  171. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Poate nu ma prind eu, Calehari, dar…
    1. nu e rasism;
    2. e unul dintre putinele lucruri bune pe care le-a facut George Marchais. ????
    Unde l-ai gasit?

  172. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Statement from SIOA and SIOE on Norway murders

    Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Anders Gravers, Stephen Gash and everyone in SIOA and SIOE are profoundly grieved by the murders in Norway. There is nothing more painful for a parent than to lose a child, and to do so in such a way is a horror beyond measure that no words can mitigate. We stand in sympathy with the victims’ families and all the people of Norway.

    His crimes are a vivid manifestation of everything we stand against as individuals and in our organizations. This calculating and vicious mass murderer’s reported motivation in political fanaticism makes the evil he has done all the more heinous. We stand and have always stood against the evil of using violence for political and religious goals, and against all political and religious fanaticism. We stand and have always stood against the use of violence to advance any political agenda.

    This disgusting neo-Nazi, whom we excluded from SIOE because of his Nazi ties, epitomizes the disrespect for life and the contempt for humane values that terrorism embodies, and that we have dedicated our lives to resisting. Whether the challenge to human rights and to the dignity of the human person comes from neo-Nazis or Islamic supremacists, we are determined to continue to resist it, and to do everything in our power to defend the principles of freedom upon which the best of human civilization has always been based.

    In this great defense of human rights, we stand with the free people of Norway, and of free people everywhere in the world where the human spirit is struggling against oppression and injustice.

    The character assassination of Robert Spencer (David Horowitz)

    Oslo and the Dangers of Moral Equivalence

    The revelation that the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks in Oslo, Anders Behring Breivik, is a self-described Christian and conservative is sure to provoke an outburst of the moral equivalence favored by apologists for jihadism. Ever since 9/11, those unwilling to confront the theology of violence in Islam have relied on the tu quoque fallacy––“you do it too”––to dismiss the role of Islamic doctrine in Muslim terrorism. In this argument, all religions have violent extremists, and so it is irrational bigotry to suggest that there’s something in Islam that makes such violence more acceptable and legitimate.

    After 9/11, for example, the fact that the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was a nominal Methodist was presented as evidence for Christian terrorism––even though he died a self-professed unrepentant agnostic––or used as an example of how religious affiliation had nothing to do with Muslim violence, as Greg Easterbrook did in his book The Progress Paradox . The tendentious depiction of the Crusades in popular culture, as in Ridley Scott ’s historically ignorant Kingdom of Heaven, went even further, suggesting that Christianity’s record of religiously inspired violence was worse than Islam’s. More recently, during Representative Pete King’s hearings into Muslim extremism in America, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee scolded King for ignoring “Christian militants.”

    Or consider the six-hour CNN documentary, God’s Warriors, which appeared in 2007. Its host Christine Amanpour not only equated the tiny number of Christian and Jewish terrorists with the vastly greater number of jihadists, but also implied that Jewish militants were the cause of Muslim violence: “The impact of God’s Jewish warriors goes far beyond these rocky hills [i.e. Jewish West Bank settlements]. The Jewish settlements have inflamed much of the Muslim world.” So, too, historian of religion Philip Jenkins, who told NPR that “the Islamic scriptures in the Quran [concerning war] were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible.” The serial apologist for jihad John Esposito wrote in his book Unholy War, “Terrorists can attempt to hijack Islam and the doctrine of jihad, but that is no more legitimate than Christian and Jewish extremists committing their acts of terrorism in their own unholy wars in the name of Christianity and Judaism.” An atheist Richard Dawkins makes the same argument, alleging that Christian fundamentalists “fuel their tanks at the same holy gas station” as Muslim terrorists.

    The absurdity of these arguments is patent. First, the number of attacks attributable to self-professed Christian terrorists is miniscule compared to the toll of Islamic jihadists––17,489 since 9/11, as counted and documented by Religion of Peace. More important, though the former terrorists may call themselves Christian, only a tiny handful of Christians would accept that label, contrary to the wide acceptance and approval of jihadist terrorism that can be found throughout the Muslim world. For example, a recent Pew survey found that one in five people in Egypt view al Qaeda favorably, the same percentage in supposedly moderate Indonesia, figures representing over 60 million people. It is unimaginable that a similar survey about Breivik would generate anything more than a rounding-error’s worth of Christians supporting him.

    This fact reflects the most obvious fallacy behind the moral equivalence argument: the complete lack of anything remotely resembling a theology of violence in the Bible. Yes, there is plenty of blood and guts in the Old Testament, but as Raymond Ibrahim points out, the references to those battles are “descriptive, not prescriptive,” and reflect history rather than theology. There is nothing in the Bible remotely similar to the numerous commands to wage war against the infidel that can be found in the Koran, the hadiths, the biographies of Mohammed, and 14 centuries of Islamic jurisprudence, commentary, history, and theology.


  173. Liberalul
    22 July 2011

    @Vlad M.

    Breivik nu il lauda pe Obama si nici nu spune ca trebuie toti sa devenim Putin. De altfel, considera ca prezenta militara americana in Europa nu face altceva decat sa dea europenilor impresia ca pot ramane la nesfarsit niste paraziti care traiesc pe seama altora, oferindu-se astfel elitei-parazite sansa de a-si duce mai departe traiul distructiv.

    Breivik a initiat 3 companii, dar de fiecare data a intrat in insolventa dupa scurt timp. A fost un incompetent, un terchea berchea care facea umbra pamintului degeaba. A devenit un psihopat… incercind sa se bage si el in seama (iote cum il ridicati pe terchea-berchea in slavi)

  174. Pataphyl
    22 July 2011

    E miezul nopții în R.D.G. Numai bine să intre în tură liberalul redegist să ne dea Mehr Licht – foc cu foc, să ajungă la toată lumea! :mrgreen:

  175. Silvapro
    22 July 2011

    Foarte multi oameni nu reusesc in afaceri, deschid si inchid mai multe companii decit respectivul, sau tot schimba serviciul, unii chiar nu prea lucreaza de loc. Dar asta nu-i face si psihopati.

  176. euNuke
    22 July 2011

    mai nasol e cand astfel de terchea-berchea-psihopupu se hotarasc sa’si incerce norocul si’n politica, dupa ce au distrus 2-3 afaceri, ale lor sau ale parintilor. si mai dezastruos este cand intra in politica sub pulpana liberalismului, ca, deh, doar vin din sfera afacerilor. si, dupa ce ajung pe cai mari se apuca sa torpileze si afacerile altora. iar munca asidua a acestor terchea-berchea-cu-slujba-la-stat se transforma in terorism de stat. am putea sa’l definim drept terorism liberal [ca vizeaza tarabagii, hangii si papugii, adica vechea baza a liberalilor care acum le pute rau finutilor din noul liberalism], ca tot se poarta titulaturile astea stiintifico-fantastice in massmedia cand vine vorba de atentatori politici.

  177. calehari
    22 July 2011

    Vlad M@177. Am spus-o ironic, pentru ca, azi, stanga franceza, ii acuza pe cei care se opun imigrarii, de rasism. Putem vedea acum, ca prima voce care s-a ridicat in Franta contra imigrarii a fost a unui comunist, a celui mai mare, si nu a fost vocea lui Jean- Marie Le Pen. Am gasit-o intamplator ” cotrobaind” prin niste site-uri franceze. E mai mult si este foarte interesant, am sa traduc zilele astea, daca te intereseaza.

  178. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011


    Breivik a initiat 3 companii, dar de fiecare data a intrat in insolventa dupa scurt timp. A fost un incompetent, un terchea berchea care facea umbra pamintului degeaba. A devenit un psihopat… incercind sa se bage si el in seama (iote cum il ridicati pe terchea-berchea in slavi)

    Unde l-am ridicat in slavi? Cumva stating facts intra la ridicat in slavi? Gandire de stangist.

  179. Vlad P.
    22 July 2011

    Socialistul, nu Liberalul

  180. Vlad M.
    22 July 2011

    Pamela Geller strikes back at NY Times for tying her to Oslo shooter
    In defense of Robert Spencer (Daniel Greenfeld)
    Accept Jihad, Or Children Will Die (Robert Spencer)
    Statement of Geert Wilders concerning the massacre in Norway

    The brutal murder of dozens of innocent Norwegian civilians several days ago, has shocked the Freedom Party (Dutch PVV). We mourn and stand by the Norwegian people who suffer from a massive blow.

    The manifesto of the perpetrator makes clear that this is a madman. He wants to work with Al Qaeda (which he cherishes great admiration for), crave the bombing of cities, dreams of knights themselves surgically mutilate and wants to meet his hero Karadzic.

    Breivik also refers to the Netherlands. That the fight against Islam by a psychopath violently abused is disgusting and a slap in the face of the global anti-Islamic movement. It fills me with disgust that the perpetrator to the PVV and me refers in his manifesto.

    PVV nor I are responsible for a lone idiot who twisted the freedom-loving anti-Islamization ideals violently abused, no matter how much some people would like that. We are democrats at heart. The Freedom Party has never, ever called for violence and will never do. We believe in the power of the ballot box and the wisdom of the voter. Not bombs and guns.

    We fight for a democratic and nonviolent means against the further Islamisation of society and will continue to do so. The preservation of our freedom and security is our only goal.

    Geert Wilders

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